annual general meeting 3 july 2012

Annual General Meeting 3 July 2012 PROGRAMME 1.30pm AGM Business - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Elders Council of Newcastle Annual General Meeting 3 July 2012 PROGRAMME 1.30pm AGM Business 2.00pm Opening Presentation 2.15pm Introduction to workshops 2.30pm Workshop sessions 3.45pm Closing Session 4.00pm Close Annual General

  1. Elders Council of Newcastle Annual General Meeting 3 July 2012 PROGRAMME 1.30pm AGM Business 2.00pm Opening Presentation 2.15pm Introduction to workshops 2.30pm Workshop sessions 3.45pm Closing Session 4.00pm Close

  2. Annual General Meeting 2011-2012

  3. Welcome to the AGM of 2012 Firstly welcome to the new “home” of the Elders Council, it’s very new for all of us but we are very grateful to one of our partners, University of Newcastle, for offering us this space. It has been a busy year despite funding cuts on a large scale and I hope you’ll enjoy reading the Annual Report at your leisure as it will give you a more comprehensive view of work over this last year

  4. Minutes of AGM, 2011 Minutes of AGM 2011 • There were 101 members and 20 guests present. Fu Meng Khaw, Director of Public Health, Newcastle PCT and Newcastle City Council gave the keynote address.

  5. The meeting: 1. approved the annual report and the 2010- 11 accounts (John Reid proposed; Mervin Dixon seconded); 2. approved the appointment of David Kilner as reporting accountant for 2011-12 (John Smart proposed, Brenda Rose seconded); 3. elected Anita Davies, Greta Heron, Bill Ions and John Smart, as trustees to serve until June 2014. THAT the minutes of the 2011 AGM be accepted as a true record.

  6. THAT the minutes of the 2011 AGM be accepted as a true record.

  7. Board of Trustees Dorothy Ternent John Reid John Telfer Bill Ions John Smart Susan Chan Ruth Lesser Mary Nicholls Anita Davies Elsie Richardson Steve Whitley Greta Heron Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy

  8. THAT this AGM endorses the election to the Board of: • Elsie Richardson • Steve Whitley

  9. Vera Bolter and Robert Weiner A particular vote of thanks to Vera and Robert who have decided to step down from the Board this year. Both have been there “from the beginning” and we will miss their sagacity and knowledge.

  10. Thank you! • There have been many changes since our last AGM. Several staff members completed fixed term contracts and others have left as a result of contractual changes, new jobs or the large reduction in funding. • To those who have left we offer our thanks for their support and good wishes for the future • For those remaining our grateful thanks for all you do to help in so many ways.

  11. Accounts, 2011-2012 1. THAT the 2011-12 annual report and the 2011-12 accounts be approved. 2. THAT this AGM agrees to appoint David Kilner FCA as reporting accountant for the financial year ending 31 March 2013.

  12. Dr Lynne Corner Director of Engagement

  13. Keeping in touch How the world has changed…

  14. 1920s …

  15. 1940s …

  16. 1960s …

  17. 1980s …

  18. 2000s …

  19. Today… “It’s like having the world in your hand.”

  20. Councillor Anne Schofield

  21. What would you like to try?

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