arkansas medicaid updates for

Arkansas Medicaid Updates for ARChoices, Living Choices Assisted - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Arkansas Medicaid Updates for ARChoices, Living Choices Assisted Living, and Personal Care Arkansas Medicaid Updates ARChoices and Personal Care Act 811 of 2019 makes several changes to the Department of Health unskilled personal care

  1. Arkansas Medicaid Updates for ARChoices, Living Choices Assisted Living, and Personal Care

  2. Arkansas Medicaid Updates ARChoices and Personal Care Act 811 of 2019 makes several changes to the Department of Health unskilled personal care regulations that indirectly affect ARChoices and the Personal Care Medicaid providers: • Reduces the required frequency of in-home supervisory visits to at least annually. • The frequency of visits for a patient must be set by a qualified supervisor as part of the plan of care, based on the specific needs of the patient and the recommendation of a registered nurse.

  3. Arkansas Medicaid Updates ARChoices and Personal Care Act 811 of 2019 makes several changes to the Department of Health unskilled personal care regulations that indirectly affect ARChoices and the Personal Care Medicaid providers: • Allows an individual to serve as a qualified supervisor if the individual: • Is a licensed nurse; • Has completed 2 years of full-time study at an accredited college/university; or • Has completed 1 year of full-time study and 1 year of supervisory experience in a healthcare facility or agency, and has a high school diploma or GED.

  4. Arkansas Medicaid Updates ARChoices and Personal Care Act 811 of 2019 makes several changes to the Department of Health unskilled personal care regulations that indirectly affect ARChoices and the Personal Care Medicaid providers: • Eliminates the requirement that an agency may provide unskilled care only within a certain radius of a physical branch office. • Creates an Advisory Private Care Agency and Home Healthcare Services Agency Rule Working Group within the Department of Health.

  5. Arkansas Medicaid Updates ARChoices and Personal Care • Act 811 of 2019 does not repeal or modify any requirements in the ARChoices or Personal Care Medicaid Provider Manuals • Later this year, DHS expects to introduce proposed changes to the Provider Manuals to incorporate the changes made by Act 811.

  6. Arkansas Medicaid Updates ARChoices and Personal Care • DHS is also considering changes to the ARChoices and Personal Care Medicaid Provider Manuals regarding: • Streamlining the DHS-618 form • Reducing the amount of information required to be submitted for a prior authorization request • Reconciling the effective dates of service plans and prior authorization

  7. Arkansas Medicaid Updates Living Choices Assisted Living DHS is considering possible changes to the Living Choices Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver and Provider Manual: • To change the provider payment rate in accordance with a new rate study conducted by the Department’s actuaries • To update language regarding the DHS reorganization • To update language regarding criminal history background checks and central registry checks • To clarify language regarding eligibility dates for PASSE beneficiaries

  8. Arkansas Medicaid Updates Living Choices Assisted Living Living Choices Assisted Living • When DHS amended the Living Choices waiver at the end of 2018, the Department committed to providers and to the Legislature that it would conduct a second review of the payment rate for assisted living and obtain a new actuarial analysis no later than March 1, 2019. • The current rate is scheduled to decrease on a phased-in basis, reaching a final rate of $62.89 on January 1, 2021. The second actuarial analysis recommends a final rate of $68.51.

  9. Arkansas Medicaid Updates Electronic Visit Verification • EVV is a federal mandate created by the U.S. Congress in the 21 st Century Cures Act, passed in 2016. • The Act requires states to implement Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) systems to validate the delivery of all types of Medicaid-funded services delivered through in-home visits. • In 2018, Congress extended the deadline for EVV implementation until January 1, 2020, and allowed CMS to grant one-year extensions.

  10. Arkansas Medicaid Updates Electronic Visit Verification • DHS has contracted with Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG) to configure, implement, and manage an EVV system for Medicaid. • The PCG solution, Careify™, uses a smart phone app to validate service delivery. This solution will be made available to all Arkansas providers at no cost. • Providers may choose to use their own EVV system, so long as it meets state requirements for third-party systems.

  11. Arkansas Medicaid Updates Electronic Visit Verification • EVV implementation began with a pilot phase on June 3, 2019 • DHS expects to begin a statewide implementation of the final product on October 1, 2019 • Implementation will be staged regionally, with multiple in-person trainings offered in at least 5 regions around the state. • Providers will also have access to virtual trainings and direct technical support.

  12. Arkansas Medicaid Updates Electronic Visit Verification For more information about Arkansas EVV, go to:

  13. Arkansas Medicaid Updates Email Updates To receive DHS updates regarding personal care, HCBS waivers, and EVV, providers may subscribe at:

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