ARS Provides Opportunities to Integrate Research and Teaching with Industry – 2016 An accidental deletion of vitamin D spun into career-training for students Tom Crenshaw Department of Animal Sciences University of Wisconsin-Madison Swine Research & Teaching Center
CALS Board of Visitors – April 8, 2016 My Focus for Today: Research - an opportunity to train students Critical role for the ARS Research Stations One Example : Vitamin D-Induced Kyphosis Swine Research & Teaching Center
The hump-back pig challenge First Incidence at SRTC occurred in an AS 415 class project Kyphosis – idiopathic disease induced by Rortvedt et al., 2012. vitamin D, Ca & P deficiencies
Kyphosis Mycotoxins Disease Genetics Diet Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Time Course Yes No
Vitamin D-Induced Kyphosis Laura (Rortvedt) Amundson Initial project supported by Cargill-Benevenga Undergraduate Research Stipend ASAS Young Scholar - 2016
Hypovitaminous D Kyphosis Pig Model Spontaneous outbreak of kyphosis in UW • herd in 2008 attributed to an accidental deletion of vitamin D from premix Reproduced kyphosis under controlled • conditions (Rortvedt and Crenshaw, 2009)
Validation of the NCCC-42 Vitamin-Trace Mineral Premix in Grower Pigs T.D. Crenshaw *1 , M.D. Lindemann 2 , H.H. Stein 3 , and NCCC-42 Swine Nutrition Committee 1 University of Wisconsin 1 , University of Kentucky 2 , and South Dakota State University 3 2004 Adopted the NCCC-42 Vitamin-Trace Mineral Premix formulation for the UW SRTC herd diets
The rise and fall of clinical cases of vitamin D deficiency in commercial swine operations Darin Madson Iowa State University Dramatic increase attributed to cases of hypovitaminosis D Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Iowa State University
Hypovitaminosis D Induced Kyphosis Abnormalities detected in multiple locations Lesions of Uncoupled Endochondral Ossification? Femur Vertebrae -D +D
Which cellular signals are altered by hypovitaminosis D to induce gross bone abnormalities? Resting zone Type II Collagen Proliferative zone Type X Collagen MMP13 Hypertrophic zone VEGF MMP9 Invading capillary Osteoclast Type I Collagen MMP13 VEGF Osteoblast
Hypovitaminous D Kyphosis Pig A model to study bone lesions Contributions to date: 25 students trained Engaged in interactions with Swine Industry Managers, Nutritionists, Veterinarians; Bone and Nutrition researchers; Orthopedic and Biomedical researchers Output – 16 research presentations at scientific meetings; 8 invited presentations (3 international); 1 8-hr symposia; 3 conference proceeding published; 3 manuscripts published All possible because we could reproduce kyphosis under controlled conditions
Acknowledgements Swine Research & Teaching Center Laura Amundson - Ph.D. Committee Tom Crenshaw, Laura Hernandez, Margaret Dame, Dan Schaefer, Brian Kirkpatrick Students Involved with vitamin D research Laura Amundson SRTC Staff Zainab Hassen Lauryn Vanderwerf, Olivia Colonero Pete Strassburg, Faiza Khan Jamie Reichert Connie Chuang, Lauren Zappitelli Michelle McMahon, Leigh Danner Jeff Booth Ben Giese, Joe Jacobson, Paul Merkatoris Sam Trace Kelli Retallick, Becky Keel Keri Graff Alex Agar, Yvonne Schulke Jennifer Babcock, Anna Masad Deb Schneider Katie Wihelms, Rachel Hartlaub, Charlie Wasserburger Lynzie Miller, Sarah Witt Mariola Grez
Swine Research & Teaching Center Tom Crenshaw - Department of Animal Sciences Researchers supported Crenshaw Halanski Sexing Tech Reed Lamers Zinpro Kreuger Tanumihardjo CB Farms/Trimuph Dhanu Penniston Murphy-Brown Parrish Abrams NCCC42 Swine Nutr. Sindelar Ploeg Cardiovascular Res Found. Steele Bromage UW Swine Ext Team SRTC ISU Swine Path. Merck Agriculture Agri-Food Canada Swine Research & Univ. Minnesota WI Corn Growers Granco Teaching Center
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