analysis and optimization of caching for content delivery

Analysis and Optimization of Caching for Content Delivery in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1896 1920 1987 2006 Analysis and Optimization of Caching for Content Delivery in Wireless Networks Ying Cui Department of Electronic Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 1 Outline Introduction Caching at BSs joint

  1. 1896 1920 1987 2006 Analysis and Optimization of Caching for Content Delivery in Wireless Networks Ying Cui Department of Electronic Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 1

  2. Outline • Introduction • Caching at BSs – joint caching and multicasting [Cui16], [Wang17], [Xing17] – joint caching and BS cooperation [Jiang17], [Wen17] • Caching at end users – coded caching and multicasting [Jin17] – joint pushing and caching [Sun17] • Conclusion 2


  4. Shift of Wireless Commun. Services • Connection-oriented to content-oriented services 4

  5. Mobile Data Traffic Growth • Dramatic growth of mobile data traffic [Cisco2017] – sevenfold increase 2016 -> 2021 – mobile video 78% of mobile data traffic by 2021 • Cause significant stress on wireless networks 5

  6. Two Classic Approaches • Increase access rates • Increase densification of network infrastructure • Disadvantage – cannot alleviate backhaul burden 6

  7. Data Reuse • Widely different file popularity – 5 –10 percent of “popular” contents are consumed by the majority of mobile users • Reusable content – 70 percent of wireless traffic is from videos – users watch most recently released video content 7

  8. Promising Approaches • Content caching at wireless edge – reduce delay, backhaul burden and load of wireless links – caching at BSs and caching at end users • Cache-assisted multicast to concurrently serve multiple users – reduce traffic load of wireless links – based on cache content at BSs and end users • Cache-assisted BS cooperation to jointly serve each user by multiple BSs storing same content – increase transmission rate over wireless links – based on cache content at BSs 8

  9. Benefits of Caching • Reduce response time – bring popular contents closer to mobile user 9

  10. Benefits of Caching • Alleviate traffic loads – on the core networks and backhaul (caching at BSs and users) – over-the-air wireless traffic (caching at users) 10

  11. Benefits of Caching • Smoothen traffic – gathering data during idle timeslots – shift traffic from peak to off-peak hours 11

  12. Our Work (2015-2017) • [Cui16] Ying Cui , D. Jiang and Y. Wu, "Analysis and optimization of caching and multicasting in cache- enabled wireless networks," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 5101-5112, 2016. ( IEEE GLOBECOM , 2015) • [Cui17] Ying Cui and D. Jiang, "Analysis and optimization of caching and multicasting in cache-enabled heterogeneous wireless networks," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 250-264, 2017. ( IEEE GLOBECOM , 2016) • [Cui16’] Ying Cui , F. Lai, S. Hanly and P. Whiting, "Optimal caching and user association in cache-enabled Caching at BSs heterogeneous wireless networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2016. • [Wang17] Z. Wang, Z. Cao, Ying Cui and Y. Yang, “ Joint and Competitive Caching Designs in Large-Scale Multi- Tier Wireless Multicasting Networks,” major revision, IEEE Trans. Commun. , 2017. ( IEEE GLOBECOM , 2017) • [Wen17] W. Wen, Ying Cui , F. Zheng and S. Jin, "Random caching based cooperative transmission in heterogeneous wireless networks,” major revision, IEEE Trans. Commun. , 2017. ( IEEE ICC , 2017) • [Jiang17] D. Jiang and Ying Cui , "Partition-based caching in large-scale SIC- enabled wireless networks,” minor revision, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , 2017. ( IEEE ICC , 2017) • [Xing17] J. Xing, Ying Cui and V. Lau, "Temporal-spatial aggregation for cache-enabled wireless multicasting networks with asynchronous content requests," submitted to IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , Caching at users 2017. ( IEEE GLOBECOM , 2017) • [Jin16] S. Jin, Ying Cui , H. Liu and G. Caire, "New Order-optimal decentralized coded caching schemes with good performance in finite file size regime," submitted to IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 2016. ( IEEE GLOBECOM , 2016) • [Jin17] S. Jin, Ying Cui , H. Liu and G. Caire, "Structural properties of uncoded placement optimization for coded delivery," submitted to IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 2017. • [Sun17] Y. Sun, Ying Cui and H. Liu, "Joint pushing and caching for bandwidth utilization maximization in wireless networks," submitted to IEEE Trans. Commun. , 2017. ( IEEE GLOBECOM , 2017) 12

  13. Collaborators • Professors – Giuseppe Caire, Technical University of Berlin, Germany – Vincent Lau, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong – Stephen Hanly and Philip Whiting, Macquarie University, Australia – Hui Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China – Shi Jin and Fuchun Zheng, Southeast University, China • Students – Dongdong Jiang, Yaping Sun, Jifang Xing, Sian Jin, Zitian Wang, Zhehan Cao and Fan Lai, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China – Wanli Wen, Southeast University, China 13


  15. Our Work • [Cui16] Ying Cui , D. Jiang, and Y. Wu, “Analysis and optimization of caching and multicasting in large-scale cache- enabled wireless networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 5101 – 5112, Jul. 2016. • [Xing17] J. Xing, Ying Cui and V. Lau, "Temporal-spatial aggregation for cache-enabled wireless multicasting networks with asynchronous content requests," submitted to IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2017. • [Wang17] Z. Wang, Z. Cao, Ying Cui and Y. Yang, "Joint and competitive caching designs in large-scale multi-tier wireless multicasting networks," submitted to IEEE Trans. Commun., 2017. • [Jiang17] D. Jiang and Ying Cui , "Partition-based caching in large-scale SIC-enabled wireless networks," submitted to IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2017 • [Wen17] W. Wen, Ying Cui , F. Zheng, S. Jin and Y. Jiang, "Random caching based cooperative transmission in heterogeneous wireless networks," submitted to IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2017. 15

  16. Caching, Multicasting and Cooperation random caching & multicasting [Cui16] single-tier network caching random caching & aggregation-based multicasting [Xing17] & multicasting two-tier joint/competitive random caching & multicasting HetNet [Wang17] single-tier partition-based caching & non-orthogonal transmission caching network [Jiang17] & two-tier cooperation random caching & non-coherent joint transmission HetNet [Wen17] 16

  17. General Model of Large-Scale Wireless Networks • BSs operate at same frequency • Random locations of BSs and users – locations of BSs in tier j : PPP with density 𝜇 j independent – locations of MSs: PPP with density 𝜇 u • Downlink transmission – each BS one transmit antenna – each BS in tier j transmit power P j , bandwidth W – each MS one receive antenna • Fading – pathloss D - α : D -distance, α -pathloss exponent – small scale fading CN(0,1) 17

  18. Content and Cache • 𝑂 files in the network – same file size – file popularity • identical among users • Each BS in tier j has a cache of size  K N j   N – : combinations of 𝐿 𝑘 different files   I K   j • Joint caching and multicasting • Joint caching and cooperation 18

  19. Analysis and Optimization Framework parameter-based caching, multicasting and cooperation parameters: caching dist., file partition, etc. performance metric: successful transmission probability ( STP ) STP analysis STP maximization (for given parameters) (optimize parameters) general region non-convex prob. locally opt. [Cui16], [Xing17], [Wang17] solution tractable mixed disc.-cont. prob. (MDCP) expression near opt. [Wen17] solution multiple choice knapsack prob. stochastic geometry (MCKP) [Jinag17] asymp. region (e.g., SNR, user density, convex prob. [Cui16], [Xing17] closed-form file size, target rate) opt. solution discrete prob. [Jinag17] closed-form locally opt. expression MDCP [Wen17] solution asymp. approximation non-convex prob. [Wang17] 19

  20. Obvious benefit of multicast over unicast in high user density region ! ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION OF CACHING AND MULTICASTING IN LARGE-SCALE WIRELESS NETWORKS 20

  21. Random Caching and Multicasting in Large- Scale Single-Tier Wireless Networks [Cui16] Ying Cui , D. Jiang and Y. Wu, "Analysis and optimization of caching and multicasting in cache-enabled wireless networks ," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 5101-5112, 2016. ( IEEE GLOBECOM , 2015) 21

  22. Random Caching and Multicasting • Random caching specified by caching dist.  – each BS stores comb. 𝑗 wp.    [0,1], , 1 p i p file joint dist. i i    i diversity – each BS stores file n wp.   , , T p n T K n i n   i n marginal dist. • Content-centric user association n – user requesting file n connects to nearest BS storing – serving BS may not be nearest BS • Multicasting – BS j receiving K j different file requests from its users multicasts each of these files at rate τ over bandwidth W/K j • resource sharing among different files   • STP of a typical user:    W        ( ) ( ), ( ) Pr log 1 SINR q p a q p q p , , 2 ,0 K n K n K n n    K   n n ,0 – K n,0 : file load of serving BS of a typical user requesting file n 22


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