andes wp2 uncertainties and covariances of nuclear data

ANDES WP2: Uncertainties and covariances of nuclear data Arjan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ANDES WP2: Uncertainties and covariances of nuclear data Arjan Koning NRG ANDES semester meeting NEA Issy-les-Moulineaux November 19, 2010 Contents Partner list Objectives Tasks Milestones and deliverables 2 Objectives

  1. ANDES WP2: Uncertainties and covariances of nuclear data Arjan Koning NRG ANDES semester meeting NEA Issy-les-Moulineaux November 19, 2010

  2. Contents • Partner list • Objectives • Tasks • Milestones and deliverables 2

  3. Objectives Enhance the European capability to produce covariance data for isotopes important for advanced reactors Three aspects of nuclear data evaluation come together:  Uncertainty/covariance evaluation of experimental data  Uncertainty/covariance evaluation of data from models  A proper theoretical treatment and evaluation of nuclear reactions on actinides (especially fission models) and its relation with 1. and 2. In addition:  Covariances for radioactive decay and fission yield data  Use all of the above in processing, reactor and fuel cycle codes. In ANDES-WP2, all this is organized in 5 tasks 3

  4. Partner list • NRG (Koning): TALYS nuclear model code, production of nuclear data libraries + covariances, RRR+URR+fast neutrons, applied (benchmarking) criticality, shielding and reactor calculations • CEA-DAM (Bauge): experimental uncertainty methods + TALYS fission model development • CEA-CAD (de Saint-Jean): CONRAD resonance code • Univ Bucharest(Sin): Fission modeling • UNED/UPM (Cabellos): Uncertainty propagation for back-end of the fuel cycle, apply covariance data in activation code. • NNL (Mills): Covariances for fission yield and decay data, spent fuel inventory and decay heat calculations • TUW (Leeb): uncertainty methods: GENEUS • CIEMAT (Gonzalez): fuel cycle codes • JSI (Trkov): processing and application 4

  5. Task 2.1 : Scientific coordination Task leader: NRG Monitoring of progress by all WP2 partners Collection of information for this meeting. For the rest, nothing specific since the kick-off meeting Several partners: new post-docs or PhD students in 2011 5

  6. Task 2.2:Covariance tool development TASK leader: TU Wien • Experimental covariance tool (CEA-DAM) - Post-doc identified. She will start beginning 2011 • GENEUS evaluation tool (TU Wien): - Activities started directly at 01-05-2010 - ANDES funds PhD student : Denise Neudecker - Report of first results at JEFF meeting june 2010 - Uncertainties on OMP and level densities included - Ongoing: extension of GENEUS (based on TALYS- 1.2) for fission channels • CONRAD (CEA-DEN) evaluation tool - Not yet started 6

  7. TU Wien (Leeb, Neudecker) 7

  8. 8

  9. 9

  10. 10

  11. Task 2.3 Covariance data evaluation TASK leader: NRG NRG: covariance production for actinides: • Extended nuclear data libraries with uncertainties for number of fission neutrons (MF31) and fission neutron spectrum (MF35) • Started new complete evaluation of Pu-239 including full covariance data. Testing with Total Monte Carlo for WP3. Univ Bucharest: Improve methods for actinide evaluation: • 2 weeks of EMPIRE development by Capote at JSI( Slovenia). • Testing new models for direct and pre-equilibrium reactions. • Uncertainties for n+237Np and n+242Pu assessed based on different evaluations, experiments and EMPIRE-Kalman: will be used for Monte Carlo covariance evaluations. 11

  12. NRG (Koning, Rochman) 12

  13. TALYS code system A loop over nuclear physics, data libraries, processing and applications: • Resonance parameters + uncertainties • An EXFOR database with more uncertainties than errors • The TALYS code • The Reference Input Parameter Library (RIPL) • Software for remaining reaction types (nubar, fns + unc.) • For many nuclides: A set of adjusted model parameters + uncertainties + “non - physical evaluation actions” • All major world libraries • The ENDF-6 formatting code TEFAL • NJOY, MCNP(X) + other codes • A script that drives everything The secret: Insist on absolute reproducibility 13

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  15. Nuclear data scheme + covariances +Uncertainties Determ. Resonance code TARES Parameters . +Covariances +Covariances ENDF -K-eff NJOY MCNP Output Gen. purpose file -Neutron flux -Etc. +Covariances Experimental TEFAL data (EXFOR) FIS- PROC. ENDF/EAF -activation Output Activ. file CODE PACT - transmutation +(Co)variances +Covariances +Covariances Nucl. model Other TALYS parameters (ORIGEN) +Uncertainties Monte Carlo: 1000 TALYS runs TASMAN 15

  16. TENDL: Complete ENDF-6 data libraries MF1: description and average fission quantities MF2: resonance data MF3: cross sections MF4: angular distributions MF5: energy spectra MF6: double-differential spectra, particle yields and residual products MF8-10: isomeric cross sections and ratios MF12-15: gamma yields, spectra and angular distributions MF31: covariances of average fission quantities (TENDL-2010) MF32: covariances of resonance parameters MF33: covariances of cross sections MF34: covariances of angular distributions MF35: covariances of fission neutron spectra (TENDL-2010) and particle spectra (TENDL-2011) MF40: covariances of isomeric data (TENDL-2011) 16

  17. Nuclear data scheme: Total Monte Carlo +Uncertainties Determ. Resonance code TARES Parameters . ENDF -K-eff NJOY MCNP Output Gen. purpose file -Neutron flux -Etc. +Covariances Experimental TEFAL data (EXFOR) FIS- PROC. ENDF/EAF - activation Output Activ. file CODE PACT - transmutation +Covariances Nucl. model Other TALYS parameters codes +Uncertainties Monte Carlo: 1000 runs of all codes TASMAN 17

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  19. Optimization of Pu-239 • Select 120 ICSBEP benchmarks • Create 630 random Pu-239 libraries, all within, or closely around, the uncertainty bands • Do a total of 120 x 630 =75600 MCNP criticality calculations • Do another 120 x 4 calculations: 19

  20. Optimization of Pu-239 20

  21. Optimization of Pu-239 • 6% of libraries have lower chi-2 than JEFF-3.1 • Library #307 has the lowest 21

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  23. Univ. Bucharest (Sin) 23

  24. UB: Cross sections of neutron induced reactions on 239 Pu -available evaluations: ENDF-VII, JEFF 3.1.1, JENDL 4, ROSFOND 2010, TENDL 2009, JENDL/Ac, Minsk/Act, etc - “very” preliminary calculations in the energy range 1 KeV -20 MeV performed with EMPIRE-3 & RIPL-3 24

  25. Calculations with EMPIRE code Models Direct - coupled channels ECIS06 Compound nucleus – Hauser-Feshbach, HRTW Preequilibrium – exciton model - PCROSS Input parameters – default values from RIPL-3  regional dispersive OMP for actinides (2408 for n, 5408 for p)  discrete level schemes (the recommended number of discrete levels adjusted)  gamma strength functions MLO1(normalized to exp. strength function)  level densities for normal states EGSM  fission barrier parameters (tuned to fit the experimental data)  level densities at saddles EGSM 25

  26. (n,n’) (n,2n) 26

  27. In the next stage, most of the effort will be focused on direct and preequilibrium neutron emission. 27

  28. Task 2.4: Covariances for activation, decay and fission yields Task leader: UPM NNL: Fission yield and decay data • ACAB methods for these data investigated • Method available for including each individual fissioning system. Correlations with decay data and time dependence are being studied UPM: Covariance data for spent fuel inventories and decay heat: • See presentation of Oscar Cabellos • ANDES is combined with Spanish research and teaching fellowship for a new student for ANDES: Carlos Javier Diez de la Obra. 28

  29. UNED (Sanz) • System of reference: industrial-scale transmutation facility EFIT - core cooled by pure lead - thermal power 400 MW, - initial total mass of actinides 2.074 tonnes (21.7% MA) - 150 GWd/tHM discharge burn-up corresponding to an equilibrium cycle ( 778 irradiation days). 2011: Use Total Monte Carlo with ACAB code to get full uncertainties of inventories, using random ENDF-6 libraries and EAF (European Activation File) libraries. 29

  30. Task 2.5: Application to advanced reactors Task leader: CIEMAT (Use covariance files in reactor and fuel cycle codes for designs from other EU projects. Determine uncertainty for most important parameters) No technical progress reported. 30

  31. Deliverables and milestones (year 1 only) D2.1: Activation data libraries for Monte Carlo uncertainty propagation in fuel cycle code ACAB (M12)(NRG, CIEMAT, UPM) 31

  32. Conclusions • WP2 on uncertainty data well underway • New Phd and post-doc projects will start in 2011 32


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