
Autonomous Introduction to Mobile Robots Contents Acknowledgments - PDF document

SIEGWART Roland NOURBAKHSH Illah R. Autonomous Introduction to Mobile Robots Contents Acknowledgments xi Preface xiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 An Overview of the Book 10 2 Locomotion 13 2.1 Introduction 13

  1. SIEGWART Roland NOURBAKHSH Illah R. Autonomous Introduction to Mobile Robots

  2. Contents Acknowledgments xi Preface xiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 An Overview of the Book 10 2 Locomotion 13 2.1 Introduction 13 2.1.1 Key issues for locomotion 16 2.2 Legged Mobile Robots 17 2.2.1 Leg configurations and stability 18 2.2.2 Examples of legged robot locomotion 21 2.3 Wheeled Mobile Robots 30 2.3.1 Wheeled locomotion: the design space 31 2.3.2 Wheeled locomotion: case studies 38 3 Mobile Robot Kinematics 47 3.1 Introduction 47 3.2 Kinematic Models and Constraints 48 3.2.1 Representing robot position 48 3.2.2 Forward kinematic models 51 3.2.3 Wheel kinematic constraints 53 3.2.4 Robot kinematic constraints 61 3.2.5 Examples: robot kinematic models and constraints 63 3.3 Mobile Robot Maneuverability 67 3.3.1 Degree of mobility 67 3.3.2 Degree of steerability 71 3.3.3 Robot maneuverability 72

  3. viii Contents 3.4 Mobile Robot Workspace 74 3.4.1 Degrees of freedom 74 3.4.2 Holonomic robots 75 3.4.3 Path and trajectory considerations 77 3.5 Beyond Basic Kinematics 80 3.6 Motion Control (Kinematic Control) 81 3.6.1 Open loop control (trajectory-following) 81 3.6.2 Feedback control 82 4 Perception 89 4.1 Sensors for Mobile Robots 89 4.1.1 Sensor classification 89 4.1.2 Characterizing sensor performance 92 4.1.3 Wheel/motor sensors 97 4.1.4 Heading sensors 98 4.1.5 Ground-based beacons 101 4.1.6 Active ranging 104 4.1.7 Motion/speed sensors 115 4.1.8 Vision-based sensors 117 4.2 Representing Uncertainty 145 4.2.1 Statistical representation 145 4.2.2 Error propagation: combining uncertain measurements 149 4.3 Feature Extraction 151 4.3.1 Feature extraction based on range data (laser, ultrasonic, vision-based ranging) 154 4.3.2 Visual appearance based feature extraction 163 5 Mobile Robot Localization 181 5.1 Introduction 181 5.2 The Challenge of Localization: Noise and Aliasing 182 5.2.1 Sensor noise 183 5.2.2 Sensor aliasing 184 5.2.3 Effector noise 185 5.2.4 An error model for odometric position estimation 186 5.3 To Localize or Not to Localize: Localization-Based Navigation versus Programmed Solutions 191 5.4 Belief Representation 194 5.4.1 Single-hypothesis belief 194 5.4.2 Multiple-hypothesis belief 196

  4. Contents ix 5.5 Map Representation 200 5.5.1 Continuous representations 200 5.5.2 Decomposition strategies 203 5.5.3 State of the art: current challenges in map representation 210 5.6 Probabilistic Map-Based Localization 212 5.6.1 Introduction 212 5.6.2 Markov localization 214 5.6.3 Kalman filter localization 227 5.7 Other Examples of Localization Systems 244 5.7.1 Landmark-based navigation 245 5.7.2 Globally unique localization 246 5.7.3 Positioning beacon systems 248 5.7.4 Route-based localization 249 5.8 Autonomous Map Building 250 5.8.1 The stochastic map technique 250 5.8.2 Other mapping techniques 253 6 Planning and Navigation 257 6.1 Introduction 257 6.2 Competences for Navigation: Planning and Reacting 258 6.2.1 Path planning 259 6.2.2 Obstacle avoidance 272 6.3 Navigation Architectures 291 6.3.1 Modularity for code reuse and sharing 291 6.3.2 Control localization 291 6.3.3 Techniques for decomposition 292 6.3.4 Case studies: tiered robot architectures 298 Bibliography 305 Books 305 Papers 306 Referenced Webpages 314 Interesting Internet Links to Mobile Robots 314 Index 317

  5. 3 Mobile Robot Kinematics 3.1 Introduction Kinematics is the most basic study of how mechanical systems behave. In mobile robotics, we need to understand the mechanical behavior of the robot both in order to design appro- priate mobile robots for tasks and to understand how to create control software for an instance of mobile robot hardware. Of course, mobile robots are not the first complex mechanical systems to require such analysis. Robot manipulators have been the subject of intensive study for more than thirty years. In some ways, manipulator robots are much more complex than early mobile robots: a standard welding robot may have five or more joints, whereas early mobile robots were simple differential-drive machines. In recent years, the robotics community has achieved a fairly complete understanding of the kinematics and even the dynamics (i.e., relating to force and mass) of robot manipulators [11, 32]. The mobile robotics community poses many of the same kinematic questions as the robot manipulator community. A manipulator robot’s workspace is crucial because it defines the range of possible positions that can be achieved by its end effector relative to its fixture to the environment. A mobile robot’s workspace is equally important because it defines the range of possible poses that the mobile robot can achieve in its environment. The robot arm’s controllability defines the manner in which active engagement of motors can be used to move from pose to pose in the workspace. Similarly, a mobile robot’s con- trollability defines possible paths and trajectories in its workspace. Robot dynamics places additional constraints on workspace and trajectory due to mass and force considerations. The mobile robot is also limited by dynamics; for instance, a high center of gravity limits the practical turning radius of a fast, car-like robot because of the danger of rolling. But the chief difference between a mobile robot and a manipulator arm also introduces a significant challenge for position estimation . A manipulator has one end fixed to the envi- ronment. Measuring the position of an arm’s end effector is simply a matter of understand- ing the kinematics of the robot and measuring the position of all intermediate joints. The manipulator’s position is thus always computable by looking at current sensor data. But a

  6. 48 Chapter 3 mobile robot is a self-contained automaton that can wholly move with respect to its envi- ronment. There is no direct way to measure a mobile robot’s position instantaneously. Instead, one must integrate the motion of the robot over time. Add to this the inaccuracies of motion estimation due to slippage and it is clear that measuring a mobile robot’s position precisely is an extremely challenging task. The process of understanding the motions of a robot begins with the process of describ- ing the contribution each wheel provides for motion. Each wheel has a role in enabling the whole robot to move. By the same token, each wheel also imposes constraints on the robot’s motion; for example, refusing to skid laterally. In the following section, we intro- duce notation that allows expression of robot motion in a global reference frame as well as the robot’s local reference frame. Then, using this notation, we demonstrate the construc- tion of simple forward kinematic models of motion, describing how the robot as a whole moves as a function of its geometry and individual wheel behavior. Next, we formally describe the kinematic constraints of individual wheels, and then combine these kinematic constraints to express the whole robot’s kinematic constraints. With these tools, one can evaluate the paths and trajectories that define the robot’s maneuverability. 3.2 Kinematic Models and Constraints Deriving a model for the whole robot’s motion is a bottom-up process. Each individual wheel contributes to the robot’s motion and, at the same time, imposes constraints on robot motion. Wheels are tied together based on robot chassis geometry, and therefore their con- straints combine to form constraints on the overall motion of the robot chassis. But the forces and constraints of each wheel must be expressed with respect to a clear and consis- tent reference frame. This is particularly important in mobile robotics because of its self- contained and mobile nature; a clear mapping between global and local frames of reference is required. We begin by defining these reference frames formally, then using the resulting formalism to annotate the kinematics of individual wheels and whole robots. Throughout this process we draw extensively on the notation and terminology presented in [52]. 3.2.1 Representing robot position Throughout this analysis we model the robot as a rigid body on wheels, operating on a hor- izontal plane. The total dimensionality of this robot chassis on the plane is three, two for position in the plane and one for orientation along the vertical axis, which is orthogonal to the plane. Of course, there are additional degrees of freedom and flexibility due to the wheel axles, wheel steering joints, and wheel castor joints. However by robot chassis we refer only to the rigid body of the robot, ignoring the joints and degrees of freedom internal to the robot and its wheels.


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