annual report 2014 2015 season oakleigh little athletics


ANNUAL REPORT 2014-2015 SEASON OAKLEIGH LITTLE ATHLETICS Annual General Meeting 21 st March 2015 AGENDA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OAKLEIGH LITTLE ATHLETICS CENTRE Saturday 21 ST March 2015 1. Meeting Opening & Apologies 2. Welcome 3. Adopt

  1. ANNUAL REPORT 2014-2015 SEASON OAKLEIGH LITTLE ATHLETICS Annual General Meeting 21 st March 2015

  2. AGENDA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OAKLEIGH LITTLE ATHLETICS CENTRE Saturday 21 ST March 2015 1. Meeting Opening & Apologies 2. Welcome 3. Adopt Minutes from previous A.G.M 4. Business arising from previous A.G.M Minutes. 5. Centre Executive Reports presented by President President Treasurer Registrar 6. Declaration of Nominees (2 mins) 7. Description of Ballot process (2 mins) 8. Any other business 9. Voting Occurs Meeting Closed.

  3. Oakleigh Little Athletics Centre 2014 / 2015 Centre Executive & Operations Committee Executive Committee President Dylan Harrison Secretary Stephanie Cash Treasurer Lindsay Armatas Registrar Andrew Allan (as at the end of season) Committee Lexie Seward Noel Seward Brandon Fisher Stephen Haggai Eloise Nidorfer PRESIDENTS REPORT Firstly I want to thank the athletes that have come to Oakleigh Little Aths. Without you this club would not exist. I also wish to thank all the parents that have helped with duty this season, the committee members who have guided me through this year as president and a special thanks to Lexie and Noel and the athletes that carried the flag for us at the regional events. This past season threw up some challenges, such as the incorporation of the club, the surprise arrival of other sporting clubs expecting to train while we had a meet and my own personal battle with our stock of hurdles, I am happy to report that these challenges have had successful conclusions, except of course the battle with the hurdles which is approaching Hulk verses The Abomination proportions. Highlights of the year for me have included some suburb middle distance races, extra training for athletes, especially the skills programs for the younger athletes and the smooth operation of our new program. I wish you all all of the best over the winter recess, and hope to see many of you at the cross country meets and next season. Dylan Harrison - President

  4. TREASURERS REPORT I’m delighted to report that once again we’ve made it to the finish line with reserves in the tank. With comparably fewer registrations and no significant sponsorship income, this was a season that threatened to be economically challenging. We did, however, earn a good portion of extra income from local schools by hiring out our equipment for athletics carnivals and sports days. These events are a great source of both revenue and PR. Despite a careful year financially, we continued to invest in the club and made a number of purchases:  upgraded public address system  multi-function wi-fi printer  flexible, foam-based high jump cross bar  shot puts in a variety of weights  trophy display cabinet Our equipment stores will continue to grow as next season we can expect to receive a shade tent courtesy of national sponsor Jetstar, as well an equipment voucher from RACV. This year we were also able to focus on other projects which included:  the launch of a much-needed web site that we will continue to improve over the coming months  streamlining of printing costs-- this year’s new A5 -format handbook allowed us to make a significant cost saving compared to the previous A4 size books, as did the move towards electronic advertising in school newsletters in the run up to the season  training – we put one parent through an Introduction to Coaching course and I myself completed the Introduction to Officiating course which means that we are improving our parents’ qualifications and ability to guide. So, if numbers and income were lower than previously, we remain in good shape and have still managed to close the books with a positive bank balance. For a non- profit organisation, this is great news. That we can stand on our own two feet financially is very reassuring. I’m pleased to say that we performed well financially in other areas too:  the canteen continued to turnover at a healthy rate  fresh coffee sales courtesy of Graeme Hart made a welcome contribution to the canteen  the Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal tin also collected more than a few pennies so once again we’ll be able to contribute to Little Athletics Victoria’s favourite cause.

  5. In closing, I’d like to extend my thanks to my fellow committee members of this year for their time, dedication and camaraderie. It’s been a pleasure to work alongside them. Thanks in particular to the outgoing Secretary, Stephanie Cash, for all she has contributed over the last couple of years. And finally, to all our wonderful parents, old a nd new: you’re every bit as special as your lovely children and I’ve enjoyed seeing all our families each week. As I hand over the treasury keys after two years, I look forward to spending more time out in the field whilst continuing to support the committee and new treasurer as they transition into the role. This year I was able to work with a few local schools as part of LA Vic’s LAPS (Little Athletics for Primary Schools) programme and I also acted as the centre’s Chief of Officials. This allowed me grea ter practical involvement with children “in action” which is my real passion. For me, being out on the track with the kids is where I want to be and so that’s where you’ll find me. Good luck to the new committee going forward and I really hope to see you all again next season. Lindsay Armatas -- Treasurer Auditor’s report This will be given as a separate report

  6. REGISTRARS REPORT From a registrar’s perspective the 2014 -15 season was a smooth, running success. Our total of 88 athletes registered for the season included a 60% returning from last season (this benchmarks well with other centres) and an 80% participation rate throughout the season is excellent. Almost 90% of athletes participated in our multi event day and perhaps most impressively the numbers remained high after the Christmas break, a time when other centres experience a decline. Thank you to all the parents who made the effort to ensure athletes were correctly attired with their chestplates. As one of the people who sits at the finish line, this makes an enormous difference to the time it takes to accurately process track event times. We hope many of you accessed results online, towards the end of the season we were pretty close to getting these uploaded in real time which then allowed Noel and Lexie to tally PBs toward the end of the season. And finally, a big personal thanks to the other committee members who offered their help, support and good humour to make the 2014-15 season a pleasure to be involved with. Andrew Allan OLAC Registrar

  7. COMPETITION/COACHING/CHAMPIONSHIPS As coaches our aim is to teach correct skills for all age group levels. Our plan is to help their growth development, improve their physical fitness and fain confidence. ON TRACK: The Ontrack program for the U/6 and U/7’s incorporated basic coaching and skill development. Thank you to Natalia for her assistance in running the program. Sue was a great help at Thursday night training for the U/6 and U/7 children. Thanks you Sue. RELAYS: Unfortunately we entered no relays for State championships. This was due to lack of number in each age group and the relays being so early in the season. Relays are a fun event and hopefully we will have some entries next season. TRACK AND FIELD: Four Oakleigh athletes competed in February in the Region Track and Field held at Springvale. A great effort was made by Alinta Brody, Adrian D’mello, Erica Sarfo -Sarpong and Eva Cotsomitis. Although the competition was strong form other centres come PB’s were achieved. We ll Done!! PERSONAL BESTS (PB’S) : The highlight of the season was the star studded PB board. What a difference this made to the performances of the athletes, they tried harder in every event to get more stars. It was amazing to see the numbers every wee increase so much by the ead of the season. We are proud of you all. MULTI EVENTS: This was the last competition day at Oakleigh, massive performances. We had 78 competitors which was a great turn out. The Multi Day is a fun day and very popular. NEXT SEASON 2015-2016: For the Centre to move forward next season we need to encourage more children to join the Centre. Many other Centres hold open day during the season for the extra competition. These days are great for our children to improve their performance in a relaxed atmosphere. CROSS COUNTRY: Is available during the winter. Check you emails for more information. Congratulations to all the children in the Centre, lots pf personal best performances and improvement. Thanks you to all the parents who participated with duties. The Centre would not survive without you. Thanks you for letting us be a part of it. Lexie and Noel Seward


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