and environmental protection

and Environmental Protection Republic of Serbia US Embassy Belgrade - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Republic of Serbia US Embassy Belgrade Clayton Miller US Embassy Science Fellow Purpose of assessment Provide up-to-date assessment on the environmental enforcement and compliance

  1. Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Republic of Serbia US Embassy Belgrade Clayton Miller US Embassy Science Fellow

  2. Purpose of assessment  Provide up-to-date assessment on the environmental enforcement and compliance assurance program of Serbia  Discuss what is needed to meet EU Chapter 27 accession requirements  Recommend plans and strategies for addressing the gaps and challenges

  3. Assessment Approach  Research conducted  Past assessments  EU accession documents  Laws  Interviews conducted  Ministry  Province  Municipality  CSOs, NGOs, regulated community, contractors

  4. Enforcement and Inspection Framework Central Government  Ministry in cooperation with local/municipal governments work to ensure compliance with environmental laws; coordination role  80 inspectors; approximately 8000 inspections/year Provincial Government  Environmental impact assessment, permit issuance, inspection  14 inspectors; approximately 2000 inspections/year Municipal/Local Government  Environmental impact assessment, permit issuance, inspection  212 inspectors (total all 160-plus municipalities)  estimated 25,000 to 30,000 inspections/year for all municipalities 17 laws and 300 by-laws associated with environmental protection and inspection; most municipalities have only one inspector to cover all laws

  5. EU Accession for enforcement and compliance assurance  Alignment of national environmental legislation  Competent authority for licensing or enforcement  2015 Chapter 27 Post-Screening Report  Recommend capacity building (training) for environmental authorities for enforcement and inspection

  6. Current Status  Progress has been made to improve the policy and institutional basis (new laws, strategies)  But… need for improvements in implementation (enforcement and compliance assurance) to meet goals of:  Protecting human health  Protecting environment  Meet Chapter 27 requirements

  7. Assessment Findings and Recommendations: Five basic issues were identified:  Lack of formal national environmental policy and a national statement as to the mission, goals and objectives for environmental enforcement and compliance assurance  The efficiency and effectiveness of the current management structure of environmental enforcement and compliance assurance program  Capacity - Lack knowledge and experience of enforcement and inspection personnel, particularly at municipalities  Capacity - Lack of resources and funds for implementation  Need for improved public awareness

  8. Issue 1. Need for statements of a national environmental policy and national mission, goals and objectives for environmental enforcement and compliance assurance  Need to establish  Enforcement mission  Achievable goals/objectives  Enforcement policies and priorities  Important to:  Purpose of work  Prioritize efforts and resources  Aligning decisions and tasks best with the national mission  Benefits in focusing work efforts and budget planning Recommendation Develop and publicize for the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection a mission statement, goal(s) and objectives for environmental enforcement and compliance assurance

  9. Issue 2. Need to address concerns regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of the current management structure of environmental enforcement and compliance assurance program  No comprehensive oversight authority to ensure transparency, consistency and equality of the enforcement and inspection  Reduces effectiveness of the program  Exposes the inspectors to influence  Lacks consistency  Weak capacity at local levels  Decentralization can complicate coordination of national policies Recommendation The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection should serve as the oversight authority for environmental enforcement and compliance assurance in Serbia.

  10. Issue 3. Lack knowledge and experience of environmental enforcement and inspection personnel, particularly at the municipal or local level  2015 Post Screening Report identified need for capacity training  Training needs  Understanding laws  Specialized enforcement training – case development  Preparation of inspection programs  Judges and prosecutors – International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program  Benefits  Public confidence  Environmental improvements  Consistency and equality  Reduces costs to regulated community  Ministry assurance to support inspector(s)

  11. Recommendation Ministry should develop and conduct training to meet specific needs of field staff for environmental enforcement and compliance assurance to effectively meet the requirements of environmental and inspection laws and ensure that EU directives are met. Recommendation Ministry should look for opportunities to develop capacity of prosecutors and judges on environmental protection. Potential avenues of support  Regulated community (Industry) - AMCHAM  Donors  International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP)  US Legal support

  12. Issue 4. Lack of resources and funds for implementation of environmental protection programs  Challenges: limited allocation of staff numbers and limited access to resources  Innovative solutions:  Leveraging existing resources  Provide to inspectors contact list of “in - house” experts  Reduce loss of personnel - retention incentives (awards, training, recognition, time-off awards)  Providing tools to improve efficiency and consistency  Create or revise handbooks, templates (funding from outside sources)  Identify alternative means of funding resources  Service fees - contract staff; benefits industry - improved efficiency and consistency

  13. Recommendation Ministry should institute a services fee to cover costs of environmental assessment, permitting, monitoring and enforcement. Recommendation Leverage existing national expertise and knowledge. Recommendation Ministry should develop retention incentives for inspector and enforcement personnel. Recommendation Ministry should develop (or update existing) tools such as handbooks, manuals, guidelines, and templates for field enforcement and compliance assurance staff. Potential avenues of support  Regulated community (Industry) - AMCHAM  Donors

  14. Issue 5. Need for improved public awareness on environmental protection  Challenges:  Media engagement is sparse; ally in educating  Public perception environmental protection is costly  Need to change this perception; environmental protection viewed as a partner with economic sustainability  Solutions:  More outreach with media, educate media  Regular briefings, press releases  Use information centers; update/improve website

  15. Recommendation Ministry should improve opportunities for effective media coverage on environmental issues and environmental program efforts in Serbia. Potential avenues of support  Work with international donors/organizations  Internship agreements with university(ies) (journalism departments)

  16. • Commitment to recommendations • Ministry • Embassy • Others • Assignments to staff • Developing strategy and plans for implementation • Implemenation


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