Ant-immigrant populism is not really a recent phenomenon Didier Ruedin University of the Witwatersrand & University of Neuchâtel Contestng the Populist Challenge Malmö, 17 November 2017
immigraton is increasingly politcized Share of all claims made by politcal partes; LOESS trend Data: van der Brug et al. 2015
the focus is increasingly on integraton Share of claims about integraton (rather than immigraton); LOESS trend Data: van der Brug et al. 2015
immigraton has been politcized for very long Referendums and popular initatves; dark = successful; red = restrictve Data: own compilaton
immigraton is politcized more recently Referendums and popular initatves; dark = successful; red = restrictve Data: own compilaton
immigraton is politcized more recently Referendums and popular initatves in Switzerland Data: own compilaton
ant-immigrant = success for Swiss People’s Party 40 30 20 10 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Position Vote Share Positon in immigraton (0–40) and vote share of SVP/UDC Data: Ruedin & Morales 2017; own work
electoral success does not mean policy change Data: Ruedin et al. 2015 MIPEX overall score of Swiss immigraton policies
checks and balances are in place – including other politcal actors ant-immigrant lef-wing civil society others ← restrictve expansive → Kernel distributon and mean of claims made by diferent actor types; doted = neutral Data: Ruedin 2017
in summary, elements of ant-immigrant populism have been around for long history of politcizaton appeals to the people unprecedented reach likely to stay
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