applied text analytics

Applied Text Analytics the need for human information interaction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Applied Text Analytics the need for human information interaction and cognitive approaches in learning contexts Andrew Gibson Lecturer, Information Science Information Systems School, QUT CRICOS No. 00213J Natural Language Processing: what

  1. Applied Text Analytics the need for human information interaction and cognitive approaches in learning contexts Andrew Gibson Lecturer, Information Science Information Systems School, QUT CRICOS No. 00213J

  2. Natural Language Processing: what could possibly go wrong? CRICOS No. 00213J spitting-out-sinister-religious-prophecies

  3. The Uncanny Valley CRICOS No. 00213J

  4. The panda eats, shoots and leaves. CRICOS No. 00213J

  5. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. CRICOS No. 00213J

  6. Sky Blue Blue Sky CRICOS No. 00213J

  7. Apple Chip CRICOS No. 00213J the-a5-processor-is-in-tests/

  8. Context • More data? • How big is a Labradoodle? • How big is a piece of fried chicken? CRICOS No. 00213J artificial_intelligence_cant_tell_fried_chicken/

  9. Perfect knowledge? Or hunch, gut feel, heuristics… CRICOS No. 00213J

  10. Brain in a Vat The Matrix CRICOS No. 00213J

  11. Anthropomorphising • Brain as a computer • Computer as a brain CRICOS No. 00213J

  12. Embodied Cognition CRICOS No. 00213J

  13. Interacting with information for meaning • Cooperative socio-technical meaning making • Epistemic domains don’t map on the important most meaningful things • How to relate? An abductive relation? CRICOS No. 00213J

  14. Transepistemic Action (T) A transdisciplinary approach Cognitive Activity Relation Explanation A Explanation B (target) (E A ) (E B ) (R) • Limitations of deduction, induction, and the hope of abduction Hypothesis • Ignorance preservation for true transdisciplinary work Ignorance Ignorance Problem Problem • Inference as more than likelihood of match with knowledge Epistemic Epistemic Resources A Resources B • Pragmatism and the transdisciplinary target (knowledge) (knowledge) (K A ) (K B ) Explanation A Explanation B Irreconcilable (E A ) (irritant) (E B ) Phenomenon (P) CRICOS No. 00213J

  15. A transdisciplinary approach Gibson, A., Kirsty, K., and Bruza, P. (2016) Towards the Discovery of Learner Metacognition CRICOS No. 00213J From Reflective Writing. Journal of Learning Analytics , 3(2), 22-36. doi:

  16. A transdisciplinary approach Gibson, A., Kirsty, K., and Bruza, P. (2016) Towards the Discovery of Learner Metacognition CRICOS No. 00213J From Reflective Writing. Journal of Learning Analytics , 3(2), 22-36. doi:

  17. What am I going to do about it? In which direction do I head next? Human How do I want to change? INTENTION Intention and PREDICTION: change likely to lead to certain future benefits. MODALS : will can, hope to How can I learn from the What do others suggest past? How can I learn What impact will this What other ideas could I is a way forward? How from other perspectives? have on me and my use to improve myself? do others address these What perspectives are Integration goals/aspirations? CITATION and challenges? CITATIONS best for me? CAUSALITY: Impact on EVALUATION and hedging (could, REFLECTING on self in context (appraisal) of ideas might) beginning of learning experniece What should I improve? How is this a problem? Why do I need to How can I improve? What do these feeling DESCRIPTIVE improve? Causality: CITATIONS used to Depth say about me? NARRATIVE. How does explain changed belief or present a theory for self Internalisation CAUSALITY: this challenge me? approach, new improvement. PAST/ explanations for CAUSALITY: effect of understanding, NOW contrast to show impressions and feelings experience on self competence, change, learning, empowerment What does it mean for me? Why is it Why do I feel this way? significant? FEELINGS as a COMPARATIVES Interpretation measure of expectations, CAUSALITY, surprise, uncertainty, REFLECTIVE lack of confidence etc. QUESTIONING, DEFINITION (of issues) What do I notice about my situation? What is Impression happening to me and around me? TEMPORAL LINKS, Thoughts Feelings Challenge Self critique Potential solution Learning opportunity Orientation Complication (or Problematisation AA) Resolution (or ACTION) Martin et al REFLECTIVE NARRATIVE (may be embedded in Subject Rubric Scaffold e.g Intro/conc; "Concrete Experience"/ "Abstract conc Identify critical issues Analysis of Issue Recommendation and Solution of Issue Luk 2008 CRICOS No. 00213J

  18. CRICOS No. 00213J Compute

  19. A pragmatic approach • Redesigning research • Moving beyond the brain as computer and computer as brain • New models of cognition, new models of computation • Redefining evaluation • Blue sky: Embodied cognition, quantum cognition and contextuality, alternative computational models CRICOS No. 00213J

  20. Questions? Comments? • • • CRICOS No. 00213J

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