tth searches at atlas and cms

ttH searches at ATLAS and CMS Thomas CALVET for the ATLAS and CMS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ttH searches at ATLAS and CMS Thomas CALVET for the ATLAS and CMS collaborations Stony Brook University SM@LHC2018 Apr 11 th , 2018 The Higgs Top Sector Higgs boson discovery in 2012 Large effort to characterize this boson Yukawa

  1. ttH searches at ATLAS and CMS Thomas CALVET for the ATLAS and CMS collaborations Stony Brook University SM@LHC2018 Apr 11 th , 2018

  2. The Higgs – Top Sector  Higgs boson discovery in 2012  Large effort to characterize this boson  Yukawa coupling to top quark = crucial role:  𝑍 𝑔 ∝ 𝑛 𝑔 & top heaviest known particle  Sensitive to new physics  Top – Higgs sector at the LHC: Cross-section (pb) Leading contribution to Higgs loops: ggH (also H→γγ ) 48.5 t,b,?  Large constrain on coupling: 𝒫 15% ggH gH ✘ Very model dependent ATLAS+CMS Run 1: JHEP 08 (2016) 045 0.507 Direct access in ttH production ttH ttH ✘ Lower constrain on coupling: 𝒫 30%  Less model dependent 2 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  3. ttH Channels  Largest Yukawa does not mean easiest:  1% produced Higgs come from ttH (cross section 0.507 pb)  Multitude of possible complex final states  Separated in 4 analyses ttH( γγ ) ttH(ZZ*→4l) ttH(bb) ttH multi-leptons Low S/B (need MVAs) Clear peak (bump hunt) High Higgs Branching Ratios Low Higgs Branching Ratios 3 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  4. ttH( bb ): 1 and 2 leptons ATLAS : arXiv:1712.08895 CMS : CMS-PAS-HIG-17-026 4 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  5. ttH(bb) Challenges ttH(bb) 1. Complex final state  Split in 1-lepton and 2-lepton channels  Sensitive to b-tagging, jet, lepton, MET uncertainties  Complex jet combinatorics: difficult Higgs boson reconstruction 5 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  6. ttH(bb) Challenges ttH(bb) tt+jets 2. tt+jets background  3 main components: tt+lf (uds), tt+cc, tt+bb  tt+bb: irreducible, 30*signal, large uncertainties 𝒫 35%  Analysis sensitivity ∝ ability to separate and control tt+lf/cc/bb/H 6 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  7. ATLAS strategy b-tagging output Two stage signal separation ATL-PHYS-PUB-2016-012 Categorization: 1 2 345  Split in N(jet)  Use b-tagging discriminant  Categories enriched in tt+lf, cc, or [bb and H] light-jet c-jet b-jet Reconstruction Classification Kinematic/topological MVAs: 1. Final state reconstruction ⇒ find b-jets from Higgs ⇒ main in put to step 2 m(bb) BDT 2. Classification BDT ⇒ ttH(bb) VS tt+bb discriminant 7 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  8. CMS strategy  Channel dependent strategy  Combine b-tag and event kinematic/topology already in categorization 1: Simple N(b-tags) or N(jets) classification 2: Multiple MVAs  2-lep: tt+jets VS ttH(bb) then tt+bb VS ttH(bb)  1-lep: separate tt+lf, cc, b, B, bb, H Refine categorization, fit MVA discriminant 8 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  9. ttH(bb) results • All categories matched to data simultaneously (profile likelihood) 𝜏 • Signal parametrized by with 𝜈 = 𝜏 𝑇𝑁 Central value:  Compatibility ATLAS – CMS – SM 40% higher uncertainty in ATLAS 9 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  10. ATLAS uncertainty sources Uncertainty Sources CMS uncertainty sources  tt+bb major source of uncertainty:  Leading contribution to difference between ATLAS and CMS  Both analysis validated comparing multiple tt+bb models  CMS: Sherpa+OpenLoops 4 flavor: Difference within uncertainties  bb from ME at NLO Not considered as uncertainty  ATLAS: Powheg+Pythia8 5 flavor: Difference as systematic uncertainty  bb from PS Second largest impact on signal 10 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  11. ttH(bb): 0-lepton ATLAS only Run 1 (not discussed): arXiv:1604.03812 CMS: arXiv:1803.06986 11 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  12. ttH(bb): 0-lepton • Very challenging analysis:  Categories from 7 to ≥9 jets  No lepton to reduce QCD • 2 main backgrounds: QCD and tt+jets  Reduced with MVAs Quark/gluon discriminant: tt+jets MEM: cut QCD like events final discriminant Observed 𝝂 = 𝟏. 𝟘 ± 𝟐. 𝟔 Channel Uncertainty on μ 𝒫(1.5) 0-lepton 𝒫(1.0) 1-lepton 𝒫(0.5) 2-lepton 12 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  13. ttH( WW*, ττ , ZZ* ) ATLAS : Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) 072003 CMS: arXiv:1803.05485 13 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  14. ttH(multi-leptons) Challenges Primarily target: H→WW, ττ and ZZ Complex final state:  Lepton, MET, b-tagging, jet uncertainties Various topologies: 1 to 4 leptons ---- 0 to 2 taus  Require optimization on many objects  Veto H→ZZ→4 𝓂 14 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  15. ttH(multi-leptons): the Many Channels Primarily target: H→WW, ττ and ZZ Complex final state:  Lepton, MET, b-tagging, jet uncertainties Various topologies: 1 to 4 leptons ---- 0 to 2 taus  Require optimization on many objects  Veto H→ZZ→4 𝓂 Split in several channels:  Use N( τ -had), N(lep), charge(lep) ATLAS only 15 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  16. ttH(multi-leptons) Challenges Various background sources 1. Prompt leptons:  Estimated from MC simulation 2. Non-prompt and fake leptons:  Data-driven estimates 16 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  17. Analysis Strategy I Reject Keep lepton lepton Object level MVAs: remove “bad” leptons 1.  Non- prompts: “isolation - like” BDT  Charge mis-Id: track quality cuts (CMS), BDT BDT (ATLAS) 2. Event level MVAs: ttH(bb) VS background(s)  Channel dependent strategy:  BDT, MEM in CMS, event count  In 2ℓSS and 3ℓ (most sensitive):  Combine multiple BDTs with multi-dimensional binning 17 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  18. ttH(multi-leptons): Fit Strategy  Signal parametrized by 𝜈 = Τ 𝜏 𝜏 𝑇𝑁 +0.3 𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑢 +0.4 𝑡𝑧𝑡𝑢 +0.5  ATLAS: 𝜈 = 1.6 −0.4 −0.3 −0.3 +0.26 𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑢 +0.37 𝑡𝑧𝑡𝑢 +0.45  CMS: 𝜈 = 1.23 −0.43 −0.25 −0.35  Sensitivity lead by 3ℓ and 2ℓSS channels  Compatibility ATLAS – CMS – SM  Clear signal above the background:  Event yields after combining analysis bins in log(S/B) bins CMS: Evidence for ttH production in the multi-lepton final state 18 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  19. Uncertainty Sources ATLAS uncertainty sources CMS uncertainty sources ∆𝜈 𝜈 [%] ൗ +13 -5 +11 -9 +9 -8 ∆𝜈 𝜈 ~20% ൗ Syst Stat: ∆𝜈 = ±0.3 ⇔  Potential gain from more data:  Impact of stat and syst unc on signal uncertainty similar  Important impact of non-prompt/fake estimate (data driven)  Leading uncertainty from signal modelling:  Would not affect a cross-section measurement  Object reconstruction: jet (ATLAS) and lepton (CMS) uncertainties 19 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  20. ttH(ZZ* →4l ) ATLAS : JHEP 03 (2018) 095 CMS: JHEP 11 (2017) 047 20 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  21. ttH(ZZ* →4l ): ATLAS and CMS  Included in H→ZZ*→4ℓ analysis:  Inclusive H→ZZ*→4ℓ selection  N(jets) and N(b-tags) ⇒ ttH  Very pure channel:  S/B ~ 125 to 300%  Very low statistic:  𝜏 × 𝐶𝑆 = 0.507 𝑞𝑐 × 0.0001251 0.3 ttH events exp No data event in signal regions => set limit ATLAS: 95% CL upper limit 𝜏 ∙ 𝐶 at 7.1 times SM 𝜏 +1.18 𝜏 𝑇𝑁 = 0.00 −0.00 CMS: Need higher luminosities 21 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  22. ttH( γγ ) ATLAS : arXiv:1802.04146 CMS: CMS-PAS-HIG-16-040 22 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  23. ttH( γγ ): ATLAS and CMS  Low statistic channel ( 𝜏 × 𝐶𝑆 = 0.507𝑞𝑐 × 0.00227 )  0.2% of the ttH events & 1% of the H→γγ events  Included in main H→γγ analysis:  Rely on the excellent  Inclusive H→γγ event selection M( γγ ) resolution  ttH enriched category at high N(jets) and N(b-tags)  Leptonic and hadronic categories Signal as double sided crystal ball around 125 GeV Extract background from side bands 23 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  24. ttH( γγ ) ATLAS and CMS Combined fit with all H→γγ channels: +0.6 (𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑢) +0.1 (𝑡𝑧𝑡𝑢)  ATLAS: 𝜈 𝑢𝑝𝑞 = 0.5 ± 0.6 𝑢𝑝𝑢 −0.5 −0.1 +0.9 (𝑢𝑝𝑢)  CMS: 𝜈 𝑢𝑢𝐼 = 2.2 −0.8 Sensitivity limited by statistical uncertainty 24 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  25. ttH combination ATLAS : Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) 072003 CMS : arXiv:1804.02610 25 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  26. ttH Combination Run 2 Result Combine all ttH analyses:  Other Higgs boson production modes fixed to SM Compatibility ATLAS – CMS – SM +0.2 𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑢 +0.3 𝑡𝑧𝑡𝑢  ATLAS Run 2: 𝜈 = 1.2 ± 0.3 −0.2 −0.2 +0.17 𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑢 +0.26 𝑡𝑧𝑡𝑢 + 0.31  CMS Run 2: 𝜈 = 1.14 − 0.27 −0.16 −0.22 26 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018

  27. ttH Combination Run 2 Result Combine all ttH analyses:  Other Higgs boson production modes fixed to SM ATLAS First evidence of ttH production (Nov 2017): ATLAS Run 2 data +160 𝑔𝑐 (𝑇𝑁: 507 −50 +35 ) ttH cross-section measurement: σ 𝑢𝑢𝐼 = 590 −150 27 Thomas CALVET, SM@LHC2018, Apr 11th 2018


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