assignm ssignment 4 nt 4 fina inal r l rese search p h

Assignm ssignment 4 nt 4: : Fina inal R l Rese search P h - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Assignm ssignment 4 nt 4: : Fina inal R l Rese search P h Pape per Pr r Proposa oposal l Sc ScWk Wk 2 242 Se Session 1 ssion 14 Slide Slides s 2 Methods & Me thods & R Rese search D h Design sign Ide

  1. Assignm ssignment 4 nt 4: : Fina inal R l Rese search P h Pape per Pr r Proposa oposal l Sc ScWk Wk 2 242 – Se – Session 1 ssion 14 Slide Slides s

  2. 2 Methods & Me thods & R Rese search D h Design sign Ø Ide Identify a ntify and de nd desc scribe ribe the the qua quantita ntitativ tive and the nd the qua qualita litativ tive r rese search de h designs signs tha that y t you a ou are pr proposing oposing. Pr . Provide vide a a brie brief rationa tionale le f for why y or why you c ou chose hose the these se rese search de h designs to study y signs to study your topic our topic. . Ø Wha What a t are som some qua quantita ntitativ tive de designs? signs? Ø Wha What a t are som some qua qualita litativ tive de designs? signs?

  3. 3 Sample Sa ple Ø Ide Identify a ntify and de nd desc scribe ribe the the sa sampling m pling method y thod you a ou are pr proposing f oposing for the or the qua quantita ntitativ tive a and qua nd qualita litativ tive por portions tions of the of the pr propose oposed study (i.e d study (i.e., sim ., simple ple r random ndom sa sampling pling, , con onvenie nienc nce sa sampling pling, e , etc tc.) .) Ø Indic Indicate te the the a antic nticipa ipate ted sa d sample ple siz size f for qua or quantita ntitativ tive and qua nd qualita litativ tive sa sample ples s Ø Desc scribe ribe (in g (in gene neral) the l) the a antic nticipa ipate ted de d demog ographic phic cha haracte teristic ristics of s of y your qua our quantita ntitativ tive a and qua nd qualita litativ tive sa sample ples s

  4. 4 Study Site Study Site Ø Ide Identify a ntify and de nd desc scribe ribe whe where y your our study will ta study will take pla place, inc , including luding city a ity and sta nd state te a and, if nd, if a applic pplicable le, , agenc ncy na y name. .

  5. 5 Measur Me sures a s and Instr nd Instrum umenta ntation tion For the or the qua quantita ntitativ tive por portion of tion of the the pr propose oposed study: d study: Ø Ide Identify a ntify and de nd desc scribe ribe the the ope operationa tional de l definition inition (e (e.g .g. how it is . how it is measur sured) f d) for the or the inde indepe pende ndent a nt and the nd the de depe pende ndent v nt varia riable les. . Ø Desc scribe ribe the the type type of of qua quantita ntitativ tive study instr study instrum ument nt be being use ing used, d, suc such a h as a s a sur survey, a , a c case se r recor ord r d revie view f w form orm, or if , or if the the da data ta a are suppose supposed to c d to com ome fr from om a adm dministr inistrativ tive da data ta, indic , indicate te tha that he t here. . Ø Desc scribe ribe the the r relia liability of bility of the the qua quantita ntitativ tive study instr study instrum ument nt , if , if known. If nown. If not k not known, the nown, then de n desc scribe ribe how y how you w ou would a ould addr ddress ss relia liability issue bility issues (e s (e.g .g. how will y . how will you k ou know if now if the the instr instrum ument is nt is relia liable le)? )? Ø Desc scribe ribe the the v validity of lidity of the the qua quantita ntitativ tive study instr study instrum ument, nt, if if known. If nown. If not k not known, the nown, then de n desc scribe ribe how y how you w ou would a ould addr ddress ss validity issue lidity issues (e s (e.g .g. how will y . how will you k ou know if now if the the instr instrum ument is v nt is valid)? lid)?

  6. 6 For the or the qua qualita litativ tive por portion of tion of the the pr propose oposed study: d study: Ø Ide Identify a ntify and de nd desc scribe ribe the the m main dom in domains tha ins that a t are to be to be explor xplored d (e (e.g .g. the . the m main topic in topics y s you a ou are g going to a oing to ask sk about) bout) Ø Desc scribe ribe the the type type of of qua qualita litativ tive study instr study instrum ument nt being pr be ing propose oposed, suc d, such a h as a s a se semi-str i-struc uctur tured inte d intervie view w guide, or a guide , or a f foc ocus g us group guide oup guide. . Ø Desc scribe ribe how pote how potentia ntial issue l issues r s rela late ted to the d to the credibility a dibility and tr nd trustw ustwor orthine thiness ss of of the the da data ta will be will be addr ddresse ssed d

  7. 7 Hum uman Subje n Subjects C ts Conside onsiderations tions § Desc scribe ribe how y how you will obta ou will obtain inf in inform ormed c d conse onsent, e nt, ensur nsure partic pa ticipa ipants’ c nts’ conf onfide identia ntiality or a lity or anonym nonymity ity, pr , prote otect the t them fr from om ha harm rm, , and subm nd submit y it your pr our proposa oposal to a l to an IR n IRB f for r or revie view a w and a nd appr pproval. l. § Data ta C Colle ollection Pr tion Proc ocedur dures s § Desc scribe ribe, ste , step b p by ste y step, how y , how you will: ou will: Ø Recruit pote uit potentia ntial pa l partic ticipa ipants (if nts (if a applic pplicable le) ) Ø Colle ollect da t data ta fr from om pa partic ticipa ipants nts Ø Wha What will ha t will happe ppen whe n when y n you c ou colle ollect da t data ta (sur (survey, inte , intervie view w questions que stions, a , audio r udio recor ording ding, f , fie ield note ld notes, e , etc tc..) ..) Ø If If the the pr propose oposed study inc d study include ludes a s an inte n intervention, de ntion, desc scribe ribe the the inte intervention in this se ntion in this section tion

  8. Pr Propose oposed A d Ana naly lysis sis For the or the qua quantita ntitativ tive por portion: tion: Ø Desc scribe ribe the the type types of s of de desc scriptiv riptive sta statistic tistics tha that y t you ou are pr proposing to use oposing to use f for e or each v h varia riable le of of inte interest, st, inc including: de luding: demog ographic phic v varia riable les, the , the inde indepe pende ndent nt varia riable le, the , the de depe pende ndent v nt varia riable le a and a nd also a lso any ny im impor porta tant e nt extr xtrane neous (i.e ous (i.e. c . conf onfounding) v ounding) varia riable les tha s that t may inf y influe luenc nce the the possib possible le r rela lationship be tionship betw tween the n the inde indepe pende ndent a nt and the nd the de depe pende ndent v nt varia riable les. . Ø Desc scribe ribe the the type type of of inf inferentia ntial sta l statistic tistics tha that y t you a ou are pr proposing to use oposing to use to te to test y st your hypothe our hypothesis sis. .

  9. For the or the Qua Qualita litativ tive P Por ortion: tion: Ø Desc scribe ribe y your a our antic nticipa ipate ted d pr proc ocess f ss for or qua qualita litativ tive a ana naly lysis sis (i.e (i.e. ong . ongoing oing, , cyclic lical pr l proc ocess of ss of r reading a ding and r nd re- reading tr ding transc nscripts a ripts and f nd fie ield note ld notes) s) Ø Desc scribe ribe the the coding pr oding proc ocess ss y you will ou will use use (c (conte ontent, the nt, thematic tic, c , com ompa parativ tive, , na narrativ tive), y ), you c ou can c n com ombine bine the these se appr pproa oache hes. .

  10. 10 Study Design Str Study D sign Strengths a ngths and Lim nd Limita itations tions Ø Desc scribe ribe the the pote potentia ntial str l strengths a ngths and nd limita lim itations of tions of y your pr our propose oposed m d methods thods. . Ø Conside onsider str r strengths a ngths and lim nd limita itations of tions of e each h com ompone ponent in the nt in the m methods se thods section, how tion, however r de desc scribe ribe he here only the only the m most im ost impor porta tant nt str strengths a ngths and lim nd limita itations tions. .

  11. 11 Antic nticipa ipate ted F d Findings a indings and Im nd Implic plications tions Ø Inc Include lude in a in a se sepa parate te se section tion Ø Brie riefly sta ly state te wha what y t you e ou expe xpect y t your our findings to be indings to be, a , and e nd expla xplain the in the im implic plications of tions of y your spe our specif ific ic, , antic nticipa ipate ted r d results f sults for soc or socia ial w l wor ork (i.e (i.e., ., its influe its inf luenc nce on pr on practic tice, polic , policy, the , theory ory, , and/ nd/or futur or future r rese search). h).


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