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Asthma UK Annual General Meeting 27 June 2019 Agenda - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Asthma UK Annual General Meeting 27 June 2019 Agenda Presentations Formal AGM business Review of 2017 18 Apologies Financial review Minutes from 2018 AGM Annual Report Auditors Highlights of 2017 - 18 Kay Boycott

  1. Asthma UK Annual General Meeting 27 June 2019

  2. Agenda Presentations Formal AGM business ▪ Review of 2017 – 18 ▪ Apologies ▪ Financial review ▪ Minutes from 2018 AGM ▪ Annual Report ▪ Auditors

  3. Highlights of 2017 - 18 Kay Boycott Chief Executive

  4. Asthma UK 2017 – 2020: strategy Delivering charitable purpose Managing resources responsibly Activity 2017 – 2020 Strategy Activity 2017 – 2020 Strategy Inspire people with asthma to make a positive change Improve asthma Develop a sustainable asthma Re-imagine asthma management income generation model for a self-management through Maximise wherever digital world digital innovation resources for the delivered Pursue improvement in the NHS long-term for people with asthma benefit of people with Broker ambitious research Speed up asthma collaborations research against Advance Asthma UK’s agility and the biggest productivity Invest in exceptional asthma priorities patient-centric science


  6. Inspiring people with asthma to make a positive change Reimagining asthma self management through digital innovation In the last year, Asthma UK has… Secured Reached an audience of Conducted 678 Helped Enabled 35m 15,000 158,520 6,000 items of people to WhatsApp with our back people who media download chats with to school called the AUK coverage with Asthma people media Helpline our health Action Plans seeking advice coverage activation messaging

  7. Demand improvement in the NHS for people with asthma In the last year, Asthma UK has… Explored the Published our Collaborated Campaigned & Produced our issue of data with an audience ‘ Slipping influenced NICE report ‘ Falling sharing of over 60 to recommend Through the Through technology Industry a new drug Gaps ’ through our the Net ’ benralizamub for experts report highlighting the the treatment calling for a ‘ Exploring 3.5m people with at our digital of severe transformation asthma that are the attitudes innovators event of care for asthma – a big not getting the of people people with right level of basic success ! with asthma ’ severe asthma care

  8. Broker ambitious research collaborations & invest in exceptional patient-centric science In the last year, Asthma UK has… Spent Directly Collaborated Jointly funded an Awarded 3 influenced with UK & US £1,138,000 Innovation Research Leading £5.5million on research Grant Severe whilst continuing Grants investment in Round Asthma to support our asthma research to develop low two centres Researchers to explore the & supported cost diagnostic Centre for applications of at our tests for Four Allergic digital Transatlantic asthma research Mechanisms and technology in Partnership Centre for programmes asthma meeting Applied Research

  9. Develop a sustainable fundraising model for a digital world In the last year, Asthma UK has… Enabled Invested in an Reinvested Tested new Grown the In-house income lines 35.6p for 248 runners Asthma UK Paid Social Facebook every £1 spent to complete the Lottery in fundraising Team donate London to make By 39% year- Marathon; has helped to to complement another £1 and generating on-year, with increase core income & 64.4p was 42% of players £500,000 (up individual online reach over spent on taking our 9% on the previous donations by 4.8m charitable year) asthma risk test 43% activity people

  10. 2017 – 18 Financial Performance Nick Lewis Interim Chief Operating Officer

  11. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE – BIG PICTURE All amounts in £000s Actual Actual Actual Forecast Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Total Income 8,762 7,950 7,840 7,744 Total Expenditure 9,292 7,139 7,359 10,374 Surplus / Deficit - before Investments -530 811 481 -2,630 Investment Gains 1,467 315 931 90 Surplus / Deficit - after Investments 937 1,126 1,412 -2,540 Investment Gains – the 2018-19 Forecast is based on actual gains of £45k for the first half of this year

  12. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE - INCOME All amounts in £000s Actual Actual Actual Forecast Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Individuals 2,430 2,108 2,167 2,026 Companies & Trusts 688 710 394 655 Community & Events 1,214 1,347 1,118 1,221 Legacies 3,697 3,041 3,601 3,542 Other Income 502 460 376 300 Gifts in Kind 231 284 184 0 Total Income 8,762 7,950 7,840 7,744

  13. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE - EXPENDITURE All amounts in £000s Actual Actual Actual Forecast Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Research 3,688 1,496 1,138 Improving Care 905 798 879 Advice & Support 2,507 2,579 2,721 Charitable Expenditure 7,100 4,873 4,738 7,444 Fundraising 2,192 2,266 2,621 2,930 Total Expenditure 9,292 7,139 7,359 10,374 Research Expenditure – Actual 2015-16 – this includes £2,000k for the UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma Charitable Expenditure – Forecast 2018-19 – this includes £2,000k for the UK Centre for Applied Research

  14. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE - RESERVES All amounts in £000s Actual Actual Actual Forecast Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Unrestricted Reserves 5,185 5,710 5,139 5,070 Designated Reserves 185 1,212 3,191 670 Restricted & Endowment Reserves 1,437 1,011 1,015 1,065 Total Reserves 6,807 7,933 9,345 6,805 Minimum Target Reserves 3,400 3,800 1,400 1,515 Free Reserves above Target 1,785 1,910 3,739 3,555 Free Reserves above Target – the difference between the Unrestricted Reserves and the Minimum Target Reserves

  15. AGM Formal Business John Tucker Chairman

  16. AGM Formal AGM business ▪ Apologies ▪ Minutes from 2018 AGM ▪ Annual Report ▪ Auditors

  17. End


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