An#bio#c Resistance & Conservancy in Africa: Implementa#on in Malawi/ Mozambique Dr Tomas Zimba ISCISA Email:
Overview • Phase 1: Situa?onal Analysis • Phase 2: Curriculum Development • Phase 3: Human Capital Development • Gender • Relevance to Local, Na?onal and Regional Needs • Success Stories
Phase 1: Situa#onal Analysis: Implementa#on • In 2011, Mozambican Ministry of Health signed the New Dehli call to ac?on on preserving the power of an?bio?cs at the 1 st Global Forum on Bacterial Infec?ons • In 2012, GARP- Mozambique was created and its inaugural mee?ng took place in the presence of representa?ve from GARP- South Africa and GARP- Kenya • A workplan of four ac?vi?es was design: 1) develop a situa?on analysis, 2) review relevant research on AMR, 3) propose new research projects to generate on AMR, and 4) recommend policies for ra?onal use of an?bio?cs and for preven?ng the emergence of an?bio?c resistance
Phase 1: Situa#onal Analysis: Implementa#on • In 2014, the NORHED Project was launched with stakeholders (including GARP-Mozambique) in Mozambique, a\ended by the Ministries of Health and Educa?on in Maputo • In 2015, GARP- Mozambique launched its Situa?on Analysis and Recommenda?ons on An?bio?c Use and Resistance in Mozambique, a v a i l a b l e o n h \ p : / / w w w . c d d e p . o r g / p u b l i c a ? o n s / garp_mozambique_situa?on_analysis • In 2015, NORHED Project workshop on Na?onal AMR Research Priority Seang Agendas for Mozambique to guide evidence-based research and inform policy and best prac?ces, a\ended by the Ministry of Health and GARP-Mozambique
Phase 1: Situa#onal Analysis: Implementa#on • In 2016 AMR focal points for animal and human health were appointed • Currently, the Na?onal AMR Plan is on its elabora?on and the MoH is the leader • AMR consultant for Na?onal Plan elabora?on has been hired to help the country GARP • Two workshops were held with stakeholder for the elabora?on on the AMR Na?onal Plan • Last and final workshop to take place before November to finalize the drad of the AMR Na?onal Plan
Phase 1: Situa#onal Analysis: Implementa#on
Phase 1: Situa#onal Analysis: Successes & Challenges Successes Challenges • AMR is in list of Mozambican • Risk of overlap of ac?vi?es Government between the GARP-Mozambique • Already exis?ng working group on a n d N O R H E D p r o j e c t AMR, GARP-Mozambique (duplica?on) • Endorsement of the NORHED • G A R P - M o z a m b i q u e n o t Project by the MoH and GARP- aggressive in its ac?on, lack of Mozambique funds • Launch its Situa?on Analysis on AMR in Mozambique • Lack of experts in the field of • Appointed the AMR focal point for AMR in the country human and animal health
Phase 2: Curriculum Development: Implementa#on • The Online Master programme and face to face Course Master programme were developed under the facilita?on of UKZN experts and the two programmes were approved by the Ministry of High Educa?on of Mozambique • 15 students were enrolled for the face to face Course Master programme of Health Sciences and the programme started on July 2016. • The Online Master programme on an?bio?cs stewardship and conservancy will be offered at ISCISA in the 1 st quarter of 2017 given the components of the learning process are fulfilled • Two IT technicians from ISCISA were sent to UKZN for training on the use of online pla4orm-Moodle
Phase 2: Curriculum Development: Successes & Challenges Successes Challenges • 1 st ?me ISCISA has its on postgraduate • Lack of experience in running Masters unit p r o g r a m m e a n d i m m a t u r e postgraduate office • The Masters Programme approval from the Ministry of High Educa?on • Scarcity of teachers for the an?bio?cs was obtained in the 1 st a\empt stewardship and conservancy Masters programme disciplines • 15 students enrolled for Course Masters programme of Health Science • Non efficient administra?ve at ISCISA procedures to run students research projects • Training of two IT technicians on the use of online pla4orm-Moodle for • Absence of robust IT department to Master programme host and assist the Online Masters programme
Phase 3: Human Capital Development: Implementa#on
Phase 3: Human Capital Development: Implementa#on
Phase 3: Human Capital Development: Implementa#on
Phase 3: Human Capital Development – Successes & Challenges Successes Challenges • Non consistency in performing the • ISCISA staff members presented weekly QC of AST results of their on research at • Low student progress in their the FIDSSA on AMR training programme • Weekly Quality Control (QC) of • Slow improvement of the student An?microbial Suscep?bility English skills Tes?ng (AST) introduced in • Weak communica?on between Micro Lab local supervisors and students • 3/5 Students wri?ng up their • Lack of commitment of the ISCISA shadow teach to the online thesis pla4orm
Gender: Achievements & Challenges Achievements Challenges • Exis?ng Gender Na?onal • Ethnic and cultural percep?ons Strategy of the gender issues • C r e a ? o n t h e G e n d e r • Gender Na?onal Strategy is not department in ISCISA disseminated ineffec?vely • L a u n c h o f t h e G e n d e r department in January 2016
Relevance to Local, Na#onal and Regional Needs • This project is aligned Ministry of High Educa?on and ISCISA staff training policy whereas all teach should be at least holders of Masters degree • Also the project is a synergic force to the GARP-Mozambique and Ministry of Health on the fight against an?bio?cs resistance and conservancy
Success Stories • Young Health High Educa?on Ins?tu?on geang in rela?vely short period of ?me the approval for the Masters Programme (Course Masters face to face and Online Masters) from the Ministry of Educa?on • 15 students enrolled for the face to face Master programme of Health Science • Synergism between NORHED project and GARP-Mozambique on the AMR Na?onal plan
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