awe transformation from php5 to php7 hello

Awe transformation from php5 to php7 ! Hello! I am Tejomay Saha I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Awe transformation from php5 to php7 ! Hello! I am Tejomay Saha I am here because I love to express to you people. You can find me at @tejomayonline All the source codes for this topic is in ( ) Working at Srijan

  1. Awe transformation from php5 to php7 !

  2. Hello! I am Tejomay Saha I am here because I love to express to you people. You can find me at @tejomayonline All the source codes for this topic is in ( )

  3. Working at Srijan Technologies pvt. Ltd. As a Full Stack Developer

  4. 1. Late static binding Includes in php 5.3.0

  5. “ binding late in runtime for inheritance feature to static properties

  6. Magic Constants ◍ __LINE__ ◍ __FILE__ ◍ __DIR__ ◍ __FUNCTION__ ◍ __CLASS__ ◍ __TRAIT__ ◍ __METHOD__ ◍ __NAMESPACE__ ◍ ClassName::class

  7. Magic Methods ◍ __sleep()/__wakeup() ◍ __toString() ◍ __invoke() ◍ __debuginfo() ◍ __construct() ◍ __destruct() ◍ __call() ◍ __callStatic() ◍ __set(),__get(),__isset(),__unset()

  8. Useful Native methods 1. call_user_function_array() 2. array_walk()/array_walk_recursive() 3. array_filter() 4. array_column() 5. array_count_values() 6. array_key_exists()

  9. Generators/iterators It is helping without removing the datas with return,yielding it to keep in shared memory and iterate through arrays.

  10. Opcache ,splat operator 1. Php opcache module for internal code cache. 2. Dynamic arguments passing with Splat operator … (php5.6)

  11. Anonymous Classes /function,Traits 1. Using anonymous functions for rapid used in anonymous classes feature is included. 2. Trait aka an inheritance ,reusable feature to improve feature of single inheritance.

  12. DI

  13. IOC/DIC

  14. SOLID First 5 principles of OOPs

  15. SOLID? 1. S - Single-responsibility principle 2. O - Open-closed principle 3. L - Liskov substitution principle 4. I - Interface segregation principle 5. D - Dependency Inversion Principle

  16. Why SOLID? 1. Roboust 2. Uniform 3. Easily manageable 4. Extendable 5. Coding standard 6. Most of the frameworks using it. 7. Modular approach

  17. Design Patterns

  18. Why Design Patterns? 1. Uniform programming style. 2. Binds to programming paradigm 3. Language agnostic 4. Patterns are made for better architecture 5. Problem solving with new ideas of design

  19. Design Patterns 1. Creational Patterns - (factory,prototype,singleton etc). 2. Structural Patterns - (facade etc.) 3. Behavioral Patterns - (Iterator etc.)

  20. Be In Present Moment ???


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