analysis of parameterised timed systems using horn

Analysis of Parameterised Timed Systems using Horn Constraints - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Analysis of Parameterised Timed Systems using Horn Constraints Hossein Hojjat Philipp Rmmer Pavle Subotic Wang Yi SynCoP+PV 23 April 2017 Context Starting point: Work on general-purpose fjxed-point solvers Application to timed

  1. Analysis of Parameterised Timed Systems using Horn Constraints Hossein Hojjat Philipp Rümmer Pavle Subotic Wang Yi SynCoP+PV 23 April 2017

  2. Context ● Starting point: Work on general-purpose fjxed-point solvers ● Application to timed systems possible? ● Yes, and some more: ● Parameterisation: # processes, timing ● Infjnite data domains 2/27

  3. Overview Timed automata Floyd-Hoare BIP models System/ Property, Design by contract Parameterised systems Owicki-Gries Program Analysis rules Software programs Rely Guarantee etc. etc. E.g., equivalent to: No error states Set of Horn are reachable constraints Solvable HSF Horn solver (timeout) Z3 (off-the-shelf) Eldarica Duality Unsolvable + Counterexample 3/27

  4. Example: ERR unreachable? ● Need invariants Constraints: Solution: ● Invariants have to satisfy conditions ... 5/27

  5. Outline ● Parameterised analysis by example ● Model of execution ● Encoding ● Experiments 6/27

  6. Timed systems Critical section Controller Trains [FORTE'94] 7/27

  7. Timed systems Constraints: Local transitions: Non-interference: System invariant: System invariant: + clauses for time elapse , synchronisation , initiation , assertions [HCVS'14] 8/27

  8. Invariant schemata Modular Monolithic Separate invariant Single invariant for each process for whole system Weaker Stronger Smaller invariants Detailed invariants 9/27

  9. Parameterised systems (link) After refinements: Invariant schema that enables verification (at most one train crosses bridge at a time) k -indexed invariant Ashcroft invariant 10/27

  10. Basic Systems  Processes  Global state space  Local state space  Initial states  Transition relation  Error states where 11/27

  11. Execution Model  System state space  Initial system states  System transition relation  System error states  Safety: ? 12/27

  12. Owicki-Gries-style Horn Encoding  Finite case: is finite  Unbounded homogeneous case: One process replicated infinitely often  Unbounded heterogeneous case: Infinitely many processes of different types 13/27

  13. Invariant Schemata (fjnite case)  Assuming  Invariant schema: an anti-chain (component-wise comparison)  Every element of represents one invariant 14/27

  14. Invariant Schemata (fjnite case)  Given schema choose relation symbols to represent invariant  System invariant 15/27

  15. Invariant Schemata (fjnite case) For instance Modular Monolithic Separate invariant Single invariant for each process for whole system 16/27

  16. Clauses (fjnite case)  Initiation ( non-zero entries in )  Consecution  Absence of errors  Context predicates: 17/27

  17. Unbounded Invariant Schemata  Assuming with or  Invariant schema:  For instance 18/27

  18. Clauses for (Homogeneous) Unbounded Case  Assuming and 19/27

  19. CEX-Guided Refjnement of Schemata  Start with weakest (fully modular) invariant schema  If Horn constraints are not solvable, check whether CEX is genuine – Yes → System CEX – No → Choose stronger schema  Example: trains model 20/27

  20. Extensions of the Basic Model  Physical time (discrete, dense) – Add a global clock (global variable) – Delay transitions  Communication channels (UPPAAL-style) – Clauses encoding simultaneous transition of two processes  Barriers  BIP -style interactions 21/27

  21. Protocol X (link) Protocol is correct assuming timing parameters 22/27

  22. On Completeness Concurrent Owicki-Gries- System style encoding Relatively complete? Finite case (+ time) ✔ Set of Horn General infinite case ✘ constraints Well-structured TS [FSE'16] ✔ Horn solver Usually incomplete (off-the-shelf) → “Best-effort” 23/27

  23. Experiments Horn solver: Eldarica Machine: Intel Core i7 Duo 2.9 GHz, 8GB Details: [HCVS'14] 24/27

  24. Conclusions  Framework for encoding parameterised systems as Horn clauses  Support for various features: Time, data, communication, parameters  Feasible for real models? initial experiments promising  25/27

  25. Appendix 26/27

  26. (Constrained) Horn clauses Definition Suppose ● is some constraint language (e.g., Presburger A.); ● is a set of relation symbols; ● is a set of first-order variables. Then a Horn clause is a formula where ● is a constraint in (without symbols from ); ● each is a literal of the form ; ● is either , or of the same form as the . 27/27

  27. Solvability Definition A set of Horn clauses is syntactically/symbolically solvable if the -symbols can be replaced with constraints such that all clauses become valid. 28/27


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