SAND2019-14723PE Marine energy classification systems:Tools for resource assessment and design V.S.Neary, K.A. Haas, J.A. Colby OMER& ISIJSA USTAG Annual Meeting, Portland, ME, 13-14 Nov 2019 Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology Et Engineering Solutions of Sandia, Geora 10 -1- 1 ) Sandia National Laboratories LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell V International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Tech Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract VERDANT POWER DE-NA0003525. SAND2019-
I Motivation/Goal Build marine energy classification systems that, like wind, codify and support resource assessment, design and device-type certification for wave and tidal energy devices Device classification - codify and streamline device design, device- type certification, product-line development and manufacturing Resource classification - support project siting, feasibility, and scoping studies, regional energy planning 2
co Wave resource classification II III IV I POWER • Main parameter, wave power, J (kW/m), 1.1q5.7 22.8<J 5.7<J22.8 CLASS I, 11, 111, W Class I(1) II(1) III(1) IV(1) O<Tp<7 1 • Subclass parameter, T p , peak period I(2) II(2) III(2) IV(2) 2 bandwidth, delineates three WEC resonant 1O<Tp I(3) II(3) III(3) IV(3) bandwidths 3 1, local wind seas, 0<T p <7 Classification System 2 — dominant period band 80 2, short-period swell, 7 1 1 1 p 10 Power class . 11 70 3, long-period swell, 10<T p E1 ED 1111. ' r (2) 60 • Related standards • El r (3) 1 " 1 Wave resource assessment and -25 ) 50 characterization, IEC TS 62600-101:2015-06 _ 1 40 WEC power performance assessment, IEC TS 30 62600-100:2012-08 20 10 -200 -180 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 Longitude S. Ahn, K. A. Haas, V. S. Neary, Wave energy resource classification system for US coastal waters, Ren & Sust Energy Rev, 104, 54-68, 2019. 3
Tidal resource classification: Preliminary /I m w I Power Class • Main parameter, tidal power density, P m >2 1<P rn <2 0.5<P m <1 P m <0.5 (kW/m 2 ); Class I, II, III, IV 1 A> TBD 1(1) II(1) III(1) IV(1) N 11 VI 3 TBD < A /(2) II(2) III(2) IV (2) 2 Pm <TBD 2A1 19 LJ U-i j = 1 A < T B D I I (3) IV (3) 3 1(3) 111(3) • Subclass parameter TBD, A, a constraint on the theoretical resource Use model data from Multiple levels TBD US Tidal Energy RA • Related standards Tidal resource assessment and 13 12 characterization, IEC TS 62600- 43 00 43.08 201:2015-04 43.08 43.07 43.05 005 TEC power performance assessment, OVW 43.04 43.03 -70.8 -70.78 -70.7e -70.74 -70.72 -70.7 -70.88 .70..0 IEC TS 62600-200:2013-05 Longitude Z. Defne et al., "National geodatabase of tidal stream power resource in USA," Renew Energy, 4 16(5), pp. 3326-3338, 2012.
I Tidal resource classification: Preliminary / 11 III IV Power Class • Relate the mean power, P m (kW/m 2 ) to the 1 P > 2 1 < P < 2 O. 5 < P < 1 P < O. 5 mean velocity, V m (m/s) 1 .05< V. < 0. 8 < V. Mean Velocity V. 1. 3 V. < O. 8 1. 3 < 1. 05 1 A > T 1(1) 11(1) 1141) IV (1) BD T BD < A 2 I (2) 11(2) III(2) IV (2) < T BD • A < T BD /(3) 11(3) 111(3) IV (3) 3 1800 1600 Classes can be delineated based 1400 on the mean velocity 1200 a> ( 2 1000 2_ , 8 800 O 1 600 400 200 th 0 0 4 6 0 8 1 1 2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 5 V m (m/s)
I Tidal resource classification: Preliminary 1 46 US East Coast m/s - 44 I US West Coast 42 1.3 40 cl 40.8 /1 ......-5 , 40.78 5 Cook Inlet 1.05 61 40.76 61 a) - 0 40.74 Ill m — 60.5 a) co _ 1 40.72 - c) D 08 -120 :' 60 ro _ 1 40.7 59.5 /17 40.68 59 58.5 40.66 -154 -152 -151 -150 -149 -155 -153 -74.02 -74 -73.98-73.96-73.94-73.92 -73.9 -73.88 Longitude Longitude ,.•
I WEC classification: Preliminary Class I II • Main parameter, = (m), 50-year Hs(ref) li s(50) return H s , Class I, 11, 111 Href (m) t 15 Specified by • Note H s(nean) = CH S(50) for distinct wave 1 O<Tp<7 I(1) climates designer 2 7'1 1 , 10 1 I(2) • Subclass parameter, T p , peak period 3 1O<Tp I(3) bandwidth, delineates three energy transfer mechanisms (normal operations) 15 18 1, local wind seas, O<T p <7 16 72 ° N 14 2, short-period swell, 7<T p <10 12 60 ° N 10 3, long-period swell, 1O<T p 8 48 ° N 6 • Related technical specs, standards 4 36 ° N 2 24 ° N 0 1 3 Design requirements for marine energy 0 0.5 1 15 2 2.5 35 0 1- g (m) mean 75 ° W 175 ° W 150 ° W 125 ° W 100 ° W systems, IEC TS 62600-2:2016-08 Regional correlations extreme and Geographical distribution of Hs50 (m) mean wave heights [Neary et al. 2018]; for US Coast [Neary et al. 2019]; Environmental conditions a environmental Alaska site, H S(mpap r2.8 m Alaska site, H 5(50 - 12 m T p band is Class 3 Loads, DNV-RP-C205:2014 Extreme DLC based on H s(ref) = 15 m — 12 m Hs(ref)(s ite) SITE T p (site)—Class 3 CLASS 1(3) Normal DLC based on 2.8 m, 1O<T p = H s ( mean ) 7
,:-. TEC classification: Preliminary • Main parameter, V ref (m/s), max,3-min avg TEC Class I II III current for extreme design load case (DLC); Specified by 3.5 2.5 1.5 U„ f (m/s) Class 1, 11, 111 engineer A 0.20 • Subclass parameter, l„ f , turbulence intensity /ref (-) B 0.15 @ 1.5 m/s @1.5 m/s A, high, 0.15< l„ f 0.20 C 0.10 B, ref 0.15 moderate, 0.10< I C, low, ref 0.10 2.5 I RITE site, East River: 2 Variation of hub 1.5 • Related technical specs, standards height mean current speed - black 0.5 Design requirements for marine energy (Gunawan, Neary and 2014) systems, IEC TS 62600-2:2016-08 Colby w, 1 07/141/, 07/15/1 0 /15/11 07/17/11 Date Environmental conditions Et environmental (rn h at HH (m ASL) - h at QB (m ASL) V ref (site) -2.4 m/s aP 0 10.5 Loads, DNV-RP-C205:2014 45 0.45 RITE site, East River: Variation of 40 0.4 hub height turbulence intensity with 35 0.35 • FY20 studies: ;T: 30 mean current speed (Gunawan, • 0 3 — 25 0 0..2 2 5 Neary and Colby 2014) " 1 2n Reviewing turbulence measurements database 0.15 0 1 jref(site) -0.18 with NREL to identify trends 5 0.05 0.5 1 1.5 2 2 5 Standard method for determining maximum (111561) IIe V ref (Site) — 2.4 m/s current speed, e.g., 1-percentile current RITE SITE Design for V 2.5 m/s, re f = (site)-0.18 CLASS IIA 0.20 ref I ref = 8
I Proposed motions The US TAG is asked to endorse and deliver the following proposal to TC 114 for the integration of classification systems into standards. This proposal would be discussed and approved at the TC 114 Plenary Meeting in April 2020: 1) Update the Scope of Work of AHG 8 to include the integration of classification systems into TC 114 documents. AHG 8 would oversee the coordination and integration of classification systems across TC 114. 2) The following Maintenance Teams would consider incorporation of classification systems in their Technical Specifications during their maintenance cycle: o MT 62600-2: Design, TS 62600-2:2019-10 {Ed. 2} o WAVE AND TIDAL CONDITIONS CLASSIFICATION o MT 62600-101: Wave resource characterization, TS 62600-101:2015-06 {Ed. 1} o WAVE RESOURCE CLASSIFICATION o MT 62600-201: Tidal resource characterization, TS 62600-201:2015-04 {Ed. 1} o TIDAL RESOURCE CLASSIFICATION 9
10 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This study benefited from review and input from project steering committee members chaired by Dr. Bryson Robertson, Oregon State University. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. This presentation describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government. Thank you Contact: or
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