

CLINICAL AND FIELD PLACEMENT PROGRAMS AT UCONN LAW SCHOOL 2015-16 Practice-Based Learning Requirement All candidates for the Juris Doctor degree must successfully complete either: a clinic, including any in-house, partnership or


  2. Practice-Based Learning Requirement All candidates for the Juris Doctor degree must successfully complete either: a clinic, including any in-house, partnership or externship clinic, or  a course designated by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs as satisfying this requirement that includes a substantial component in which students participate in teams or as a group in one or more practice-based learning projects; – or – an individual externship that includes at least 168 hours of field  work (i.e., the equivalent of three credits), a seminar component, and is certified by the Externship Director as providing high-quality placement supervision.

  3. 2015-16 CLINICAL AND FIELD PLACEMENT PROGRAMS (Updated 3/31/15) Field Placement In-House Clinics Partnership Clinics Programs Center for Energy & Asylum & Human Rights Clinic Center for Children's Advocacy Environmental Law Criminal Clinic: Connecticut Urban Legal Initiative Judicial Clerkship Clinic Trial & Appellate Divisions (CULI) Environmental Law Clinic IP Law Clinic Legislative Clerkship Clinic (with CT Fund for the Environment) U.S. Attorney's Externship Clinic Mediation Clinic Semester in DC Program (with U.S. Department of Justice) Criminal Appellate Prosecution Clinic Individual Externships Tax Clinic State's Attorney's Externship Clinic (satisfy PBLR only if taken concurrently with Individual Externship Seminar) (with CT Division of Criminal Justice) Elder Law Clinic (with Czepiga Daly Pope)

  4. General Information  Basic course info ► Instructors ► Credits ► Length ► Prerequisites ► Offered in 2015-16 ► Comments  Pre- and co-requisites  Credit allocation and time commitment  No dual enrollment rules  Advanced fieldwork  "Human Behavior," etc.  Evening students

  5. Asylum & Human Rights Clinic Jon Bauer & Anna Cabot Instructors: One semester Length: Fall only Offered in 2015-16: 9 (graded) Credits : None Prerequisites :

  6. Criminal Clinic Trial Division Todd Fernow & Morgan Instructors: Rueckert Full year Length: Yes Offered in 2015-16: 6 fall, 4 spring (all graded) Credits : Evidence & Criminal Procedure Prerequisites : (both are co-requisites) Comments:

  7. Criminal Clinic Appellate Division Timothy Everett Instructor: One semester Length: Fall only (spring Advanced Offered in 2015-16: Fieldwork possibility) 5 (graded) Credits : Criminal Procedure is a co- requisite; Evidence is Prerequisites : recommended 6/12 seats reserved for 2Ls Comments:

  8. Intellectual Property & Entrepreneurship Law Clinic Susan Pocchiari et al Instructors: One semester Length: Fall and spring Offered in 2015-16: 5 (graded) Credits: Patent Law is a pre-requisite for students with a technical background who wish to do patent work in the Clinic. (Those students may take Patent Law as a co-requisite if they have also Prerequisites: completed Intellectual Property Law.) Intellectual Property Law and Comments: Interested students Trademark Law are alternative should enroll online and email prerequisites for students with non- their resume and a cover letter technical backgrounds who will not be to Kathleen Lombardi, IP Law doing patent work in the Clinic. Clinic Program Coordinator.

  9. Mediation Clinic James Stark & Paul Chill Instructors: One semester Length: Spring only Offered in 2015-16: 5 (graded) Credits : None, but students who have taken or are concurrently taking Employment Discrimination or Topics in Employment Prerequisites : Discrimination, or who have taken Employment Law, will be given enrollment priority.

  10. Tax Clinic Diana Leyden Instructor: One semester Length: Fall & spring Offered in 2015-16: 6 (graded) Credits : Federal Income Tax Prerequisites :

  11. Center for Children's Advocacy Martha Stone Instructor: Full year Length: Yes Offered in 2015-16: 4 each semester (graded) Credits : None Prerequisites : Interested students must submit resumé and letter of Comments: interest to instructor

  12. Connecticut Urban Legal Initiative (CULI) Barbara McGrath, Lee Tiernan Instructors: and Douglas Corning One semester Length: Fall & spring Offered in 2015-16: 4 (graded) Credits : None Prerequisites : Appears on list of courses as Comments: “Clinic: Transactional (CULI)”

  13. Environmental Law Clinic (with CFE) Roger Reynolds Instructor: Full year Length: Yes Offered in 2014-15: 3 each semester (graded) Credits : Environmental Law or Administrative Law (each is an Prerequisites : alternative co-requisite)

  14. United States Attorney's Externship Clinic Ndidi Moses, Christopher Instructors: Mattei, and Michael Gustafson Full year Length: Yes Offered in 2015-16: 3 per semester (graded) Credits : Evidence or Administrative Prerequisites : Law Continuation into spring is with Comments: instructor permission only

  15. Criminal Appellate Prosecution Clinic Harry Weller Instructor: Full year (spring-fall sequence) Length: Yes Offered in 2015-16: 3 spring, 4 fall (all graded) Credits : Evidence & Criminal Procedure (both are spring only co- Prerequisites : requisites) Enrollment is by application. Evening students are especially encouraged to Comments: apply. Students may apply next fall for slots beginning in spring 2016.

  16. State's Attorney's Externship Clinic Michael Gailor & James Instructors: Turcotte One semester Length: Fall only Offered in 2015-16: 4 (2 seminar credits are graded, 2 fieldwork credits are Credits : ungraded) Criminal Procedure Prerequisites :

  17. Elder Law Clinic Sharon Pope Instructor: One semester Length: Fall Offered in 2015-16: 3 (graded) Credits : None, although some background in Prerequisites : elder law, disability law, and/or a related field is encouraged This clinic is especially designed to accommodate the schedules of evening Comments: students, who will be given enrollment priority

  18. Center for Energy & Environmental Law (CEEL) Externship Clinic Joseph MacDougald Instructor: One semester Length: Fall and spring Offered in 2015-16: 3 (ungraded) Credits : None, but Environmental Law, Energy Law or Administrative Prerequisites : Law is recommended Final enrollment approval is Comments: determined by placement site

  19. Judicial Clerkship Clinic Lewis Kurlantzick Instructor: One semester Length: Spring only Offered in 2015-16: 4 (ungraded) Credits : None Prerequisites :

  20. Legislative Clerkship Clinic Cornelius O’Leary & Carl Instructors: Schiessl One semester Length: Spring only Offered in 2015-16: 4 (ungraded) Credits : None Prerequisites :

  21. Semester in DC Program Richard Parker and Jennifer Instructors: Mailly One semester Length: Fall only Offered in 2014-15: 13 (two graded 3-credit seminars, 7 ungraded Credits : fieldwork credits) None Prerequisites : Application deadline for 2015-16 Comments: has already passes, but interested students may contact Prof. Mailly

  22. Individual Externships • Separate info session Monday 4/6, 12:30 PM • Up to 3 credits (4 during summer), ungraded • 56 hours of fieldwork per credit (14 weeks @ 4/week) • Separate faculty and placement supervisors • Mandatory planning/counseling and orientation sessions • Individual Externship Seminar (1 credit, graded) mandatory for students seeking to satisfy Practice-Based Learning Requirement


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