ap research performance task presentation and oral defense


3-9-2015_ DRAFT AP Research Rubrics_Presentation and Oral Defense AP RESEARCH PERFORMANCE TASK: PRESENTATION AND ORAL DEFENSE LEARNING CONTENT AREA PERFORMANCE LEVELS SCORE OBJECTIVES The presentation or oral defense The presentation or oral

  1. 3-9-2015_ DRAFT AP Research Rubrics_Presentation and Oral Defense AP RESEARCH PERFORMANCE TASK: PRESENTATION AND ORAL DEFENSE LEARNING CONTENT AREA PERFORMANCE LEVELS SCORE OBJECTIVES The presentation or oral defense The presentation or oral defense The presentation or oral defense identifies the focus of the inquiry. articulates the purpose of the articulates the purpose and topic of inquiry. significance of the topic of inquiry. The inquiry approach, method, or process may lack some cohesion or The presentation or oral defense The presentation or oral defense 1. Research Practices – LO 1.1D may be misaligned with the demonstrates a cohesive inquiry demonstrates a purposeful and LO 1.4B Design and Planning research question/project goal. approach, method, or process and cohesive inquiry approach, draws a connection to the method, or process that is research question/project goal, explicitly and well aligned with the though the connection may be research question/project goal. unconvincing. 2 4 6 The presentation or oral defense The presentation or oral defense The presentation or oral defense includes data/information from incorporates data/information interprets and synthesizes multiple sources, but the from various perspectives in ways data/information from various 2. Evidence – connection of the that align with its argument, perspectives in ways that support LO 4.2A Selecting and Using data/information to the argument though the sources may be cited and develop its argument. is weak or unclear. discretely, with little connection drawn among them. 2 4 6 The presentation or oral defense The presentation or oral defense The presentation or oral defense makes simplistic or inconsistent presents a coherent argument that presents a coherent and claims or provides minimal links links the evidence to the claim(s). convincing argument that, through from the evidence to the claim(s). The presentation or oral defense insightful and cogent commentary, 3. Argument – LO 4.1A Several sections of the acknowledges but disregards draws clear connections linking the Building and LO 4.2B presentation or oral defense may consequences or implications evidence to the claim(s). It LO 4.5A Communicating be presented as discrete, evident in the accounts for consequences or unrelated segments. findings/conclusions. implications evident in the findings/conclusions. 2 4 6 Page 1 of 3

  2. 3-9-2015_ DRAFT AP Research Rubrics_Presentation and Oral Defense The presentation or oral defense The presentation or oral defense The presentation or oral defense draws a weak connection between identifies the relationship of the identifies the relationship of the the argument and the current argument to the current body of argument to the current body of body of knowledge or minimally knowledge or identifies the knowledge and identifies the identifies the argument’s argument’s implications and argument’s implications and 4. Making Connections – LO 4.4A implications and possibilities for possibilities for future exploration possibilities for future exploration LO 5.1F Extending Understanding future exploration and inquiry. and inquiry. Responses directly and inquiry. Responses to the Responses indirectly address the address the defense questions but defense questions are complete defense questions or are may be unconvincing. and convincing. otherwise weak. 2 4 6 The oral defense demonstrates The oral defense demonstrates The oral defense provides insight limited awareness that writing and awareness of the writing and into the writing and thinking thinking are processes that thinking process as a vehicle for process as a vehicle for reflection LO 5.1F demand reflection; it reflection and subsequent revision and subsequent revision and LO 5.3A 5. Reflection demonstrates minimal and demonstrates evolving or demonstrates rich understanding LO 5.3C understanding of the limitations or deepening understanding of the of the limitations or possibilities of possibilities of the project or limitations or possibilities of the the project or process. process. project or process. 2 4 6 The presentation or oral defense For the most part, the The presentation or oral defense ineffectively communicates its presentation or oral defense effectively and consistently content to an audience of non- coherently communicates its communicates its content to an LO 5.1D 6. Presentation experts. content to an audience of non- audience of non-experts. experts. 2 4 6 Page 2 of 3

  3. 3-9-2015_ DRAFT AP Research Rubrics_Presentation and Oral Defense The presentation is entirely read The presentation is mostly The presentation is delivered either from the academic paper, a delivered rather than read. without referring to a script; it written script, or from slides or Communication strategies, and/or makes effective use of eye contact other media. Communication style the execution of those strategies, and other presentation or techniques severely limit the support the communication of the techniques. Communication presentation’s impact. argument, though there are strategies, coupled with an 7. Presentation LO 5.1E inconsistencies or gaps in the effective execution of those LO 5.1C Visual materials are all verbal and presentation’s effectiveness. strategies, strongly support the merely repeat the presentation’s communication of the argument. content. Visual materials complement the presentation, though may do little Visual materials effectively to enhance its effectiveness. enhance the presentation. 2 4 6 Page 3 of 3


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