analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks

Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks Applications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks Applications to biology Corentin Briat joint work with A. Gupta and M. Khammash Sminaire dAutomatique du

  1. Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks – Applications to biology Corentin Briat joint work with A. Gupta and M. Khammash Séminaire d’Automatique du Plateau de Saclay – 13/11/15 Corentin Briat Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks 0/19

  2. Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Introduction Corentin Briat Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks 0/19

  3. Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Reaction networks A reaction network is. . . • A set of d distinct species X 1 , . . . , X d • A set of K reactions R 1 , . . . , R K specifying how species interact with each other and for each reaction we have • A stoichiometric vector ζ k ∈ Z d describing how reactions change the state value • A propensity function λ k ∈ R ≥ 0 describing the "strength" of the reaction Corentin Briat Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks 1/19

  4. Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Reaction networks A reaction network is. . . • A set of d distinct species X 1 , . . . , X d • A set of K reactions R 1 , . . . , R K specifying how species interact with each other and for each reaction we have • A stoichiometric vector ζ k ∈ Z d describing how reactions change the state value • A propensity function λ k ∈ R ≥ 0 describing the "strength" of the reaction Example - SIR model β R 1 : S + I − − − → 2 I X 1 ≡ S γ ≡ X 2 I R 2 : − − − → I R X 3 ≡ R α R 3 : − − − → R S Stoichiometries and propensities ζ 1 = ( − 1 , 1 , 0) , λ 1 ( x ) = βx 1 x 2 ζ 2 = (0 , − 1 , 1) , λ 2 ( x ) = γx 2 ζ 3 = (1 , 0 , − 1) , λ 3 ( x ) = αx 3 Corentin Briat Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks 1/19

  5. Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Reaction networks A reaction network is. . . • A set of d distinct species X 1 , . . . , X d • A set of K reactions R 1 , . . . , R K specifying how species interact with each other and for each reaction we have • A stoichiometric vector ζ k ∈ Z d describing how reactions change the state value • A propensity function λ k ∈ R ≥ 0 describing the "strength" of the reaction Deterministic networks • Large populations (concentrations are well-defined), e.g. as in chemistry • Lots of analytical tools, e.g. reaction network theory, dynamical systems theory, Lyapunov theory of stability, nonlinear control theory, etc. Stochastic networks • Low populations (concentrations are NOT well defined) • Biological processes where key molecules are in low copy number (mRNA ≃ 10 copies per cell) • No well-established theory for biology, “analysis" often based on simulations. . . • No well-established control theory Corentin Briat Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks 1/19

  6. Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Chemical master equation State and dynamics • The state X ∈ N d 0 is vector of random variables representing molecules count • The dynamics of the process is described by a jump Markov process ( X ( t )) t ≥ 0 Chemical Master Equation (Forward Kolmogorov equation) K � λ k ( x − ζ k ) p x 0 ( x − ζ k , t ) − λ k ( x ) p x 0 ( x, t ) , x ∈ N d p x 0 ( x, t ) = ˙ 0 k =1 where p x 0 ( x, t ) = P [ X ( t ) = x | X (0) = x 0 ] , i.e. p x 0 ( x, 0) = δ x 0 ( x ) . Solving the CME • Infinite countable number of linear time-invariant ODEs • Exactly solvable only in very simple cases • Some numerical schemes are available (FSP , QTT, etc) but limited by the curse of x d states x − 1 } d , then we have ¯ dimensionality; if X ∈ { 0 , . . . , ¯ Corentin Briat Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks 2/19

  7. Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Birth-death process Process ( X ( t ) ∈ N 0 , d = 1 , K = 2 ) • Birth reaction: ζ 1 = 1 and λ 1 ( x ) = k • Death reaction: ζ 2 = − 1 and λ 2 ( x ) = γx Corentin Briat Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks 3/19

  8. Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Birth-death process Process ( X ( t ) ∈ N 0 , d = 1 , K = 2 ) • Birth reaction: ζ 1 = 1 and λ 1 ( x ) = k • Death reaction: ζ 2 = − 1 and λ 2 ( x ) = γx Two sample-paths with X (0) = 0 , k = 3 and γ = 1 7 6 5 4 X ( t ) 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time Corentin Briat Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks 3/19

  9. Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Birth-death process Process ( X ( t ) ∈ N 0 , d = 1 , K = 2 ) • Birth reaction: ζ 1 = 1 and λ 1 ( x ) = k • Death reaction: ζ 2 = − 1 and λ 2 ( x ) = γx Solution of the CME for p ( x, 0) = δ 0 ( x ) • p ( x, t ) = σ ( t ) x e − σ ( t ) where σ ( t ) := k � 1 − e − γt � , x ∈ N 0 x ! γ k x γ x x ! e − k t →∞ • p ( x, t ) − − − → γ Exponentially converges to a unique stationary Poisson distribution with parameter ¯ σ (true for any initial condition p ( x, 0) ) Corentin Briat Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks 3/19

  10. Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Problems Stability of stochastic reaction networks • How to define stability? • How to characterize global stability? Control of stochastic reaction networks • What control problems can we actually define? • What controllers can we use? • How to implement them? Corentin Briat Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks 4/19

  11. Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Analysis of stochastic reaction networks Corentin Briat Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks 4/19

  12. Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Ergodicity Ergodicity A given stochastic reaction network is ergodic if there is a probability distribution π such that for all x 0 ∈ N d 0 , we have that p x 0 ( x, t ) → π as t → ∞ . Theorem (Condition for ergodicity 1 ) Assume that (a) the state-space of the network is irreducible; and (b) there exists a norm-like function V ( x ) such that the drift condition K � λ i ( x )[ V ( x + ζ i ) − V ( x )] ≤ c 1 − c 2 V ( x ) i =1 holds for some c 1 , c 2 > 0 and for all x ∈ N d 0 . Then, the stochastic reaction network is (exponentially) ergodic. 1 S. P . Meyn and R. L. Tweedie. Stability of Markovian processes III: Foster-Lyapunov criteria for continuous-time processes, Adv. Appl. Prob. , 1993 Corentin Briat Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks 5/19

  13. Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Ergodicity Ergodicity A given stochastic reaction network is ergodic if there is a probability distribution π such that for all x 0 ∈ N d 0 , we have that p x 0 ( x, t ) → π as t → ∞ . Theorem (Condition for ergodicity 1 ) Assume that (a) the state-space of the network is irreducible; and (b) there exists a norm-like function V ( x ) such that the drift condition K � λ i ( x )[ V ( x + ζ i ) − V ( x )] ≤ c 1 − c 2 V ( x ) i =1 holds for some c 1 , c 2 > 0 and for all x ∈ N d 0 . Then, the stochastic reaction network is (exponentially) ergodic. 1 S. P . Meyn and R. L. Tweedie. Stability of Markovian processes III: Foster-Lyapunov criteria for continuous-time processes, Adv. Appl. Prob. , 1993 Corentin Briat Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks 5/19

  14. Introduction Analysis of reaction networks In-vivo control Conclusion Ergodicity Ergodicity A given stochastic reaction network is ergodic if there is a probability distribution π such that for all x 0 ∈ N d 0 , we have that p x 0 ( x, t ) → π as t → ∞ . Theorem (Condition for ergodicity 1 ) Assume that (a) the state-space of the network is irreducible; and (b) there exists a norm-like function V ( x ) such that the drift condition K � λ i ( x )[ V ( x + ζ i ) − V ( x )] ≤ c 1 − c 2 V ( x ) i =1 holds for some c 1 , c 2 > 0 and for all x ∈ N d 0 . Then, the stochastic reaction network is (exponentially) ergodic. 1 S. P . Meyn and R. L. Tweedie. Stability of Markovian processes III: Foster-Lyapunov criteria for continuous-time processes, Adv. Appl. Prob. , 1993 Corentin Briat Analysis and control of stochastic reaction networks 5/19


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