automated analysis of access control policies

Automated Analysis of Access Control Policies Alessandro Armando - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Automated Analysis of Access Control Policies Alessandro Armando joint work with Silvio Ranise Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (AI-Lab) Security & Trust Research Unit DIST, University of Genova FBK-IRST Genova Trento A. Armando (U.

  1. Automated Analysis of Access Control Policies Alessandro Armando joint work with Silvio Ranise Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (AI-Lab) Security & Trust Research Unit DIST, University of Genova FBK-IRST Genova Trento A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 1 / 52

  2. Access Control The process of mediating requests to resources maintained by a system and determining whether a request should be granted or denied Crucial role in system security Usually separation between policies specified by a language with an underlying model mechanisms enforcing policies Separation implies protection requirements are independent of their implementation security policies can be analyzed abstractly A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 2 / 52

  3. Role-based Access Control User Permission Alice GrantTenure Alice AssignGrades Alice ReceiveHBenefits Alice UseGym Bob GrantTenure Bob AssignGrades Bob UseGym Charlie GrantTenure Charlie AssignGrades Charlie UseGym David AssignHWScores David Register4Courses David UseGym Eve ReceiveHBenefits Eve UseGym Fred Register4Courses Fred UseGym Greg UseGym A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 3 / 52

  4. Role-based Access Control Permission Assignment (PA) Role Permission PCMember GrantTenure PCMember AssignGrades User Assignment (UA) PCMember ReceiveHBenefits User Role PCMember UseGym Alice PCMember Faculty AssignGrades Bob Faculty Faculty ReceiveHBenefits Charlie Faculty Faculty UseGym David TA TA AssignHWScores David Student TA Register4Courses Eve UEmployee TA UseGym Fred Student UEmployee ReceiveHBenefits Greg UMember UEmployee UseGym Student Register4Courses Student UseGym UMember UseGym A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 3 / 52

  5. Role-based Access Control Permission Assignment (PA) Role Permission PCMember GrantTenure Faculty AssignGrades TA AssignHWScores User Assignment (UA) UEmployee ReceiveHBenefits User Role Student Register4Courses Alice PCMember UMember UseGym Bob Faculty Charlie Faculty David TA PCMember David Student Eve UEmployee PTEmployee FTEmployee Faculty TA Fred Student Greg UMember UEmployee Student Role Hierarchy ( � ) UMember A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 3 / 52

  6. Administrative RBAC Changes to RBAC policies subject to administrative policy. Several administrative models for RBAC: ARBAC97, SARBAC, Oracle DBMS, UARBAC, ... Key issue: definition of administrative domains, e.g. ARBAC: admin. domain = role-based UARBAC: admin. domain = attribute-based A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 4 / 52

  7. ARBAC97: URA97 sub-model In URA97, administrative actions can only User Role modify the User Assignment (UA) relation. Alice PCMember Bob Faculty Charlie Faculty can_assign: David TA UEmployee : { Student , TA } = ⇒ + PTEmployee David Student Eve UEmployee can_revoke: Fred Student UEmployee : { Student } = ⇒ − Student Greg UMember Static Mutually Exclusive Roles (SMER): SMER ( TA , PTEmployee ) A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 5 / 52

  8. ARBAC97: URA97 sub-model In URA97, administrative actions can only User Role modify the User Assignment (UA) relation. Alice PCMember Bob Faculty Charlie Faculty can_assign: David TA UEmployee : { Student , TA } = ⇒ + PTEmployee David Student Eve UEmployee can_revoke: Fred Student UEmployee : { Student } = ⇒ − Student Greg UMember Static Mutually Exclusive Roles (SMER): SMER ( TA , PTEmployee ) A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 5 / 52

  9. ARBAC97: URA97 sub-model In URA97, administrative actions can only User Role modify the User Assignment (UA) relation. Alice PCMember Bob Faculty Charlie Faculty can_assign: David TA UEmployee : { Student , TA } = ⇒ + PTEmployee David Student Eve UEmployee Fred Student can_revoke: Fred PTEmployee UEmployee : { Student } = ⇒ − Student Greg UMember Static Mutually Exclusive Roles (SMER): SMER ( TA , PTEmployee ) A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 5 / 52

  10. ARBAC97: URA97 sub-model In URA97, administrative actions can only User Role modify the User Assignment (UA) relation. Alice PCMember Bob Faculty Charlie Faculty can_assign: David TA UEmployee : { Student , TA } = ⇒ + PTEmployee David Student Eve UEmployee Fred Student can_revoke: Fred PTEmployee UEmployee : { Student } = ⇒ − Student Greg UMember Static Mutually Exclusive Roles (SMER): SMER ( TA , PTEmployee ) A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 5 / 52

  11. ARBAC97: URA97 sub-model In URA97, administrative actions can only User Role modify the User Assignment (UA) relation. Alice PCMember Bob Faculty Charlie Faculty can_assign: David TA UEmployee : { Student , TA } = ⇒ + PTEmployee David Student Eve UEmployee Fred Student can_revoke: Fred PTEmployee UEmployee : { Student } = ⇒ − Student Greg UMember Static Mutually Exclusive Roles (SMER): SMER ( TA , PTEmployee ) A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 5 / 52

  12. ARBAC97: URA97 sub-model In URA97, administrative actions can only User Role modify the User Assignment (UA) relation. Alice PCMember Bob Faculty Charlie Faculty can_assign: David TA UEmployee : { Student , TA } = ⇒ + PTEmployee David Student Eve UEmployee can_revoke: Fred PTEmployee UEmployee : { Student } = ⇒ − Student Greg UMember Static Mutually Exclusive Roles (SMER): SMER ( TA , PTEmployee ) A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 5 / 52

  13. Administering Access Control Policies (A)RBAC model simplifies specification and administration of access control policies. Yet, in large systems (e.g., Dresdner bank: 40,000 users and 1,400 permissions), administration of RBAC policies can be very difficult. Question: Starting fron an initial RBAC policy and using the administrative actions in the ARBAC policy, is there a way to grant Alice access to salaries.xls ? To predict the effects of changes on policies of real-world complexity by manual inspection is unfeasible: automated support needed! A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 6 / 52

  14. URA97: security analysis problems Let ψ be an administrative policy. (Bounded) user-role reachability problem: Given (an integer 1 k ≥ 0, resp.) an initial RBAC policy, and a role r , does there exist a sequence of administrative actions in ψ (of length k , resp) assigning a user u to role r ? Role containment: Given an initial RBAC policy and two roles r 1 2 and r 2 , does every member of role r 1 also belong to role r 2 in all reachable policies by applying finite sequences of administrative actions in ψ ? Weakest precondition: Given a user u and a role r , compute the 3 minimal set of RBAC policies from which a sequence of administrative actions in ψ can make u a member of role r . Inductive policy invariant: Check if a property remain unaffected 4 under any (finite) sequence of administrative actions in ψ . A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 7 / 52

  15. Symbolic Reachability Analysis of ARBAC Policies 1 A. Armando and S. Ranise. Automated Symbolic Analysis of ARBAC Policies . In Proc. of 6th Intl. Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM’10), Athens, September 23-24, 2010. 2 F. Alberti, A. Armando, and S. Ranise. Efficient Symbolic Automated Analysis of Administrative Attribute-based RBAC-Policies . In Proc. of 6th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2011), Hong Kong, March 22-24, 2011. 3 A. Armando and S. Ranise. Automated Analysis of Infinite State Workflows with Access Control Policies . In the Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM’11), Copenhagen (Denmark), July 27-28, 2011. 4 F. Alberti, A. Armando, and S. Ranise. ASASP: Automated Symbolic Analysis of Administrative Policies . In Proc. of 23rd Intl. Conf. on Automated Deduction (CADE-23), Wroclaw (Poland), Jul 31-Aug 5, 2011. 5 A. Armando and S. Ranise. Automated Analysis of Infinite State Workflows with Access Control Policies. In the Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management, Copenhagen (Denmark), July 27-28, 2011. A. Armando (U. of Genova & FBK-IRST) Automated Analysis of Access Control VTSA11, Sept. 23, 2011 8 / 52


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