aug 21 2017 solar eclipse caiso impact analysis

Aug. 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse CAISO Impact Analysis Amber Motley - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Aug. 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse CAISO Impact Analysis Amber Motley Manager, Short Term Forecasting Jim Blatchford Sr. Advisor, Short Term Forecasting ISO Confidential How will the August 21,2017 affect California BA? 100% Eclipse @10:19 a.m.

  1. Aug. 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse CAISO Impact Analysis Amber Motley Manager, Short Term Forecasting Jim Blatchford Sr. Advisor, Short Term Forecasting ISO Confidential

  2. How will the August 21,2017 affect California BA? 100% Eclipse @10:19 a.m. 100% Eclipse @10:30 a.m. N. San Joaquin Las Vegas S. San Joaquin Mojave Colorado River LA Basin Coachella and Imperial Valley Slide 2 ISO Confidential

  3. What will be the potential MW impact on CAISO? Slide 3 ISO Confidential

  4. The effects of rooftop solar and solar in EIM regions. Behind The Meter Growth 3000 2525 2500 1967 Installed MWs 1768 2000 1500 1204 885 1000 488 500 0 SCE PGE SDGE Growth Projection from CEC Distribution Commercial EIM Entity MWs MWs Arizona 551 499 Nevada 265 1900 PacifiCorp 871 PSE 0.5 Total 816 3271 Slide 4 ISO Confidential

  5. Lesson learned from Europe. • Transmission System Operators – Higher reserves – Committed to zero Area Control Error – Strategic use of pump storage – Limited generation planned outages – Reduced high voltage direct current line capacities between the Nordic, United Kingdom and Continental Europe. – Activated emergency telecommunications, with back up – Specialized training for operators. – Raised awareness with market players and distribution system operators. • Germany – Procured 2 times normal regulations – Germany established special operational concepts for reserves • Italy – Reduce northern net transfer capability – Reduced day ahead PV production from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Slide 5 ISO Confidential

  6. Potential mitigations to be studied by ISO: • Scheduling Coordinator engagement • Reserve procurement • Gas supply coordination • Flexi-Ramp usage • Special Operating Procedures • EIM transfer capability • WECC/Peak RC coordination • Hydro reserves Slide 6 ISO Confidential

  7. What is the Mitigation Measure timeline? • A preliminary timeline has been developed to allow sufficient time to address any issues arising from the eclipse: September –December 2016 – Announce eclipse study at Market Performance and Planning Forum Sept 20. – Request MP input. • January –March 2017 – Develop Solar Eclipse Mitigation Procedure. – Circulate with SCs for comment. – Publish Procedure. Slide 7 ISO Confidential

  8. Thank You • Please provide feedback By Nov 3 rd to Slide 8 ISO Confidential


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