An institutional perspective on cost recovery in the water supply and sanitation sector. Delphine François, Aad Correljé
Aim � the polluter pays principle in water management: focus on efficiency � “It makes little sense for economists to discuss the process of exchange without specifying the institutional setting within which this trading takes place, since this affects the incentives to produce and the costs of transacting” (Coase, 2005) � research objective: evaluate the role of the polluter pays principle for the recovery of costs of water supply and sanitation services from an institutional perspective
Outline � The polluter pays principle � Article 9 of the Water Framework Directive � Institutional economics at a glance � Williamson’s four level scheme: an application to cost recovery in the water sector � Conclusion
Polluter pays principle the Polluter Pays Principle was adopted by the OECD in 1972 as the principle to be used for allocating costs of pollution prevention and control measures to encourage rational use of scarce environmental resources /avoid distortions in international trade and investment External costs evolution from partial internalisation ⇒ full internalisation • pollution prevention and control costs • costs of administrative measures taken by the authorities as a result of pollutant emissions • cost of damage caused by pollution (OECD, 1992)
Water Framework Directive � Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (2000/60/EC) � objective: to achieve good surface water status and good groundwater status � puts forward a system of water management based on coordination of administrative arrangements within river basin districts instead of according to administrative or political boundaries; requires
Article 9 Recovery of costs for water services 'Member States shall take account of the principle of recovery of the costs of water services, including environmental and resource costs ... in accordance in particular with the polluter pays principle’ � by 2010, water-pricing policies have to provide adequate incentives for users to use water resources efficiently � the cost recovery should be disaggregated at least to the levels of industry, households and agriculture
Cost categories � financial costs operation and maintenance, capital costs � environmental costs damage costs imposed by water uses on the environment and ecosystems and on the users of the environment � resource costs costs of foregone opportunities, which other uses suffer when the resource is depleted beyond its natural rate of recharge or recovery (Commission of the European Communities, 2000) 7
The water value chain WATER SYSTEM Collective treatment / Collective Individual sanitation sanitation production Overflow HOUSEHOLDS 8
The name of the game: Polluter pays, cost recovery? � development of the sanitation sector closely linked to existence of environmental norms (Command and Control) � environmental costs ⇒ financial costs environmental costs environmental costs financial costs environmental costs financial costs financial costs 9
Four levels of social analysis (Williamson, 1998) Social theory Embeddedness Economics of Institutional property rights Environment Transaction cost Governance economics Neo-classical Resource allocation Economics
Layer 4: allocation Embeddedness Institutional Environment Governance responsiveness to price changes � low elasticities Resource allocation � link with price structure
Layer 3: institutional arrangements Embeddedness Institutional Environment the firms as a governance structure (role of integrated water resources management) Governance public/private provision of water services Resource allocation
Layer 2: institutional environment Embeddedness public service obligations / competition and state aid rules Institutional Environment stringency of environmental norms Governance Resource allocation environmental costs financial costs
Layer 1: informal institutions • the valuation process: preferences as given? Embeddedness • “licences to pollute”? (Kelman, 1981) • price structure - elasticity Institutional Environment Governance Resource allocation
Central and de-central provision
De-central provision…
Unbundled services and externalities in the system � In the water cycle…? � In the central value chain…? � The decentral value chain…? � What values are internalized? � Cost recovery? � Polluter pays?
Conclusion � The introduction of market based instruments to meet environmental policy objectives in the water sector adds another requirement to pricing systems that are already subject to many conflicting pressures. � Cost efficiency might not be the main argument to promote the use of the polluter pays principle for water supply and sanitation services (earmarking of revenues, transparency,…) � Physical and financial coordination among segments of the value chain is a main issue: How and where to internalize? � Whose values count and should be internalized….
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