avoiding circular repetitions

Avoiding Circular Repetitions Hamoon Mousavi and Jeffrey Shallit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Avoiding Circular Repetitions Hamoon Mousavi and Jeffrey Shallit School of Computer Science University of Waterloo sh2mousa@uwaterloo.ca Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference CanaDAM June 10, 2013 H. Mousavi (University of

  1. Avoiding Circular Repetitions Hamoon Mousavi and Jeffrey Shallit School of Computer Science University of Waterloo sh2mousa@uwaterloo.ca Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference CanaDAM June 10, 2013 H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 1 / 31

  2. Avoidability The seminal paper of Axel Thue (1906). Thue asked the existence of an infinite word over the alphabet { a , b , c } that avoids squares , i.e., factors of the form xx . Constructed a squarefree word by iterating the following morphism a → abcab b → acabcb c → acbcacb Iterating it gives us a → abcab → abcabacabcbacbcacbabcabacabcb → · · · Ternary alphabet is the smallest with an infinite squarefree word. H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 2 / 31

  3. Various themes Is the pattern ABCBABC avoidable? Is it 3 -avoidable ? Smallest n for which P is n -avoidable? Decidability Over circular words (necklaces) Smallest avoidable exponent (repetition threshold) H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 3 / 31

  4. Repetitions k k-power : x k = � �� � xx · · · x x 2 is 3-avoidable but not 2-avoidable (Thue). α -power : y = x ⌊ α ⌋ x ′ such that | y | | x | = α . We then write y = x α . Examples hotshots = ( hots ) 2 7 alfalfa = ( alf ) 2 a = ( alf ) 3 Definition w is α -power-free if none of its factors is a β -power for any β ≥ α . w is α + -power-free if none of its factors is a β -power for any β > α . H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 4 / 31

  5. Conjugation Two words x , y are conjugate if one is a cyclic shift of the other. That is if there exist words u , v such that x = uv and y = vu . ‘ bookcase ′ and ‘ casebook ′ . One simple observation is that all conjugates of a k -power are k -powers. abcabc = ( abc ) 2 cabcab = ( cab ) 2 H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 5 / 31

  6. Circular repetition Observation w is α -power-free if for every factor x w = x x is α -power-free Definition w is circularly α -power-free if for every factor x w = x x and all its conjugates are α -power-free . H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 6 / 31

  7. Circular repetition: example Example w = dividing x = dividi a conjugate of x is vididi 5 which has a 5 2 -power: ididi = ( id ) 2 So w is not circularly 5 2 -power-free. In fact, w is circularly ( 5 2 ) + -power-free. H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 7 / 31

  8. Circular repetition w is circularly α -power-free if for every pair of factors x and y y w = x yx is α -power-free. ( x , y ) is a circular α -power if yx is α -power. Example w = g v n d i i d i y x 5 yx = ididi = ( id ) 2 Hence ( x , y ) is a circular 5 2 -power. H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 8 / 31

  9. Repetition threshold Definition The repetition threshold , RT( n ), is the smallest α for which there exists an infinite α + -power-free word over Σ n . Example Dejean proved RT(3) = 7 4 by proving 1 there are only finitely many 7 4 -power-free words. 2 there are infinite ( 7 4 ) + -power-free words. ν ( a ) = abcacbcabcbacbcacba , ν ( b ) = bcabacabcacbacabacb , ν ( c ) = cabcbabcabacbabcbac . � �� � ν ω ( a ) = a bcacbca bcbacbcacba · · · H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 9 / 31

  10. Dejean’s conjecture Dejean’s conjecture Thue, Dejean, Pansiot, Moulin Ollagnier, Carpi, Currie, Mohammad- Noori, Rampersad, and Rao:  7 4 , if n = 3;   7 RT( n ) = if n = 4; 5 ,   n n − 1 , if n � = 3 , 4 . H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 10 / 31

  11. Repetition threshold for circular factors Definition The repetition threshold for circular factors , RTC( n ), is the smallest α for which there exists an infinite circularly α + -power-free word over Σ n . RT( n ) RTC( n ) n 2 2 4 7 13 3 4 4 7 5 4 5 2 5 105 5 4 46 6 1 + 6 5 = 11 6 5 6 . . . . . . . . . k 1 + RT( k ) = 2 k − 1 k k − 1 k − 1 H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 11 / 31

  12. Bounds on RTC( n ) n = 2 n = 3 n = 4 n = 5 n = 6 n = 7 n = 8 . . . 1 + RT( n ) 2 RT( n ) Theorem 1 + RT( n ) ≤ RTC( n ) ≤ 2 RT( n ) H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 12 / 31

  13. Thue-Morse word and RTC(2) Thue morphism h (0) = 01 h (1) = 10 . The Thue-Morse word t = h ω (0) = 01101001 · · · is 2 + -power-free. Theorem t is circularly 4 + -power-free. H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 13 / 31

  14. Thue-Morse word and RTC(2) Theorem t is circularly 4 + -power-free. Proof. Suppose ( x , y ) is a circular 4 + -power of t , i.e., y x t = · · · and yx is a 4 + -power. Then either y or x is a 2 + -power, a contradiction. H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 14 / 31

  15. RTC(2) = 4 Theorem RTC(2) = 4 . Proof. Since t is circularly 4 + -power-free, we have RTC(2) ≤ 4 . No binary word of length 12 is circularly 4-power-free, so RTC(2) ≥ 4 . H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 15 / 31

  16. RTC(3) = 13 4 Overview of the proof: A finite search shows that RTC(3) ≥ 13 4 . So to prove RTC(3) = 13 4 , we just need to construct an infinite word that is circularly ( 13 4 ) + -power-free. We give a pair of morphisms: ψ : Σ ∗ 6 → Σ ∗ 6 µ : Σ ∗ 6 → Σ ∗ 3 We prove µ ( ψ ω (0)) is circularly ( 13 4 ) + -power-free. H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 16 / 31

  17. Pair of morphisms ψ (0) = 0435 ψ (1) = 2341 ψ (2) = 3542 ψ (3) = 3540 ψ (4) = 4134 ψ (5) = 4105 . µ (0) = 012102120102012 µ (1) = 201020121012021 µ (2) = 012102010212010 µ (3) = 201210212021012 µ (4) = 102120121012021 µ (5) = 102010212021012 . H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 17 / 31

  18. µ ( ψ ω (0)) Theorem µ ( ψ ω (0)) is circularly ( 13 4 ) + -power-free. Proof idea The proof has two parts 1 r = ψ ω (0) is circularly cubefree. 2 s = µ ( r ) is circularly ( 13 4 ) + -power-free. s has no short circular ( 13 4 ) + -power. (This is checked by computer) 1 s has no long circular ( 13 4 ) + -power. 2 H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 18 / 31

  19. µ is well-behaved! µ : Σ ∗ 6 → Σ ∗ 3 is 15 -uniform | µ ( a ) | = 15 for all a ∈ Σ 6 . µ is synchronizing , i.e., for no a , b , c ∈ Σ 6 µ ( a ) µ ( b ) µ ( c ) µ is strongly synchronizing , i.e., for all a , b , c ∈ Σ 6 and x , y ∈ Σ ∗ 3 if µ ( a ) = x y µ ( b ) = y µ ( c ) = x either c = a or c = b . H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 19 / 31

  20. Main lemma Lemma Let φ be a strongly synchronizing q-uniform morphism. Let w be a circularly cubefree word. If ( x 1 , x 2 ) is a circular ( 13 4 ) + -power in φ ( w ) , i.e., φ ( w ) = x 1 x 2 x 2 x 1 is ( 13 4 ) + -power, then | x 2 x 1 | < 22 q . H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 20 / 31

  21. Main lemma: proof Proof is by contradiction. Suppose ( x 1 , x 2 ) is a circular ( 13 4 ) + -power of φ ( w ), and | x 2 x 1 | ≥ 22 q . x 1 x 2 φ ( w ) =

  22. Main lemma: proof Proof is by contradiction. Suppose ( x 1 , x 2 ) is a circular ( 13 4 ) + -power of φ ( w ), and | x 2 x 1 | ≥ 22 q . x 1 x 2 φ ( w ) = φ ( a ) φ ( w 1 ) φ ( b ) φ ( c ) φ ( w 2 ) φ ( d ) w = a w 1 c w 2 b d H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 21 / 31

  23. Main lemma: proof y 1 y 2 y 3 y 4 x 1 x 2 φ ( w ) = φ ( a ) φ ( w 1 ) φ ( b ) φ ( c ) φ ( w 2 ) φ ( d ) x 1 = y 1 y 2 φ ( w 1 ) x 2 = y 3 y 4 φ ( w 2 ) z α = x 2 x 1 = y 3 φ ( w 2 ) y 4 y 1 φ ( w 1 ) y 2 Here z is a word and α > 13 4 . There are two cases to consider: 1 y 4 y 1 = ǫ 2 y 4 y 1 � = ǫ H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 22 / 31

  24. Main lemma: case 1 Case 1 is y 4 y 1 = ǫ . Therefore we have x 1 = φ ( w 1 ) y 2 , x 2 = y 3 φ ( w 2 ) . y 2 y 3 x 1 x 2 φ ( w ) = φ ( w 1 ) φ ( b ) φ ( c ) φ ( w 2 ) z α = x 2 x 1 = y 3 y 2 = y 3 y 2 φ ( w 2 ) φ ( w 1 ) φ ( w 2 w 1 ) Note that α > 13 4 = 3 . 25. We get that φ ( w 2 w 1 ) contains a cube. w 2 w 1 contains a cube. (synchronizing) w contains a circular cube, a contradiction. H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 23 / 31

  25. Main lemma: case 2 x 1 x 2 φ ( w ) = φ ( a ) φ ( w 1 ) φ ( b ) φ ( c ) φ ( w 2 ) φ ( d ) We would like to show that by shrinking x 1 and enlarging x 2 we can get another circular ( 13 4 ) + -power of the same length: x 1 x 2 φ ( w ) = φ ( a ) φ ( w 1 ) φ ( b ) φ ( c ) φ ( w 2 ) φ ( d ) x ′ x ′ 1 2 Then clearly ( x ′ 1 , x ′ 2 ) falls under case 1. H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 24 / 31

  26. Main lemma: case 2 Goal: x ′ 2 x ′ 1 = x 2 x 1 y 1 y 2 y 3 y 4 x 1 x 2 φ ( w ) = φ ( a ) φ ( w 1 ) φ ( b ) φ ( c ) φ ( w 2 ) φ ( d ) x ′ x ′ 1 2 H. Mousavi (University of Waterloo) Circular Repetitions June 10 25 / 31

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