ATLAS + CMS Other heavy ”Higgs” bosons Alexandra Oliveira on behalf of ATLAS + CMS collaborations BSMHiggsLPC: 3-5 Nov 2014 FNAL
X → t ¯ X → VV hadronic X → VV semi-leptonic X → VV leptonic X → γγ/γ Z / γ W t X → hh (125 GeV) Aka searches for heavy resonances in di-boson and t ¯ t final states free from extended Higgs sector interpretation, from 2014 ◮ What are we talking about?! ◮ One additional spin-0 EW singlet (Dark portal, ... see S. Dawson talk) ◮ Extra dimensions / Strong-like theories (spin-0/2 resonances) ∗ ◮ Extended gauge sector (spin-1 resonances) ∗ ∗ Asking for poetic licence with respect to the original talk title ◮ Why this is a separated talk? ◮ Extended mass range hypothesis no naturality arguments limiting expectations up to TeV range Boosted searches included ◮ The large natural with of 2HDM or MSSM Higgs bosons is not considered results usually derived negligible width approximation (Γ X / M X ≪≪≪ 0 . 1) Alexandra Oliveira ATLAS + CMS Other heavy ”Higgs” bosons 2 / 19
X → t ¯ X → VV hadronic X → VV semi-leptonic X → VV leptonic X → γγ/γ Z / γ W t X → hh (125 GeV) Final states mentioned in this talk ◮ X → VV hadronic ◮ X → VV semi-leptonic ◮ X → VV leptonic ◮ X → γγ/γ Z / γ W ◮ X → t ¯ t ◮ X → hh (the 125 GeV one) - signal extraction method - object reconstruction techniques - model dependencies Model You are invited to go to the references (and backup) for sensitivity results and other many interesting details. (There is no excess bigger than 2 σ in the analyses mentioned in this talk) Alexandra Oliveira ATLAS + CMS Other heavy ”Higgs” bosons 3 / 19
X → t ¯ X → VV hadronic X → VV semi-leptonic X → VV leptonic X → γγ/γ Z / γ W t X → hh (125 GeV) X → VV hadronic - boosted regime W ′ ( WZ ) , q ∗ ( jj ) and bulk/RS1 KK-graviton (CMS, WW / ZZ ). Bump in di-jet mass spectra ( p jet T > 50(30) GeV), ∆ η jj < 1 . 2(1 . 3) prevents t –channel events ATLAS: m X ⊂ [0 . 8 , 3 . 2] TeV CMS: m X ⊂ [1 , 3] TeV Uses jet substructure to V-tag ⇒ acentuate results model dependency. 6 -1 6 -1 Events / 0.05 10 CMS, L = 19.7 fb , s = 8 TeV Events / 5 GeV 10 CMS, L = 19.7 fb , s = 8 TeV × × G (1.5TeV) ZZ ( 2.94E+07) (JHUGEN+PYTHIA) G (1.5TeV) ZZ ( 2.94E+07) (JHUGEN+PYTHIA) → × bulk → × bulk G (1.5TeV) WW ( 1.52E+07) (JHUGEN+PYTHIA) G (1.5TeV) WW ( 1.52E+07) (JHUGEN+PYTHIA) → × → × bulk bulk 2.5 3 W’ (1.5 TeV) WZ ( 8.51E+04) PYTHIA W’ (1.5 TeV) WZ ( 8.51E+04) PYTHIA → × → × G (1.5 TeV) ZZ ( 1.34E+05) HERWIG++ → × G (1.5 TeV) ZZ ( 1.34E+05) HERWIG++ RS → × RS G (1.5 TeV) → WW ( × 7.15E+04) HERWIG++ RS 2.5 G (1.5 TeV) WW ( 7.15E+04) HERWIG++ 2 → × RS Untagged data CA R=0.8 MADGRAPH+PYTHIA 2 Untagged data 1.5 HERWIG++ MADGRAPH+PYTHIA HERWIG++ 1.5 CA pruned R=0.8 arXiv:1407.1376 + Twiki 1 1 JHEP08(2014)173 + Twiki 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 50 100 150 200 N -subjettiness ratio Pruned-jet mass (GeV) τ 21 Alexandra Oliveira ATLAS + CMS Other heavy ”Higgs” bosons 4 / 19
X → t ¯ X → VV hadronic X → VV semi-leptonic X → VV leptonic X → γγ/γ Z / γ W t X → hh (125 GeV) X → VV semi-leptonic - resolved + boosted regimes W ′ ( Z ( ll ) W ( qq )) and bulk KK-graviton ( Z ( ll ) Z ( qq ) ) Events / GeV Single lepton trigger ( p T > 24 GeV) 5 10 ATLAS Data Z+jets s = 8 TeV 4 10 ∫ ZZ/ZW/WW with tracker+calo isolation (∆ R > 0 . 2) L dt = 20.3 fb -1 t t +Single Top 3 10 Low-p Res. Region Sys+Stat Uncertainty T → µ µ G*, m=500 GeV Drop calo lepton isolation if 2 leptons w/ ∆ R ll < 0 . 25 Z ee, Channel 2 10 σ × 10.0 Nominal 10 1 Hadronic V tag by Fat-jet mass -1 10 = filter in CA1.2 recluster of AkT04 jets 10 -2 -3 10 -4 10 1.4 Data / BG 1.2 0.8 Efficiency 1 ATLAS Simulation 0.8 0.7 s = 8 TeV Total Acceptance 0.6 → → G* ZZ eeqq Resolved low-p 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 T 0.6 Resolved high-p m [GeV] × T lljj Acceptance Merged region 0.5 with dilepton isolation Merged region 0.4 with nominal lepton isolation 0.3 0.2 arxiv:1409.6190 + Twiki 0.1 0 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 M [GeV] G* Alexandra Oliveira ATLAS + CMS Other heavy ”Higgs” bosons 5 / 19
X → t ¯ X → VV hadronic X → VV semi-leptonic X → VV leptonic X → γγ/γ Z / γ W t X → hh (125 GeV) X → VV semi-leptonic -resolved and boosted regimes Fit in reconstructed resonance mass. bulk KK-graviton ( ZZ , WW ) and W ′ ( WZ ) GF spin-0 → W ( l ν ) W ( qq ) Single and Di-lepton trigger, Single lepton HLT (∆ R > 0 . 3) no isolation and loose definition + 2 AkT05 jets m X ⊂ [160 , 600] GeV Uses jet substructure to V-tag (as slide 4) ∫ CMS preliminary dt = 19.3 fb -1 s = 8 TeV L × 10 3 Events/ 40 GeV -1 CMS L = 19.7 fb at s = 8 TeV Muon Data CMS L = 19.7 fb -1 at s = 8 TeV 5 500 10 ) W+jets ν 0.4 +e CMS Data ( µ ν HP) W+jets 250 ν WW/WZ/ZZ 4 µ 10 0.35 400 excluded at 95% CL ( top WW/WZ t t 200 0.3 Z+Jets Events / 100 GeV 10 3 G ∗ Single t Uncertainty 300 X 0.25 MC Uncertainty / M 150 10 2 × 0.2 G M = 1 TeV, k M / = 0.5 ( 100) X bulk G Pl Γ 200 0.15 100 10 100 0.1 events 1 50 0.05 N 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 10 -1 Ratio Data/MC 0 1000 1500 2000 2500 1.2 M [GeV] X 1 -2 10 Boosted results given beyond 0.8 0.6 -3 10 200 400 600 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 narrow-width approximation. m (GeV) ν l jj m [GeV] WW JHEP 08 (2014)174 + Twiki CMS-HIG-13-027 + Twiki Alexandra Oliveira ATLAS + CMS Other heavy ”Higgs” bosons 6 / 19
X → t ¯ X → VV hadronic X → VV semi-leptonic X → VV leptonic X → γγ/γ Z / γ W t X → hh (125 GeV) X → VV leptonic - resolved GF and VBF spin-0 ( Z ( ll ) Z ( νν ) ) W’ ( W ( l ν ) Z ( ll ) ) Two well-identified, isolated same flavour leptons Pair of same-flavor, opposite-charge, Signal extraction in transverse plane isolated leptons with m ll ∼ m Z m X ⊂ [0 . 2 , 1] TeV Both reco mass and total tranverse N jets define GF and VBF categories: momenta used to extract signal. - VBF: ∆ η jj > 4 and m jj > 500 GeV. -1 -1 CMS preliminary, s =8 TeV, ∫ L=19.6 fb 19.5 fb (8 TeV) 6 10 Events → ν 1400 Bkg CMS Top,W,VV ZZ WZ 3l 5 Unpublished 10 Z+jets EWK Z+2jets data Sig 1200 → → → ggH(300) ZZ ggH(600) ZZ qqH(300) ZZ Data 4 10 m X = 1 TeV qqH(600) → ZZ Both GF/VBF individual limits, 1000 (GeV) 3 10 + combined results in terms of Γ inv , 800 2 10 WZ for X = EW scalar singlet. 600 M 10 400 1 200 -1 10 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 Missing transverse energy [GeV] 0 200 400 600 800 1000 L (GeV) Bckg 1.5 T 1 Σ 0.5 Data/ 0 100 200 300 400 500 CMS-PAS-HIG-13-014 + Twiki arXiv:1407.3476 + Twiki Alexandra Oliveira ATLAS + CMS Other heavy ”Higgs” bosons 7 / 19
X → t ¯ X → VV hadronic X → VV semi-leptonic X → VV leptonic X → γγ/γ Z / γ W t X → hh (125 GeV) X → VV combinations in selected benchmark scenarios hadronic + semileptonic channel bulk KK-graviton benchmark -1 CMS (unpublished) L = 19.7 fb at s = 8 TeV ) [pb] Frequentist CL obs. (solid) / exp. (dashed) S 1 → → µ µ G ZZ ee/ +V-jet bulk bulk → → G WW/ZZ V-jet+V-jet Assuming TeV localized RH top G bulk → → ν µ ν G WW e / +V-jet → bulk Bulk (pp 1 Combination ZZ 0.1 WW 95% hh � � GeV � σ -1 10 0.01 aa gg 0.001 tt 10 � 4 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 MGr � GeV � -2 10 JHEP08(2014)174 + Twiki 600 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 M [GeV] G Work ongoing on spin-1 hypotheses combination Alexandra Oliveira ATLAS + CMS Other heavy ”Higgs” bosons 8 / 19
X → t ¯ X → VV hadronic X → VV semi-leptonic X → VV leptonic X → γγ/γ Z / γ W t X → hh (125 GeV) X → γγ GF and VBF spin-0 resonance and GF bulk KK-graviton (CMS) SM-like search for a bump in m γγ Extended range for bkg extimation, ] -1 ATLAS di-photon spectra is not like di-jet one: 2200 [GeV 2000 3 10 1800 γ 1600 γ dN / dm 1400 - ATLAS fit 2th order polinomial 2 1200 10 1000 Data Continuum+H fit ( m = 125 GeV) in different mass ranges 800 X Continuum component of the fit 600 115 120 125 130 135 - CMS uses f ( m ) = e − p 1 m m − p 2 in all range 10 ∫ -1 s = 8 TeV, Ldt = 20.3 fb 1 CMS Preliminary 19.7 fb -1 (8 TeV) Data [GeV] (pb) Continuum+H fit ( m = 125 GeV) 80 All Categories Combined - Observed X Continuum+H fit ( m = 250 GeV) UL = 0.002 [pb] 95%CL -1 X 10 70 Continuum+H fit ( m = 500 GeV) X UL = 0.003 [pb] X Γ -2 ) 10 γ UL = 0.004 [pb] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 γ 60 UL = 0.010 [pb] → BR (X m [GeV] UL = 0.020 [pb] γ γ 50 × 40 σ -3 10 30 20 PRL 113 ,171801 + Twiki Narrow width 10 10 -4 results in terms of Γ X CMS-PAS-HIG-14-006 + Twiki 200 400 600 800 m [GeV] X Work ongoing for 2HDM interpretations. Alexandra Oliveira ATLAS + CMS Other heavy ”Higgs” bosons 9 / 19
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