anishinaabe maawanjii idiiwigamig an indian center

anishinaabe-maawanjii'idiiwigamig an Indian center anishinaabekaa 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

anishinaabe-maawanjii'idiiwigamig an Indian center anishinaabekaa 1 there are (a lot of) Ojibwes 2 there are (a lot of) Indians, Natives 3 there are (a lot of) people, humans "The humanities allow us to linger with that which is most

  1. anishinaabe-maawanjii'idiiwigamig an Indian center anishinaabekaa 1 there are (a lot of) Ojibwes 2 there are (a lot of) Indians, Natives 3 there are (a lot of) people, humans "The humanities allow us to linger with that which is most difficult, leading us to value complexity and develop creative, critical responses to the worlds we know, as well as those we can only imagine." - Sara Guyer, Director, Center for the Humanities gikinoo'amaagoowin education or teaching (that one receives); a lesson waakaa'igan a house, a building odaakewigimaa a director

  2. wiijiiwaagan a partner, a companion meshkodoon trade, exchange h/

  3. gekinoo'amawind a student anokaajigan something worked on, a product, a craft item ; plural: goods

  4. naadazina'igane s/he goes to get mail mailing-lists/ danaanagidoone s/he talks, speaks (for some time); gives a speech; s/he talks in a certain place giizisoo-mazina'igan a calendar John Beargrease , born 1858 as the son of a minor Anishinaabe chief by the name of Makwabimidem (Beargrease), is best remembered as the winter mail carrier between Two Harbors, Minnesota and Grand Marais, Minnesota during the last two decades of the nineteenth century. John used a row boat and a dog sled to deliver the mail. animidaabii s/he drags, pulls a load away (in the other direction), goes away on or with a sled

  5. bawaajigan a dream, a vision danakamigad it (an event) takes place, happens in a certain place October 13, 7pm David Getsy and Ramzi Fawaz 
 Cheap: Queer Visual Culture, Salvage, and Reuse 
 Free and Open to the Public Sylvére Lotringer Artaud: The Man Who Disappeared 
 November 16-18 Founded in 2002, the Center for Visual Cultures at the University of Wisconsin-Madison supports curricular innovation and collaboration within the university and the wider community. Our focus is visual cultures wherever they arise, as disciplines and people envision new ways to create visual forms and media across cultures today.

  6. gagwedwe s/he asks, asks a question, inquires Emily Clark, Associate Director Vanessa Lauber, Program Assistant the quality or state of being human


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