auxiliary turn lanes

Auxiliary Turn Lanes Adam Kirk Kentucky Transportation Center - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Auxiliary Turn Lanes Adam Kirk Kentucky Transportation Center INTRODUCTION SPR Project: Criteria for the Design and Justification of Auxiliary Turn lanes Purpose Provide consistent and clear left and right turn-lane warrants

  1. Auxiliary Turn Lanes Adam Kirk Kentucky Transportation Center

  2. INTRODUCTION  SPR Project: Criteria for the Design and Justification of Auxiliary Turn lanes  Purpose  Provide consistent and clear left and right turn-lane warrants  Develop standards for their design  Alternative turn lane designs (“blister” or “bump-out”)  Positive offset of left-turn lanes  Warrants and standards for two-way left-turn lanes (TWLTL)

  3. Background Left Turn Lane Warrants  KYTC Design Policy  Median openings on divided roadways  All non-stopping approaches of rural arterials and collectors  All other approaches where required on the basis of capacity,safety, and operational analysis

  4. Background Left Turn Lane Warrants  KYTC Permit Policy  Median openings on divided roadways  All other approaches based on highway Research Record 211

  5. Background Turn Lane Length  KYTC Design Policy  Storage Length: 1.5 to 2 times average number of arrivals per cycle  Deceleration Length: Common practice is to accept a moderate amount of deceleration within the through lanes...

  6. Agenda  Turn Lane Design  Approach Taper  Turn Lane Length  Alternative Designs  Positive Offset of Left-Turn Lanes  Two-Way Left-Turn Lanes

  7. LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS  Signalized Intersections  All arterials and collectors must have left-turn lanes  All other roadways; left-turn lanes only when required by capacity analysis

  8. LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS  Stop Controlled Approaches  Left-turn lanes shall be provided at median openings on divided roadways  Left-turn lanes only when required by capacity analysis  Left-turn lanes should be considered as a safety countermeasure, e.g. where sight distance of approaching traffic is limited.

  9. LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS  Uncontrolled Approaches  Left-turn lanes shall be provided at median openings on divided roadways  Left-turn lanes shall be provided if traffic volumes at the intersection meet the thresholds identified in Figures 1 and 2.  Left-turn lanes should be considered as a safety countermeasure, e.g. where sight distance of approaching traffic is limited.

  10. LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS  2 Graphs 800 measure 700 L= 1% Left Turn Lane Required probability of 600 stopped vehicle 500 Opposing Volume blocking lane 400 L= 5%  ≤ 45 MPH 300 L= 10% Left Turn Lane (P = 0.02) Not Required 200 L= 15%  >45 MPH L= 20% 100 L= 25% (P = 0.01) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Advancing Volume

  11. LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS  Inputs  L = Percent Left-Turns  Advancing Volume = Through + Left + Right- Turn Traffic  Opposing Volume = Through + Left + Right- Turn Opposing Traffic

  12. LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS L = Percent Left-Turns = 32 (32+372+40) Minor Street = 0.07 Advancing Traffic =32+372+40 40 =444 372 32 Road 71 Opposing Traffic 500 =40+500+71 40 =611

  13. LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS 800 700 (444,611) L= 1% Left Turn Lane Required 600 500 Opposing Volume 400 L= 5% 300 L= 10% Left Turn Lane Not Required 200 L= 15% L= 7% L= 20% 100 L= 25% 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Advancing Volume

  14. LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS L = Percent Left-Turns Heavy Vehicles = 6% = 32 (32+372+40) Minor Street = 0.07 Advancing Traffic =32+372+40 40 =444 372 =455 32 Road 71 Opposing Traffic 500 =40+500+71 40 =611

  15. LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS  Heavy Vehicle Adjustment Factor  v A ’ = v A [1+P HV (E HV )]  v A ’ = Adjusted advancing traffic volume  v A = Unadjusted advancing traffic volume  P HV = Percent heavy vehicles  E HV = Passenger car equivalency factor = 0.00035 (v O ) (two-lane facilities) = 0.0007 (v O ) (four and six-lane facilities)  v O = Opposing traffic volume

  16. LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS  Heavy Vehicle Adjustment Factor  v A = Unadjusted advancing traffic volume = 444 vph  P HV = Percent Heavy Vehicles = 0.06  v O = opposing traffic volume = 611 vph  E HV = Passenger Car Equivalency Factor = 0.0007 (v O ) (four and six-lane facilities) = 0.0007 (611) = 0.428  Solving for v A :  v A ’ = v A [1+P HV (E HV )]  v A ’ = 444 [1+0.06(0.428)]  v A ’ = 455 vph

  17. LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS 800 700 (455,611) L= 1% Left Turn Lane Required 600 500 Opposing Volume 400 L= 5% 300 L= 10% Left Turn Lane Not Required 200 L= 15% L= 7% L= 20% 100 L= 25% 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Advancing Volume


  19. LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN  3 primary components  Approach Taper  Bay Taper  Turn Lane Length  Deceleration Length  Storage Length

  20. LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN  Approach Taper  ≥ 45 MPH L = W x S  < 45 MPH, L = WS 2 60  Where: L = Taper length in feet W = Width of roadway offset for taper in feet S = Speed in miles per hour (MPH)

  21. LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN  Bay Taper  ≥ 45 MPH L = 100 ft  < 45 MPH, L = 50 ft

  22. LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN  Turn Lane Length  Deceleration Length  Storage Length

  23. LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN  Turn Lane Length

  24. LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN  Turn Lane Length

  25. LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN  Storage Length (Signal and Stop Control)  Stop Control Cycle Length = 60 (sec)  2 x Average Arrival per Cycle

  26. LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN  Storage Length (Uncontrolled Approach)  2 Graphs ( ≤ 45 mph; > 45mph) 1000 L S = 300 L S = 250 L S = 275 900 L S = 225 L S = 200 800 L S = 175 L S = 150 L S = Storage 700 Length L S = 125 Left Turn Volume (v L ) 600 L S = 100 500 400 300 Min. Length 200 L S = 75 ft 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Opposing Volume (v o )

  27. LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN  Storage Length (Uncontrolled Approach)  75 ft

  28. RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANTS  Signalized Intersection:  Right-turn lanes shall be provided on if traffic volumes at the intersection meet the thresholds identified in Figure 3.  May also be considered to reduce the frequency of rear end crashes at intersections with a high volume of right-turns.  Stop Controlled Approaches:  Right-turn lanes only when required by capacity analysis

  29. RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANTS  Uncontrolled Approaches  Right-turn lanes shall be provided on if traffic volumes at the intersection meet the thresholds identified in Figure 3.  Right-turn lanes should be considered as a safety countermeasure, e.g. where sight distance of approaching traffic is limited.

  30. RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANTS  1 Graph 1200 measures 1000 probability of turning vehicle 800 blocking lane Advancing Traffic Right-Turn Lane V ≤ 45 600 Required  ≤ 45 MPH V > 45 mph (P = 0.02) 400 Right-Turn Lane Not Required  >45 MPH 200 (P = 0.01) 0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 Percent Right Turns

  31. RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANTS  Inputs  Percent Right-Turns  Advancing Volume = Through + Left + Right- Turn Traffic NO HEAVY VEHICLE ADJUSTMENT FACTOR

  32. RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANTS Minor Street Road 71 Advancing Traffic 500 =40+500+71 40 =611 Percent Right Turns =40 / 611 =0.07

  33. RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANTS 1200 1000 800 Advancing Traffic Right-Turn Lane V ≤ 45 mph Required 600 (0.07, 611) V > 45 mph 400 Right-Turn Lane Not Required 200 0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 Percent Right Turns


  35. RIGHT-TURN LANE DESIGN  2 primary components  Bay Taper  Turn Lane Length  Deceleration Length  Storage Length

  36. RIGHT-TURN LANE DESIGN  Bay Taper  ≥ 45 MPH L = 100 ft  < 45 MPH, L = 50 ft

  37. RIGHT-TURN LANE DESIGN  Turn Lane Length  Deceleration Length  Storage Length

  38. RIGHT-TURN LANE DESIGN  Turn Lane Length

  39. RIGHT-TURN LANE DESIGN  Storage Length (Signal and Stop Control)  Stop Control Cycle Length = 60 (sec)  2 x Average Arrival per Cycle

  40. ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS  Guidance for Reduction of the turn lane length is recommended only when site constraints make it impractical to provide a full length turn lane. Reduced turn lane length should not be used for the sole purpose of reducing construction costs.


  42. TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN LANE  Used to mitigate delay to through traffic resulting from the cumulative impact of consecutive access points

  43. TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN LANE 800 700 TWLTL Warranted 600 L= 5% 500 Opposing Volume L= 10% 400 TWLTL Not Warranted 300 L= 15% 200 L= 20% 100 L= 25% 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Advancing Volume

  44. TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN LANE  Operating speeds ≤ 45 MPH  ADT ≤ 17,000 (Two-Lane) ADT ≤ 24,000 (Multi-Lane)  Access ≥ 10 access points per mile.  Minimum TWLTL Length 425 foot typical section  Maximum Access Density ≤ 85 access points per mile.

  45. QUESTIONS  Adam Kirk  Kentucky Transportation Center  859.257.7310 


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