an optimized neural network for contact prediction

An Optimized Neural Network for Contact Prediction George - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

An Optimized Neural Network for Contact Prediction George Shackelford Kevin Karplus University of California, Santa Cruz UCSC p. 1/28 Using Contact Predictions 3D structure prediction is hard. Local structure predictions like secondary

  1. An Optimized Neural Network for Contact Prediction George Shackelford Kevin Karplus University of California, Santa Cruz UCSC – p. 1/28

  2. Using Contact Predictions 3D structure prediction is hard. Local structure predictions like secondary structure predictions are good. Tools for searching fold space are good but challenged by complexity. With contact predictions we would use a small but accurate number of contact predictions as constraints in Undertaker, Rosetta. But contact prediction is hard. UCSC – p. 2/28

  3. Residue-Residue Contact Definitions Contact between residues is not actual contact (i.e. van der Waals distance). CASP: Contact between two residues i, j is when the distance between their respective C β atoms is less than 8 Å. We define separation as | i − j | UCSC – p. 3/28

  4. Method: Neural Network Upside: can provide excellent classification. Downside: black box - gives little or no information about feature relationships. Software based on fann , fast artificial neural network. Used Improved Resilient Back-propagation. CASP6 approach: used all inputs we could. CASP7 goal: use good inputs while eliminating weak or redundant inputs. UCSC – p. 4/28

  5. Multiple Sequence Alignment We use multiple sequence alignments from SAM-t04 as a source of evolutionary data: >2baa i j SVSSIVSR AQFDRMLLHRNDGACQAKGFYTYDAFV asaDISSLISQ DMFNEMLKHRNDGNCPGKGFYTYDAFI avtAVASLVTSgGFFAEARWYGPGGKCSSVE-------A dtiQANFVVSE AQFNQMFPNRNP-------FYTYQGLV We have features for single columns, i and j , and for paired columns, ( i, j ) . UCSC – p. 5/28

  6. Thinning the Sequence Alignment If the sequences are too similar, we tend to see false correlations. We use thinning to reduce the sample bias. To thin a MSA to 50%, we remove sequences from the set until no pair of sequences has more than 50% percent identity. 80% thinning and sequence weighting for single column features. 50% thinning and NO weighting for paired features. UCSC – p. 6/28

  7. Single-column Features Distribution of residues in the column. Regularized by using mixtures of Dirichlet distributions. Entropy over distribution. Predicted local features. A secondary structure alphabet (str2)—13 classes. A burial alphabet—11 classes UCSC – p. 7/28

  8. Inputs: Using Windows For single columns we input values from features for i − 2 , i − 1 , i, i + 1 , i + 2 , j − 2 , j − 1 , j, j + 1 , j + 2 . Tests indicated this window width was the best. Exception is entropy with no window. (20 + 13 + 11) ∗ 5 ∗ 2 + 2 = 442 inputs—so far! UCSC – p. 8/28

  9. Paired-columns Features >2baa i j SVSSIVSR AQFDRMLLHRNDGACQAKGFYTYDAFV asaDISSLISQ DMFNEMLKHRNDGNCPGKGFYTYDAFI avtAVASLVTSgGFFAEARWYGPGGKCSSVE-------A dtiQANFVVSE AQFNQMFPNRNP-------FYTYQGLV Yields pairs: DD, ND, NQ . No pairing with gaps. For features: Contact propensity E-values from mutual information Joint entropy Number of pairs between the two columns Log(|i-j|) UCSC – p. 9/28

  10. Contact Propensity The log likelihood two amino acids ( A, L ) are in contact. Contact propensity is log(prob(contact( x, y ))/prob( x )prob( y )). Contact propensity is largely due to the hydrophobicity (M. Cline et al. ’02). Some very small part is due to other signals. We average the propensity over all sequences. Results show a significant increase in the signal. UCSC – p. 10/28

  11. Correlated Mutations When a residue in a protein structure mutates, there is a possibility that a nearby residue will also mutate in compensation. beta bridges sidechain-sidechain interactions functional regions We can detect these correlated mutations with correlation statistics. UCSC – p. 11/28

  12. Mutual Information T p ( r i,k , r j.k )log p ( r i,k , r j,k ) � MI i,j = p ( r i,k ) p ( r j,k ) k =1 where r i,k is the residue in column i , pair k . Mutual information is a very weak predictor by itself. We can improve by calculating an E-value over possible MI values. UCSC – p. 12/28

  13. Mutual Information E-value Shuffle residues in one column and calculate the mutual information value. Repeat 500 times recording the MI values. Determine parameters for Gamma distribution by using moment matching. Use that distribution and original MI value to derive a p-value. Derive E-value from p-value. UCSC – p. 13/28

  14. Joint Entropy � � C i,j C i,j � � x,y x,y Ent i,j = T log T x ∈ R y ∈ R i and j represent the indices of the pair of columns, R is the set of twenty residues and T is the number of valid residue pairs, x,y is the count of amino acid pairs, x, y , for C i,j columns, i, j . UCSC – p. 14/28

  15. There are a LOT of Pairs We track only the top (10*length) values for each statistic. We sort each list according to value to get a rank. We calculate the Z-values using means and s.d. over all pairs ( i + separation < = j ). We form a final set over the intersection of the lists. We keep data on value, Z-value, and rank. UCSC – p. 15/28

  16. Use Rank and/or Value for Inputs? We experimented with using the rank, values, and Z-values of the pair values. For contact propensity we use -log(rank). For MI E-values we use -log(rank) and Z-value. For joint entropy we use -log(rank). UCSC – p. 16/28

  17. Misc. Input for input number 449: Log of sequence length. UCSC – p. 17/28

  18. Evaluation: Comparing Predictors 0.6 CASP7 neural net mi e-value + propensity NN 0.5 true positives / predictions mi e-value propensity mutual information 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 1 log (predictions / residue) Results for separation > = 9 . UCSC – p. 18/28

  19. CASP7 Results For 0.1 predictions/residue and separation > = 12 . We show two good results: T0321 and T0350. We show a bad result: T0307. We compare accuracy to difficulty of target using BLAST E-values. using Zhang Server GDT. We compare accuracy to number of sequences in MSA. We examine how confident can we be in the neural net output scores. UCSC – p. 19/28

  20. The Good: T0321 Thickness of side-chains represents neural net output. UCSC – p. 20/28

  21. The Good and Difficult: T0353 T0353 is from the free modeling class. UCSC – p. 21/28

  22. The Bad: T0307 UCSC – p. 22/28

  23. Accuracy vs. Log BLAST E-value 1 true positives / predictions 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 -log(top e-value in PDB) UCSC – p. 23/28

  24. Accuracy vs. Zhang Server GDT 1 true positives / predictions 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 GDT score of Zhang Server model 1 Pearson’s r: 0.45 UCSC – p. 24/28

  25. Accuracy vs. # Seq. in MSA 1 true positives / predictions 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 no. of seq. in MSA UCSC – p. 25/28

  26. Accuracy vs. Neural Net Score 1 true positives / predictions 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 NN score at the mark = 0.1*L pair Pearson’s r: 0.58 UCSC – p. 26/28

  27. Conclusion and Future Work Conclusions: Contact predictions go from very poor to very good. Contact predictions may sometimes be useful. Poor correlation between neural net score and accuracy. Future work: Improve calibration of neural network score. Investigate separate predictor(s) for small alignments. Demonstrate usefulness of contact predictions. UCSC – p. 27/28

  28. Thanks and Acknowledgments Kevin Karplus (adviser) Richard Hughey (SAM software) Rachel Karchin (Johns Hopkins) Postdoc Martin Madera Graduates Firas Khatib, Grant Thiltgen, Pinal Kanabar, Chris Wong, Zach Sanborn Undergraduates Cynthia Hsu, Silvia Do, Navya Swetha Davuluri, Crissan Harris Last but not least Anthony Fodor at Stanford for Java software In memory of my father, John Cooper Shackelford UCSC – p. 28/28


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