as a consequence of armed conflicts in as a consequence

As a consequence of armed conflicts in As a consequence of armed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

J OINT R EGIONAL P ROGRAMME ON D URABLE S OLUTIONS FOR R EFUGEES AND D ISPLACED P ERSONS D S R D P P ROGRAMME B ACKGROUND As a consequence of armed conflicts in As a consequence of armed conflicts in the 1990s, over 3 million people were


  2. P ROGRAMME B ACKGROUND As a consequence of armed conflicts in As a consequence of armed conflicts in the 1990s, over 3 million people were displaced both within and beyond the borders borders of of the the four four countries countries encompassed by the Programme: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Republic of Croatia and Republic of bli f i d bli f Serbia. The efforts of the affected States, as well as the support of the international community, have been crucial in facilitating the majority of those displaced to either return home or find other durable solutions to either return home or find other durable solutions. However, a large number of people remains displaced throughout the region.

  3. R EGIONAL C OOPERATION AND P OLITICAL C OMMITMENT OF P ARTNER C OUNTRIES To resolve this protracted displacement situation, the Partner Countries together with the international community, have lunched a th i t ti l it h l h d regional initiative aimed at ensuring the voluntary return and reintegration or local integration of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in need. Recalling the principles established in R lli th i i l t bli h d i the Sarajevo Declaration of January 31 st , 2005 which were further elaborated in the Belgrade Joint Communiqué of 25 th , March 2010 the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the four Partner Countries met again last year in Belgrade on November 7 th and signed a Joint Declaration, committing their Governments to co ‐ operate in a spirit of Joint Declaration, committing their Governments to co operate in a spirit of good faith to protect and promote the rights of refugees, returnees and IDPs.

  4. J OINT P ROGRAMME G OAL As part of this regional initiative, the Partner Countries have developed a Regional Housing Programme (RHP) a e de e oped a eg o a ous g og a e ( ) which is an integral part of the signed Joint Ministerial Declaration aiming to comprehensively contribute towards completion of the protracted displacement towards completion of the protracted displacement situation in the four countries by providing: � durable and sustainable housing solutions with full � durable and sustainable housing solutions with full respect for the rights of refugees and internally displaced persons and � the mutual obligation to closely cooperate and synchronize activities in order to ensure durable solutions for them, either through voluntary return and reintegration or local integration.

  5. T ARGET B ENEFICIARIES IN THE P ARTNER C OUNTRIES The Programme targets about 27,000 households or approximately 74,000 refugees and internally displaced persons, who will benefit from the RHP: � all 1991 ‐ 1995 refugees, regardless of their status, who are residents of collective centers or other forms of collective accommodations, either formal or informal ones formal or informal ones � all 1991 ‐ 1995 vulnerable refugees, accommodated privately and all former occupancy right holders without a durable solution in their country of origin or reception country t f i i ti t � all vulnerable returnees to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia and all vulnerable returnees who have already returned to Croatia but do not have a durable solution whether in the country of origin or in the reception country � � displaced persons accommodated in collective centers and private displaced persons accommodated in collective centers and private accommodations in Croatia � vulnerable displaced persons outside collective centers in BiH � vulnerable persons displaced in Montenegro in 1999

  6. R EVIEW OF B ENEFICIARY P OPULATION B ROKEN BY C OUNTRIES 45.000 45,000 40.000 35.000 30.000 25.000 20.000 14,000 15.000 16,780 10.000 6,063 5,400 8,529 5.000 P Persons 1,177 0 3,541 BiH Households Montenegro Croatia Serbia

  7. S UPPORT TO B ENEFICIARIES – P ROPOSED D URABLE S OLUTIONS Refugees and internally displaced persons will be provided with the free choice of either voluntary return and reintegration in their place of origin, or integration in their place of current residence. h i l f id 25% 25% Croatia Return/ Return/ 13% Reintegration g Reintegration Reintegration Montenegro 4% Serbia 63% 75% Local Integration Bosnia and B i d Herzegovina 20% The housing solutions to be provided comprise: � Provision of apartments and houses through building, reconstruction, renovation or purchase; � Provision of construction materials; � Accommodation in social welfare institutions.

  8. I NDICATIVE R EGIONAL HOUSING P ROGRAMME C OSTS BRAKEDOWN The RHP should be implemented over a five ‐ year period, beginning in 2012. According to initial estimates, the total investment cost of the Programme should g , g amount to €584 million and be spread over the 5 ‐ year period with the following indicative cost brakedown per countries. Total Funds RHP funds in ('000 €) ('000 €) Bosnia and Herzegovina 101.043 Montenegro 27.696 Croatia 119.703 100% Serbia S bi 335.220 335 220 90% TOTAL REGION 583.662 80% 70% 89.777 60% 85.893 23.542 301.698 50% 40% 40% 30% Donors 20% 29.926 29.926 Country Contribution 10% 15.150 4.154 33.522 0% BiH MONTENEGRO CROATIA SERBIA

  9. D ONOR I NVOLVEMENT Over the past two decades, the Partner Countries and the international community have been investing considerably to provide for refugees and displaced persons. The RHP represents an important additional step towards solving the protracted RHP represents an important additional step towards solving the protracted displacement situation for those most vulnerable. In this perspective, the Partner Countries pledged €83 million out of the total estimated Programme costs. Country contributions consist of resources that each ti t d P t C t t ib ti i t f th t h country will provide towards completion of the project, including infrastructural equipped land, connection to primary and secondary infrastructure facilities, technical acceptance of construction, various permits, supervision of work, as well technical acceptance of construction various permits supervision of work as well as financial contributions towards other Programme activities. Donors are invited to complement these on ‐ going efforts by providing grant contributions to this initiative in order to underpin the Joint Regional Programme t ib ti t thi i iti ti i d t d i th J i t R i l P implementation. To this end, a Donors' Conference will be held in Sarajevo, on April 24, 2012. On behalf of the four Partner Countries Bosnia and Herzegovina is welcoming the presence and pledges of all stakeholders! Bosnia and Herzegovina is welcoming the presence and pledges of all stakeholders!


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