aps office of innovation update

APS Office of Innovation Update June 2019 Purpose: To provide an - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

APS Office of Innovation Update June 2019 Purpose: To provide an update on the Office of Innovation and key data related to APS charter and partner schools Road Map: The presentation briefly focuses on the Office of Innovation followed by deeper

  1. APS Office of Innovation Update June 2019

  2. Purpose: To provide an update on the Office of Innovation and key data related to APS charter and partner schools Road Map: The presentation briefly focuses on the Office of Innovation followed by deeper dive into demographics, academic performance, and financial health data for charter schools and partner schools Administration’s Summary: Overall charter school academic achievement is generally strong relative to district, while academic performance in partner schools has shown mixed results in early stages of partnership model. Both charter and partner school organizations demonstrate strong financial management. 2

  3. Office of In Innovation Purpose & Goals ls 3

  4. The APS Office of Innovation provides oversight, thought partnership, and operational support for all APS charter and partner schools in order to positively impact students and families. The office also aims to foster collaboration and dissemination of effective innovative practices across schools. Goals for 2019-20 SY include: 1. Develop more robust performance & compliance monitoring system for schools 2. Create more equitable, transparent, & efficient process around charter school enrollment through school finder tool & common application pilot 3. Promote sharing of effective innovative practices from charter & partner schools 4

  5. Charter & Partner Schools Overview 5

  6. Charter Schools ls - 2019-20 SY The APS Office of Innovation provides support and monitors performance and charter compliance for all of the district’s charter schools. For 2019 - 20 SY, 18 charter schools will operate in APS. 6

  7. Partner Schools - 2019-20 SY The APS Office of Innovation also provides support and monitors performance and contract compliance for all of the district’s partner schools. For 2019-20 SY, 6 partner schools will operate in APS. 7

  8. Sc School l Demographic ics Charter Schools Partner Schools All Non-Charter All APS Schools & Non-Partner (incl. Charter & APS Schools Partner) Tot otal Stu Students 9,139 Students 1,771 Students 41,237 Students 52,147 Students Afric Afr ican 76% 96% 72% 74% Ame American Whi hite 16% 0% 16% 16% Mu Mult ltir iracia ial 3% 1% 2% 2% His Hispanic ic 3% 2% 8% 7% Asian As 1% 1% 1% 1% Di Directly ly 38% 85% 55% 53% Cer Certifi ified Sp Specia ial 8% 9% 11% 11% Edu ducatio ion ESO SOL 1% 1% 4% 3% Note: Based on final GOSA data from 2017-18 school year. 8

  9. Dif ifferences Be Betw tween Ch Charter & Par artner Sc Schools ls Charter School Partner School • Georgia Charter Schools Act of 1998 • Flexibility afforded APS under Lega gal Au Auth thority for or Crea reati tion within Title 20 of Georgia legal code district’s charter system contract allows for local district authorization allows for creation of partner of start-up charter schools and schools process for conversion of existing traditional public schools to charter schools • Charter contract approved by ABOE • Governed by Atlanta Board of Gov overn rnance ce and SBOE Education and partner • Governed by autonomous non- organization’s non-profit board of profit board of directors directors • School-level governance provided by GO Team created according to district standards • Accountable to ABOE and SBOE for • Accountable to ABOE for results Ac Acco countability results defined in contract defined in contract • School defines attendance zone in • Neighborhood school with district- Student Enr Enrollment contract approved by district (must defined attendance zone • All students zoned for school may be within APS boundaries) • Students admitted through random enroll at the school • School cannot set enrollment cap enrollment lottery if more applicants than spaces available • Enrollment cap defined in contract • Governing board has autonomy to • Must comply with district policies Polici Po cies adopt policies for school in line with for student enrollment, charter contract and ABOE transportation, attendance zones, authorizer requirements pursuant student discipline but has flexibility to broad flexibility granted by law to establish school’s own policies in other areas 9

  10. Dif ifferences Be Betw tween Ch Charter & Par artner Sc Schools ls Charter School Partner School • Five year contract • Varies between 7-15 years Con ontract Length • School petitions APS for renewal depending upon grade band • Automatically renewed each year based on school meeting performance targets unless either party files for non-renewal • Allocated funding based on school’s • Allocated funding through formula Fun unding QBE earnings and proportional set at equivalent level as if school share of local revenue and federal remained an APS traditional funding as required by law turnaround school • APS retains an administrative fee for • APS retains an administrative fee for supports provided to school supports provided to school • Must follow state requirement for • Must follow the district hire Sta taffing background checks eligibility process • Charter school is employer of record • Partner organization is employer of record • Must comply with all state and • Must comply with all state and State & Sta & Federal Laws federal laws in the provision of SPED federal laws in the provision of SPED and ESOL services and for all and ESOL services and for all health/safety requirements health/safety requirements 10

  11. Charter Schools Enrollment 11

  12. Ch Charter r Sc School l Enroll llment Percentage 2004 3% 97% 2008 5% 95% 2012 8% 92% APS Charter APS Non-Charter 2016 16% 84% 2017 16% 84% 2018 18% 82% As of October 2018 FTE count, there were 9,467 students enrolled in APS charter schools. Additionally, for the 2018-19 school year, 9,938 applications were waitlisted across all APS charter schools, which represents approximately 6,500 unique APS students. Charter school enrollment increase from 2016 to present is due to planned growth and addition of grade levels in approved charter contracts. SY19-20 student enrollment projected at 9,708 for charter schools. Based on current charter contracts, total charter school enrollment for district is beginning to plateau. 12

  13. St State Charter Sc Schools ls Commis issio ion Sc Schools ls Located with ithin in Metr tro Atl tlanta The State Charter Schools Commission (SCSC) runs a charter school authorizing process independent of APS. SCSC schools may enroll students from across multiple school districts. For informational purposes, this map features SCSC schools physically located in the metro area. Based on most recent data available to SCSC (April 2018), there were 1,260 students zoned for APS enrolled in an SCSC school, including two virtual schools. In 2019-20 SY, two additional SCSC schools — Ethos Classical Academy and Harriet Tubman Academy of Science & 13 Technology — are slated to open within APS boundaries.

  14. Charter Schools Academic Performance 14

  15. 2018 Georgia ia Mil ilestones EOG Achie ievement Levels ls rd – 5 th th grades) (3 rd Ch Charter r Sc Schools ls (3 Chart displays charter schools in order based on percentage of 3 rd – 5 th grade students scoring at or above the Developing level on the 2018 Georgia EOG Milestones. 93% of charter schools had a higher percentage of students at or above Developing level than the district average. 15

  16. 2018 Georgia ia Mil ilestones EOG Achie ievement Levels ls th – 8 th th grades) (6 th Ch Charter r Sc Schools ls (6 Chart displays charter schools in order based on percentage of 6 th – 8 th grade students scoring at or above the Developing level on the 2018 Georgia EOG Milestones. All charter schools had a higher percentage of students at or above Developing level than the district average. 16

  17. 2018 Georgia ia Mil ilestones EOC Achie ievement Levels ls Ch Charter r Sc Schools ls Chart displays charter schools in order based on percentage of students scoring at or above the Developing level on the 2018 Georgia EOC Milestones. All charter schools had a higher percentage of students at or above Proficient level than the district average. ( Note: Only charter high schools are included. EOC assessment results from advanced middle school test- takers are not shown.) 17

  18. 2018 Georgia ia Mil ilestones Math th Perf rform rmance Rela lativ ive to Ch Chall llenge In Index - Elem lementary ry Challenge index measures students either directly certified for free lunch or English language learners. Schools above trend line had higher 2018 Milestones scores than other schools with similar challenge index. This graph shows APS elementary schools with charter schools highlighted. 18

  19. 2018 Georgia ia Mil ilestones Math th Perf rform rmance Rela lativ ive to Ch Chall llenge In Index - Midd iddle le Challenge index measures students either directly certified for free lunch or English language learners. Schools above trend line had higher 2018 Milestones scores than other schools with similar challenge index. This graph shows APS middle schools with charter schools 19 highlighted.

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