australian rotary health australian rotary health

Australian Rotary Health Australian Rotary Health. Who are we? The - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Towards a happier, healthier Australia Australian Rotary Health Australian Rotary Health. Who are we? The largest non-government provider of Medical Research funds in Australia Australian Rotary Health. What do we do? Raise Funds to support

  1. Towards a happier, healthier Australia Australian Rotary Health

  2. Australian Rotary Health. Who are we? The largest non-government provider of Medical Research funds in Australia

  3. Australian Rotary Health. What do we do? Raise Funds to support Research. Provided over $2 million in 2012.

  4. Australian Rotary Health. How did ARH begin? Initiated by Rtn Ian Scott in 1981 Research into Sudden Infant Death

  5. Australian Rotary Health. Research into Sudden Infant Death reduced the incidence greatly!

  6. Australian Rotary Health. Australian Rotary Health has provided more than $30,000,000 for Medical Research since 1983

  7. Australian Rotary Health. Some Examples from 2012 Funding for Mental Health research =$975,000 Research into any health area =$100,865

  8. Australian Rotary Health. Total Funds provided in 2012 More than $2,000,000

  9. Australian Rotary Health. Why is Research so important? Research leads us closer and closer to a cure.

  10. Australian Rotary Health. Why is it so important? Often it runs up a blind alley, but...

  11. Australian Rotary Health. Why is it so important? It pays off!!

  12. Australian Rotary Health. Research is... Kidney treatment Successful organ transplants Heart disease treatments Diabetes drugs HIV treatment Psychotic therapies Mental Health outcomes.......

  13. Australian Rotary Health. 2012 Medical Research Grants we have given... 14 Mental Health Research Grants.... $657,568 2 Funding Partner Research Grants.. $169,84 32 Funding Partner PhD Scholarships$498.999 8 BowelScan PhD Scholarships.... $232,000

  14. Australian Rotary Health. Some Funding Partner examples. Indigenous Medical Scholarships Club $2,500-Matched by $2,500 ARH contributes administration fees

  15. Australian Rotary Health. Some Funding Partner examples. Phd. Research Scholarships Club $30,000-over 3 years Matched by $30,000 from University and $27,000 from ARH

  16. Australian Rotary Health. Medical grants are decided by the Research Committee which recommends applications.

  17. Australian Rotary Health. How do we Fund all this? By Donation from Clubs and Individuals.

  18. Australian Rotary Health. Clubs help by donations each year. Individuals become a Friend with $100, a Diamond Friend with $2500, a Companion at $5000, and a Diamond Companion $100,000

  19. Australian Rotary Health. There is a Fund. Interest from this pays the running costs of ARH, and maintains the value of the Fund. It sometimes allows some extra expenditure on Research as well.

  20. Australian Rotary Health. In 2012, donations were $1.5m

  21. Australian Rotary Health. Yet, we paid out over $2m and the demand was much more than TWICE that amount!!!

  22. Australian Rotary Health. We could fund about 20% of the need!!

  23. Australian Rotary Health. We need your Financial help to make this dream continue!

  24. Australian Rotary Health. Hat Day..a community programme similar to “Worlds Biggest Morning Tea”

  25. Australian Rotary Health.

  26. Australian Rotary Health. Well, no, its not in May any longer! Now it’s in October, in Mental Health week. Wear a hat and raise some funds. It’s a fun day.

  27. Australian Rotary Health. Rotarians: consider applying to be a member of ARH ($50 to join and $10 per annum) Make a Club donation. Help us to make Australia a happier and healthier place.

  28. Australian Rotary Health. We do need your Financial help to make this dream continue! Thank you !


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