asp net mvc ruby on rails death match

ASP.NET MVC / Ruby on Rails Death Match Saturday, October 6, 12 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ASP.NET MVC / Ruby on Rails Death Match Saturday, October 6, 12 1 ASP .NET MVC / R UBY ON R AILS D EATH M ATCH James Kovacs Technical Evangelist, JetBrains @jameskovacs | Saturday,

  1. ASP.NET ¡MVC ¡/ Ruby ¡on ¡Rails Death ¡Match Saturday, October 6, 12 1

  2. ASP .NET MVC / R UBY ON R AILS D EATH M ATCH James Kovacs Technical Evangelist, JetBrains @jameskovacs | Saturday, October 6, 12 2

  3. Saturday, October 6, 12 3

  4. ASP .NET MVC Saturday, October 6, 12 4

  5. ASP .NET MVC Created by: Microsoft Saturday, October 6, 12 4

  6. ASP .NET MVC Created by: Microsoft Released: March 2009 Saturday, October 6, 12 4

  7. ASP .NET MVC Created by: Microsoft Released: March 2009 Current version: 4.0 Saturday, October 6, 12 4

  8. ASP .NET MVC Created by: Microsoft Released: March 2009 Current version: 4.0 License: Apache 2.0 Saturday, October 6, 12 4

  9. ASP .NET MVC Created by: Microsoft Released: March 2009 Current version: 4.0 License: Apache 2.0 Code: 35 KLOC (C#) Saturday, October 6, 12 4

  10. ASP .NET MVC Created by: Microsoft Released: March 2009 Current version: 4.0 License: Apache 2.0 Code: 35 KLOC (C#) Google: 40,300,000+ Saturday, October 6, 12 4

  11. ASP .NET MVC Created by: Microsoft Released: March 2009 Current version: 4.0 License: Apache 2.0 Code: 35 KLOC (C#) Google: 40,300,000+ StackOverflow Qs: 5,291 Saturday, October 6, 12 4

  12. Ruby on Rails Saturday, October 6, 12 5

  13. Ruby on Rails Created by: DHH Saturday, October 6, 12 5

  14. Ruby on Rails Created by: DHH Released: July 2004 Saturday, October 6, 12 5

  15. Ruby on Rails Created by: DHH Released: July 2004 Current version: 3.2.8 Saturday, October 6, 12 5

  16. Ruby on Rails Created by: DHH Released: July 2004 Current version: 3.2.8 License: MIT Saturday, October 6, 12 5

  17. Ruby on Rails Created by: DHH Released: July 2004 Current version: 3.2.8 License: MIT Code: 168 KLOC (Ruby) Saturday, October 6, 12 5

  18. Ruby on Rails Created by: DHH Released: July 2004 Current version: 3.2.8 License: MIT Code: 168 KLOC (Ruby) Google: 20,000,000+ Saturday, October 6, 12 5

  19. Ruby on Rails Created by: DHH Released: July 2004 Current version: 3.2.8 License: MIT Code: 168 KLOC (Ruby) Google: 20,000,000+ StackOverflow Qs: 16,719 Saturday, October 6, 12 5

  20. ASP .NET MVC RESULTS Saturday, October 6, 12 6

  21. Ruby on Rails RESULTS Saturday, October 6, 12 7

  22. A ND THE WINNER IS ... Saturday, October 6, 12 8

  23. A ND THE WINNER IS ... YOU Saturday, October 6, 12 8


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