Auxiliary Turn Lanes Adam Kirk Kentucky Transportation Center
INTRODUCTION SPR Project: Criteria for the Design and Justification of Auxiliary Turn lanes Purpose Provide consistent and clear left and right turn-lane warrants Develop standards for their design Alternative turn lane designs (“blister” or “bump-out”) Positive offset of left-turn lanes Warrants and standards for two-way left-turn lanes (TWLTL)
Background Left Turn Lane Warrants KYTC Design Policy Median openings on divided roadways All non-stopping approaches of rural arterials and collectors All other approaches where required on the basis of capacity,safety, and operational analysis
Background Left Turn Lane Warrants KYTC Permit Policy Median openings on divided roadways All other approaches based on highway Research Record 211
Background Turn Lane Length KYTC Design Policy Storage Length: 1.5 to 2 times average number of arrivals per cycle Deceleration Length: Common practice is to accept a moderate amount of deceleration within the through lanes...
Agenda Turn Lane Design Approach Taper Turn Lane Length Alternative Designs Positive Offset of Left-Turn Lanes Two-Way Left-Turn Lanes
LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS Signalized Intersections All arterials and collectors must have left-turn lanes All other roadways; left-turn lanes only when required by capacity analysis
LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS Stop Controlled Approaches Left-turn lanes shall be provided at median openings on divided roadways Left-turn lanes only when required by capacity analysis Left-turn lanes should be considered as a safety countermeasure, e.g. where sight distance of approaching traffic is limited.
LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS Uncontrolled Approaches Left-turn lanes shall be provided at median openings on divided roadways Left-turn lanes shall be provided if traffic volumes at the intersection meet the thresholds identified in Figures 1 and 2. Left-turn lanes should be considered as a safety countermeasure, e.g. where sight distance of approaching traffic is limited.
LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS 2 Graphs 800 measure 700 L= 1% Left Turn Lane Required probability of 600 stopped vehicle 500 Opposing Volume blocking lane 400 L= 5% ≤ 45 MPH 300 L= 10% Left Turn Lane (P = 0.02) Not Required 200 L= 15% >45 MPH L= 20% 100 L= 25% (P = 0.01) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Advancing Volume
LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS Inputs L = Percent Left-Turns Advancing Volume = Through + Left + Right- Turn Traffic Opposing Volume = Through + Left + Right- Turn Opposing Traffic
LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS L = Percent Left-Turns = 32 (32+372+40) Minor Street = 0.07 Advancing Traffic =32+372+40 40 =444 372 32 Road 71 Opposing Traffic 500 =40+500+71 40 =611
LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS 800 700 (444,611) L= 1% Left Turn Lane Required 600 500 Opposing Volume 400 L= 5% 300 L= 10% Left Turn Lane Not Required 200 L= 15% L= 7% L= 20% 100 L= 25% 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Advancing Volume
LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS L = Percent Left-Turns Heavy Vehicles = 6% = 32 (32+372+40) Minor Street = 0.07 Advancing Traffic =32+372+40 40 =444 372 =455 32 Road 71 Opposing Traffic 500 =40+500+71 40 =611
LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS Heavy Vehicle Adjustment Factor v A ’ = v A [1+P HV (E HV )] v A ’ = Adjusted advancing traffic volume v A = Unadjusted advancing traffic volume P HV = Percent heavy vehicles E HV = Passenger car equivalency factor = 0.00035 (v O ) (two-lane facilities) = 0.0007 (v O ) (four and six-lane facilities) v O = Opposing traffic volume
LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS Heavy Vehicle Adjustment Factor v A = Unadjusted advancing traffic volume = 444 vph P HV = Percent Heavy Vehicles = 0.06 v O = opposing traffic volume = 611 vph E HV = Passenger Car Equivalency Factor = 0.0007 (v O ) (four and six-lane facilities) = 0.0007 (611) = 0.428 Solving for v A : v A ’ = v A [1+P HV (E HV )] v A ’ = 444 [1+0.06(0.428)] v A ’ = 455 vph
LEFT-TURN LANE WARRANTS 800 700 (455,611) L= 1% Left Turn Lane Required 600 500 Opposing Volume 400 L= 5% 300 L= 10% Left Turn Lane Not Required 200 L= 15% L= 7% L= 20% 100 L= 25% 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Advancing Volume
LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN 3 primary components Approach Taper Bay Taper Turn Lane Length Deceleration Length Storage Length
LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN Approach Taper ≥ 45 MPH L = W x S < 45 MPH, L = WS 2 60 Where: L = Taper length in feet W = Width of roadway offset for taper in feet S = Speed in miles per hour (MPH)
LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN Bay Taper ≥ 45 MPH L = 100 ft < 45 MPH, L = 50 ft
LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN Turn Lane Length Deceleration Length Storage Length
LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN Storage Length (Signal and Stop Control) Stop Control Cycle Length = 60 (sec) 2 x Average Arrival per Cycle
LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN Storage Length (Uncontrolled Approach) 2 Graphs ( ≤ 45 mph; > 45mph) 1000 L S = 300 L S = 250 L S = 275 900 L S = 225 L S = 200 800 L S = 175 L S = 150 L S = Storage 700 Length L S = 125 Left Turn Volume (v L ) 600 L S = 100 500 400 300 Min. Length 200 L S = 75 ft 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Opposing Volume (v o )
LEFT-TURN LANE DESIGN Storage Length (Uncontrolled Approach) 75 ft
RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANTS Signalized Intersection: Right-turn lanes shall be provided on if traffic volumes at the intersection meet the thresholds identified in Figure 3. May also be considered to reduce the frequency of rear end crashes at intersections with a high volume of right-turns. Stop Controlled Approaches: Right-turn lanes only when required by capacity analysis
RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANTS Uncontrolled Approaches Right-turn lanes shall be provided on if traffic volumes at the intersection meet the thresholds identified in Figure 3. Right-turn lanes should be considered as a safety countermeasure, e.g. where sight distance of approaching traffic is limited.
RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANTS 1 Graph 1200 measures 1000 probability of turning vehicle 800 blocking lane Advancing Traffic Right-Turn Lane V ≤ 45 600 Required ≤ 45 MPH V > 45 mph (P = 0.02) 400 Right-Turn Lane Not Required >45 MPH 200 (P = 0.01) 0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 Percent Right Turns
RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANTS Inputs Percent Right-Turns Advancing Volume = Through + Left + Right- Turn Traffic NO HEAVY VEHICLE ADJUSTMENT FACTOR
RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANTS Minor Street Road 71 Advancing Traffic 500 =40+500+71 40 =611 Percent Right Turns =40 / 611 =0.07
RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANTS 1200 1000 800 Advancing Traffic Right-Turn Lane V ≤ 45 mph Required 600 (0.07, 611) V > 45 mph 400 Right-Turn Lane Not Required 200 0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 Percent Right Turns
RIGHT-TURN LANE DESIGN 2 primary components Bay Taper Turn Lane Length Deceleration Length Storage Length
RIGHT-TURN LANE DESIGN Bay Taper ≥ 45 MPH L = 100 ft < 45 MPH, L = 50 ft
RIGHT-TURN LANE DESIGN Turn Lane Length Deceleration Length Storage Length
RIGHT-TURN LANE DESIGN Storage Length (Signal and Stop Control) Stop Control Cycle Length = 60 (sec) 2 x Average Arrival per Cycle
ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS Guidance for Reduction of the turn lane length is recommended only when site constraints make it impractical to provide a full length turn lane. Reduced turn lane length should not be used for the sole purpose of reducing construction costs.
TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN LANE Used to mitigate delay to through traffic resulting from the cumulative impact of consecutive access points
TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN LANE 800 700 TWLTL Warranted 600 L= 5% 500 Opposing Volume L= 10% 400 TWLTL Not Warranted 300 L= 15% 200 L= 20% 100 L= 25% 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Advancing Volume
TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN LANE Operating speeds ≤ 45 MPH ADT ≤ 17,000 (Two-Lane) ADT ≤ 24,000 (Multi-Lane) Access ≥ 10 access points per mile. Minimum TWLTL Length 425 foot typical section Maximum Access Density ≤ 85 access points per mile.
QUESTIONS Adam Kirk Kentucky Transportation Center 859.257.7310
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