Autonomic Computing Introduction, Motivations, Overview S. Hariri and M. Parashar AICCSA’03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial July, 2003 Tutorial Outline • Objectives – lay the foundations of Autonomic Computing – present the defining research issues, present the opportunities and challenges of Autonomic Computing – review the current landscape of Autonomic Computing – present an overview of AutoMate • Tutorial Webpage – AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 2 Agenda 8:30 - 9:00 Coffee/Registration Introduction to Autonomic Computing Welcome, Overview - S. Hariri • 9:00 - 12:00 Introduction and Motivations - M. Parashar • Research Issues, Challenges and Opportunities - S. Hariri • Landscape - S. Hariri & M. Parashar • 12:00 - 2:00 Lunch Project AutoMate: Enabling Autonomic Applications - M. Parashar Accord: Autonomic Components, Compositions and Coordination • Rudder: Deductive Engine for Autonomic Management • Squid: Decentralized Discovery Engine • 2:00 - 3:30 Sesame: Dynamic, Context-aware Access Control Engine • Autonomic Applications • Pawn/AORO: Autonomic Oil Reservoir Optimization using o Decentralized Services Autonomic Management for Adaptive Grid Applications o 3:30 - 4:00 Break Autonomic System Infrastructure - S. Hariri Advice 4:00 - 5:30 • Catalina • Autonomia • 5:00 Adjourn AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 3
Smaller/Cheaper/Faster/Powerful/Connected …. • Explosive growth in computation, communication, information and integration technologies – computing is ubiquitous, pervasive – communication is/will be • Pervasive “anytime-anywhere” access environments – ubiquitous access to information via PCs, PDAs, Cells, smart appliances, etc. (billions of devices, millions of users) – peers capable of producing/consuming/processing information at different levels and granularities – embedded devices in clothes, phones, cars, mile-markers, traffic lights, lamp posts, refrigerators, medical instruments … • “On demand” computational/storage resources, services – the Grid AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 4 Faster/Smaller/Cheaper/Powerful/Connected …. AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 5 AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 6
Motivation: Complexity • Administration of individual systems is increasingly difficult – 100s of configuration, tuning parameters for DB2, WebSphere • Heterogeneous systems are becoming increasingly connected – Integration becoming ever more difficult • Architects can't intricately plan interactions among components – Increasingly dynamic; more frequently with unanticipated components • More of the burden must be assumed at run time – But human system administrators can't assume the burden; already • 6:1 cost ratio between storage admin and storage • 40% outages due to operator error • We need self-managing computing systems – Behavior specified by sys admins via high-level policies – System and its components figure out how to carry out policies AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 7 AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 8 Rapid Changes, Increased Complexity AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 9
Motivation: Increasing Cost AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 10 Example scenario : DARPA IXO, A Rapidly Expanding Universe of Sensors, Weapons, and Platforms Approved for Public Release - Distribution Unlimited AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 11 The bad news … • Unprecedented – scales, complexity, heterogeneity, dynamism and unpredictability, lack of guarantees • Millions of businesses, Trillions of devices, Millions of developers and users, Coordination and communication between them • The increasing system complexity is reaching a level beyond human ability to design, manage and secure – programming environments and infrastructure are becoming unmanageable, brittle and insecure • Bottom line – the increasing system complexity is reaching a level beyond human ability to manage and secure • A fundamental change is required in how applications are formulated, composed and managed – autonomic components, dynamic compositions, opportunistic interactions, virtual runtime, … AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 12
Convergence of Biology and Information Technology - Without requiring our conscious - when we run, it increases our heart and breathing rate AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 13 Autonomic Computing? • Nature has evolved to cope with scale, complexity, heterogeneity, dynamism and unpredictability, lack of guarantees – self configuring, self adapting, self optimizing, self healing, self protecting, highly decentralized, heterogeneous architectures that work !!! – e.g. the human body – the autonomic nervous system • tells you heart how fast to beat, checks your blood’s sugar and oxygen levels, and controls your pupils so the right amount of light reaches your eyes as you read these words, monitors your temperature and adjusts your blood flow and skin functions to keep it at 98.6ºF • coordinates - an increase in heart rate without a corresponding adjustment to breathing and blood pressure would be disastrous • is autonomic - you can make a mad dash for the train without having to calculate how much faster to breathe and pump your heart, or if you’ll need that little dose of adrenaline to make it through the doors before they close – can these strategies inspire solutions? • e.g. FlyPhones, AORO/AutoMate, ROC, ELiza, etc. – of course, there is a cost • lack of controllability, precision, guarantees, comprehensibility, … AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 14 Autonomic Computing – The Next Era of Computing “ Computer Systems that can regulate themselves much in the same way as our autonomic nervous system regulates and protects our bodies.” (by Paul Horn, IBM) AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 15
Autonomic Computing - The Vision “ increasing productivity while minimizing complexity for users… ” “ to design and build computing systems capable of running themselves, adjusting to varying circumstances, and preparing their resources to handle most efficiently the workloads we put upon them. “ AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 16 By IBM PS: Its not AI • Does not require the duplication of conscious human thought as an ultimate goal. • Does require system to take over certain functions previously performed by humans AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 17 By IBM Autonomic Computing Characteristics (IBM) • 1. Self Defining – To be autonomic, a computing system needs to know itself and comprise components – It needs detail knowledge of its components, current state, ultimate capacity – It needs to know all the connections to other systems to govern itself – It needs to know ownership level, from whom it can borrow resources, share or not to share, etc. AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 18
Autonomic Computing Characteristics (IBM) AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 19 By IBM Autonomic Computing Characteristics (IBM) • Open • Self Awareness Communicates through open Possesses a sense of self standards and can exchange resources with unfamiliar and strive to improve its systems performance • Self Regulating • Context Aware Possesses a sense of self Anticipates users actions and discipline and can regulate its are aware of the context behavior according to the changes in its environment AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 20 Autonomic Computing Characteristics (IBM) • 6. Contextually Aware – It must know its environment and the surrounding context of its activity – It will find and generate rules for how best to interact with neighboring systems – How to access available resources, negotiate usage deals/contracts AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 21
Autonomic Computing Characteristics (IBM) • 7. Open – Must function in a heterogeneous environment and implement open standards – It must coexist and depend upon one another for survivable (people connect to banks, travel agents, department stores regardless of the underlying software/hardware technologies used to implement these services • 8. Anticipatory – Ability to anticipate workflow challenges and optimize system for immediate user needs AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 22 Application Scenarios AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 23 AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 24 By IBM
AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 25 By IBM AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 26 Autonomic Platform (Pervasive Application) AICCSA'03 Autonomic Computing Tutorial, July 2003 27
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