attachment 1 williams road atlantic gulf o i age of


~ ATTACHMENT 1 WILLIAMS ROAD ATLANTIC GULF o/i{{age of BOULEVARD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @TERO Presented to The Village of Estero Council Meeting By AIM Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Wednesday, February 5 , 20 20 @ 9:30am OVERVIEW

  1. ~ ATTACHMENT 1 WILLIAMS ROAD – ATLANTIC GULF o/i{{age of BOULEVARD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @TERO Presented to The Village of Estero Council Meeting By AIM Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Wednesday, February 5 , 20 20 @ 9:30am

  2. OVERVIEW Numerous Resident Complaints Illegal Left turns from Walgreens driveway Use of Life Care Center for U-turns Proximity to US 41 Limited Williams Road Left Turn Stacking Blocked Atlantic Gulf Left Turn Movement Overview 2 Original Concepts Concept Refinement Concept 4a Impacts and Constr. Costs

  3. ORIGINAL CONCEPTS 1) TRAFFIC SEPARATOR Original Concepts 3 Overview Concept Refinement Concept 4a Impacts and Constr. Costs

  4. ORIGINAL CONCEPTS 2) U-TURN Original Concepts 4 Overview Concept Refinement Concept 4a Impacts and Constr. Costs

  5. ORIGINAL CONCEPTS 3) 4-WAY INTERSECTION Original Concepts 5 Overview Concept Refinement Concept 4a Impacts and Constr. Costs

  6. ORIGINAL CONCEPTS 4) ROUNDABOUT Original Concepts 6 Overview Concept Refinement Impacts and Constr. Costs Concept 4a

  7. CONCEPT REFINEMENT  Data Collection  South Florida Water Management District Meeting  Development of Original Concepts  Development of Concept 4a  Initial Property/Stakeholder Meetings  Follow-up Property/Stakeholder Meetings  Concept 4 Roundabout Refinement  Impacts and Construction Cost Concept 5 – Additional Williams Road Eastbound Through Lane Concept 5 – Additional Williams Road Eastbound Through Lane Concept Refinement 7 Overview Original Concepts Concept 4a Impacts and Constr. Costs

  8. CONCEPT 4A 0 20 10 0 r i;..;..-- ------- ROUNDABOUT (95-FT DIA.) ee t PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED R/ W LINE c::::::::J PROPOSED ROADWAY EX ISTING R/ W LINE - PROPOSED SOD c::::::::J PROPOSED SIDEWALK EXISTING CONSERVATION EASEMENT Concept 4a 8 Overview Original Concepts Concept Refinement Impacts and Constr. Costs

  9. CONCEPT 4A Concept 4a 9 Overview Original Concepts Concept Refinement Impacts and Constr. Costs

  10. CONCEPT 4A Concept 4a 1 1 0 0 Overview Original Concepts Concept Refinement Impacts and Constr. Costs

  11. IMPACTS AND CONSTR. COSTS rn at ive 4A Roundabout {95-ft Diamete r) Component Total Cost $ Earthw ork 88,409 $ Roadway 389,964 $ Shoulder 131,170  FDOT Long Range Estimating System $ Draina ge 647,404  Project Unknows Component $ Signing 10,440 Lighting $ 139,268  Design-Level Considerations $ Landscaping 300,000 Subtotal $ 1,706 ,654  Right-of-Way Considerations $ Maintenance of Traffic (10%) 170,665  No Impacts to West Bay Conservation Area Mob ilizat ion (10%) $ 187,732 $ Project Un kn owns (20%) 413,010  Impacts to Fountain Lakes Mitigated within RAB Greenspace $ Total Co nst ru cti on Cos t 2 ,4 78,062 $ Des ign (15%) 371,709  Summary Memorandum CEI (15%) $ 371,709 $ 3,221,481 Total Proj ec t Cost Note: Proj ect cost does not include right-of-way acquisition. Impacts and Constr. Costs 1 1 1 1 Overview Original Concepts Concept Refinement Concept 4a

  12. Thank You! 0 20 100 r i;..;..-- ------- ee t Questions? 1 1 2 2


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