Leveraging Pro Bono Outreach A Professional Development Tool from Associateship to Partnership by Mary Frances Palisano, Debra A. Clifford, Kaitlyn E. Stone and Charlotte M. Howells B eyond the obvious benefits of pro bono out- hours, they are required to complete an assigned pro bono case, reach to low-income individuals and New Jer- no matter how many hours it may require, barring the appli- sey’s legal system, pro bono work is deeply cability of certain exemptions. rewarding and can be crucial to an attorney’s Accordingly, prior to joining private practice, or pursuing professional development at any stage of legal any other legal opportunity as an admitted attorney, law stu- practice. Associates embarking on the path to dents are well-advised, even if not required, to engage in pro partnership, interested in future positions as corporate coun- bono work. By pursuing pro bono work early, future lawyers lay sel, or who may someday hang a shingle of their own are well- the path for becoming well-rounded, well-practiced members advised to take on pro bono clients to assist with professional of the bar. development, including attaining valuable client relations Pro Bono as a Catalyst for Associate Development experience and forming early familiarity with the courts. More seasoned attorneys can utilize their pro bono service to Newly minted attorneys who choose to join a law firm as nurture existing client relationships or to assist with business new associates may find they are underprepared for the prac- development, as well as develop skills in a new practice area tical challenges of the profession. Indeed, most new associates or hone already developed legal skills. Thus, pro bono legal out- lack the empirical skills more seasoned attorneys develop reach serves a vital role in private practice, across numerous through time and experience. No matter the size of the firm, areas of the law, and throughout various stages of an attor- a new associate will likely find it difficult to gain valuable, ney’s career. hands-on skills in their early years. In such a scenario, pro bono legal outreach offers an unparalleled opportunity for an asso- Pro Bono as a Prerequisite to Practice ciate to develop skills not taught in law school outside of a Though New Jersey has not adopted a pre-admission pro clinic program. bono requirement, 1 many of the state’s law schools encourage Through pro bono work, newer attorneys can develop con- completion of a certain amount of pro bono hours, particularly fidence, gain leadership experience, and learn case manage- in light of New York’s 50-hour pre-admission requirement. 2 ment skills. Associates can also gain negotiation, transaction- Participating in pro bono opportunities prior to graduation al, or even trial experience by handling pro bono cases, which offers law students the opportunity to gain experience in are not experiences readily available early in an attorney’s diverse areas of the law, develop professionalism and practice career. Beyond these functional advantages, pro bono legal out- legal skills that will lay a foundation for a solid legal career reach provides opportunities to network both internally and post-admission. externally, develop business, and garner respect within the bar Further, law students who engage in pro bono opportunities and community. For these reasons, commitment to pro bono prepare themselves for the pro bono requirement for attorneys work is an essential tool in a new associate’s kit. admitted in New Jersey. Pursuant to Madden v. Delran , 3 admit- ted attorneys are required to accept assignments for pro bono Exposure to Clients legal assistance to indigent parties. While admitted attorneys A talented attorney must come equipped with an array of are not required to complete a certain number of pro bono skills in his or her arsenal for the practice of law. While young 29 N EW J ERSEY L AWYER | O CTOBER 2017 NJSBA . COM
attorneys begin to glean many of these pro bono client could be a chance to the state’s most vulnerable individuals. talents, ranging from critical thinking to determine whether litigation is a viable A law firm’s willingness to support a brief writing, through law school or per- option. Furthermore, court appearances meaningful pro bono program can lead haps during a clerkship before joining in pro bono matters equip associates with to retention of skilled partners by the ranks of private practice, often the new networking opportunities in the strengthening morale and offering an opportunity to develop one key ability form of meeting practitioners on the alternative to traditional business and in particular eludes the young attorney: opposing side of the pro bono matter. professional development. effectively communicating with clients. Thus, the most attractive piece of pro Pro bono work grants associates the bono representation provides a number Benefits of Pro Bono chance to manage their own file and of opportunities aside from the chance While providing a crucial legal serv- cultivate their own direct relationship to appear in court. ice, pro bono work can assist firm part- with the client. Through face-to-face ners by honing legal skills, nurturing meetings with pro bono clients, attorneys Internal Teambuilding existing client relationships, and creat- have occasion to flex some of the skills Many young attorneys interested in ing business development opportuni- that are especially important to the suc- pro bono work may hesitate to get ties. Forward-thinking firms may even cessful practice of law, including under- involved out of fear that the available partner with clients and potential standing client needs, techniques for opportunities require specialized knowl- clients to work on pro bono projects, clearly and effectively communicating edge outside of their field. For instance, which can be an integral component of legal issues to non-lawyers, and the par- many pro bono programs lean toward client relations and business develop- ticularly nuanced task of managing providing assistance in criminal and ment. Pro bono work also provides men- client expectations. Pro bono representa- domestic violence matters. For attorneys toring opportunities for partners to tion also affords associates that fulfilling who have never entered an appearance share their legal knowledge with newer moment of informing the client of good in the criminal or family part, taking on attorneys, which assists in cultivating a news in a case, whether it be that a peti- such a case may seem daunting. Howev- new crop of skilled attorneys on the tion for expungement was granted or a er, these opportunities still provide pathway to partnership. young student’s particular education- attorneys invaluable experience and related troubles in school have been exposure. Intra-firm collaboration pro- Expansion of Legal Practice resolved. vides an invaluable solution to over- Pro bono work can also be an avenue coming this dilemma. By partnering for more seasoned attorneys to develop Exposure to Courts with a peer or more experienced attor- an expertise in an area of the law they Perhaps the most popular draw for ney on a matter, an attorney gains con- may wish to pursue. Through pro bono young attorneys to pro bono work is the fidence to provide competent represen- outreach, attorneys who are considering chance to appear in court. The early tation to a client in need, while building branching out into another area of law years of an associate’s career are often relationships within his or her firm. Par- can make contacts and gain experience focused on the nuts and bolts of their ticularly at larger firms, where attorneys beyond their substantive practice area. particular practice, and inherent in that may not have the opportunity to work Once a partner commits to a practice process is spending much of his or her across multiple departments, pro bono group or area of specialty, he or she time hard at work in the office. Pro bono work offers a rare opportunity for inter- tends to practice in that area for the work affords associates the chance to nal team building. In turn, a pro bono duration of his or her career. Taking on represent client interests in court per- client gets the benefit of a team of a pro bono matter opens the door to haps far earlier than the young attorney lawyers devoted to his or her case. other areas of the law and can assist an would appear otherwise. This is yet attorney in developing a new practice Pro Bono and Partnership Longevity another opportunity for an associate to group at his or her firm. begin hammering out skills usually Pro bono work can enrich an attor- Conclusion focused on later in one’s career, ranging ney’s practice at the partnership level as from witness preparation to trial work. well. Regardless of career stage, attor- Pro Bono outreach serves a vital role For this reason, pro bono representation neys in New Jersey have ample opportu- in New Jersey. Not only can pro bono may be particularly appealing to non-lit- nity to engage in pro bono work and reap outreach be rewarding and meaningful igators considering a change of practice; substantial benefits while providing to the volunteer attorney, it can provide preparing and appearing on behalf of a much-needed legal assistance to some of life-altering results for clients in need. In 30 N EW J ERSEY L AWYER | O CTOBER 2017 NJSBA . COM
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