Assessment of using Acoustic Pulse Technology (APT) at the dry-off period for the treatment and prevention of Mastitis Gabriel Leitner, Eddy Papirov, Sala Shefy Armenta, Israel 1
Antibiotics: Current practice and it’s consequences The dry-off period is an important resting period between lactations v During that period, invasion of bacteria could occur, leading to v mastitis in the following lactation Long-term antibiotic use is currently being practiced to treat intra- v mammary infections and protection against new infections The widespread use of antibiotics causes the development of anti- v microbial resistance (AMR) which poses a major public health hazard Consequently, health authorities are prohibiting the widespread use v of these drugs, leaving farmers with no available solution for treating and preventing mastitis while leading to greater financial losses 2
New Treatment Option: APT – Acoustic Pulse Technology APT – also known as shockwave therapy - is a v multidisciplinary method that has been used over the last 35 years in orthopaedics, physiotherapy, sports medicine, urology and veterinary medicine Shockwaves are mechanical waves featuring a steep pressure v rise in nano seconds range A compressive phase causing a tissue strain (macro effect) v followed by tensile phase causing cavitation (micro effect) 3
4 Biological effect of APT (Low Energy Shock Waves) Shear stress activates endothelial nitric oxide synthase • (ENOS) to generate Nitric Oxide Shockwave-elicited mechano-transduction to elevate • endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) through transformation from bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (BMDMNCs), and EPC mobilization Shockwave also triggers the expression of stromal cell- • derived factor 1 (SDF-1) that facilitates homing of EPCs to the ischemic site. Shockwave also induces the expression of vascular • endothelial growth factors (VEGF) that contributes to Schematic illustration of anti-inflammatory and pro- angiogenesis. angiogenic effects of extracorporeal shockwave Wang C-J, Schaden W, Ko J-Y (eds): Shockwave Medicine. Transl Res Biomed. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 6, pp 102–108
APT in dairy farming APT’s acoustic pulses are generated via ballistic impact v powered by high pressurized air The APT device generates low intensity pulses at v therapeutic energy flux density covering a large area of the shape of truncated cone at 50 mm x 150mm x 300mm ARMENTA’s APT
Previous experience with APT Cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis has shown bacterial elimination, increased milk yield and lower SCC. Cows sub clinical Cows clinical Total Location Farms APT Control APT Control APT Israel 8 331 + 21 60 +29 22 16 374 USA 3 100 41 9 10 109 France 9 14 14 7 21 Italy 3 13 4 1 1 14 Total 23 518
Summary of results: Subclinical Recovered Recovered APT=257 Control= 55 7
Summary of results: Clinical Recovered 8 Recovered APT=22 Control=26
v The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of APT on cows v The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of APT on cows during the dry period as an alternative to current dry cow during the dry period as an alternative to current dry cow therapies. therapies.
Study layout Fifty cows, APT and control, were treated during dry-off periods, 4-5 weeks before parturition. Cows were paired according to lactation, daily milk yield, DIM, SCC, history of infection, bacteriology and number of infected quarters. In each pair, one cow was then assigned to APT and the second to control . - (45-35) d 0 30 60 90 Quarter CMT and DHI + Dry -off APT Partum Bacteriology Daly MY 10
Results Average SCC (x1000) during the first 100 d of the lactation pre the dry period and that of the current one SCC (1000) 277 vs. 427 500 • SCC in the APT group was 53% 400 lower post treatment compared to the same period pre treatment 220 vs. 101 300 200 • SCC in the control group was 54% higher post treatment compared to 100 the same period pre treatment 0 APT Control Pre Post Pre Post
Average different in Milk yield during the first 100 d of the lactation 35.0% Overall change (Kg) in Milk Yield 25.0% P<0.05 NS 5000 4900 15.0% 4800 4700 5.0% 4600 10.2% 4500 4400 -5.0% 0.8% Lac 1 to 2 Lac 2 to 3 Lac 3 to 4 Lac 4,5 to 5,6 4300 4200 -15.0% APT Control Pre Post Pre Post 27% vs. 29% 13.6% vs. 2% 3.3% vs. -10.4% 1.3% vs. -3.6%) Milk yield in the APT group was 5% • to 15% higher (>Lac 1) than in the control group
Discussion Despite many years of efforts to control mastitis, this infection is still one of the leading causes of economic losses to the dairy industry worldwide v Estimating losses of clinical mastitis is straightforward: the infection is visible and requires treatment due to animal welfare. v Dealing with subclinical mastitis presents different challenges because in . many of the cows there are no recognizable symptoms and the milk appears normal. Calculations of subclinical mastitis include various costs, such as: diagnostics of the infecting agent, veterinary services, medication, labor, discarded milk, decrease in milk production, premature culling and mortality. The infection is not visible and the cost involved in treatment during the lactation is too high. 13
Discussion v Acoustic pulse therapy (APT) opens an opportunity for treating subclinical mastitis during lactation, increasing the possibility of higher MY and quality and may lead to reducing the need for dry therapy. v The new APT treatment of clinical and subclinical mastitis can: 1. significantly reduce the use of antibiotics; • 2. significantly reduce milk discarded during treatment; • 3. can be used to treat subclinical mastitis during lactation; • 4. can improve milk quantity and quality during the lactation, probably due to the • increased healing process of the damaged tissues; 5. can decrease culling of subclinical mastitis cows due to low milk production and low • milk quality. 6. ATP can be an alternative treatment during dry period • 14
Discussion Therefore, cow longevity in the cowshed can be increased and forced • culling can be reduced. Thus, the percent of replacement heifers will be reduced and milk • production will be increased, as older cows produce more milk than young ones (+15%). Holding fewer cows can significantly reduce the use of antibiotics; • producing the same quantity of milk, saving food, lowering treatment . expenses and labor and obtaining higher milk production. Repeated treatments can also increase recovery success for SCC and • microbial improvement. 15
Thanks Gabriel Leitner, David Zilberman , Eduard Papirov, Sela Shefy. 2018 Assessment of Acoustic Pulse Therapy (APT), a non-antibiotic treatment for dairy cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis. PLoS One.
Dairy Farm Challenges During Lactation Clinical Mastitis: Sub-Clinical Mastitis: Loss of milk during clean-up period from antibiotics Sub-clinical mastitis, identified by high SCC followed by reduced milk yield. Some cases ends up in (>250,000 cells/ml), could reduce milk culling preventing future milk production. production by 10%-15% and can leads to premature culling. Low Yield Heifers: Dry-period: Risk of entering into the next lactation with Low yield heifers could reach breakeven infection that will reduce overall milk production point sooner in the lactation curve and throughout the lactation period shorten the lactation period (premature culling)
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