Analysis of exclusive k T algorithm in electron-positron annihilation -collaborated with Prof. Junegone Chay and Prof. Chul Kim Department of Physics, Korea University Inchol Kim PHYSICAL REVIEW D 92, 074019 (2015)
Contents -Physical Review D 92 034012 (2015) 1. Factorization formula for the cross section 2. Exclusive kt algorithm 3. Generalized kt algorithm 4. Conclusions 2/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Factorization formula for the cross section • We have factorized dijet cross section as following. • The jet and soft function is defined as 3/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Exclusive kt algorithm - The definition single jet. 1. For each pair of partons i and j, work out the distance 2. If is smaller than , merge two partons into a 3. Repeat from step 1 until no particles are left. 4/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Exclusive kt algorithm - Momentum assignments mass squared is given by • We assign the momentum flow as • Then the energies of two partons and the invariant- 5/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Exclusive kt algorithm - Constraint functions function. • With the previous variables, we get the jet constraint 6/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Exclusive kt algorithm - Constraint functions as follows. • Similarly, one can derive the soft constraint function 7/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Exclusive kt algorithm - Virtual contributions 1 the scattering cross section is independent of the algorithm. Virtual contributions are independent of algorithms • The virtual contribution to the one loop correction of 8/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Exclusive kt algorithm - Virtual contributions 2 UV and IR divergences. • The results for the virtual contributions are as follows. • We used dimensional regularization to regulate both 9/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Exclusive kt algorithm - Real gluon emissions have problematic integral. • In the calculation with the exclusive kt algorithm, we 10/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Generalized kt algorithm - The definition single jet. 1. For each pair of partons i and j, work out the distance 2. If is smaller than , merge two partons into a 3. Repeat from step 1 until no particles are left. 11/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Generalized kt algorithm - Constraint functions function. • With the previous variables, we get the jet constraint 12/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Generalized kt algorithm - Constraint functions as follows. • Similarly, one can derive the soft constraint function 13/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Generalized kt algorithm - Constraint functions as follows. • Similarly, one can derive the soft constraint function 14/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Generalized kt algorithm - Real gluon emissions 1 the previous integral. • With the generalized jet algorithm, we can calculate 15/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Generalized kt algorithm - Real gluon emissions 2 • case is IR divergent. 16/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
Generalized kt algorithm - Real gluon emissions 3 • The soft contribution has similar features. 17/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
cannot be regularized by dimensional regularization. algorithm as a limiting behavior of the generalized kt algorithm. 2, but, for a , each factorized parts has IR divergence. breaks down. Conclusions • With the exclusive jet algorithm, there is an integral which • We can investigate the divergence structure of the kt • We have IR finite jet and soft functions for is smaller than • Since the IR divergence remains for , the factorization 18/19 Korea University Inchol Kim
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