SERT Groups : Relational training for spirituality in psychotherapy David Rupert, Psy.D. S arah H. Moon, Psy.D. The Danielsen Institute at Boston University
An aspiration “ Let us be a little humble; let us assume that the truth does not lie entirely with us.” Jawaharlal Nehru Danielsen Inst it ut e at Bost on Universit y 2
S ERT – a broad lens u S pirituality: what is sacred (revered) or of ultimate concern, and how we relat e to the sacred/ ultimate u E xistential concerns: great questions and challenges presented by life u R eligion as organized and/ or communal traditions of spirituality u T heology – spiritual and religious systems of thought, including comparative and critical perspectives, and other systems of thought and meaning making such as philosophical perspectives or cultural traditions (the embedded P & C ). Danielsen Inst it ut e at Bost on Universit y 3
Five Principles for spirituality in psychotherapy 1) At t ending t o S ERT fact ors (oft en) mat t ers 2) S ERT is complex and dynamic 3) Relat ionships and relat ional fact ors are crit ical 4) Engaging diversit y is crit ical 5) At t ending t o your own S ERT life/ frame is crit ical Danielsen Inst it ut e at Bost on Universit y 4
S elected research on S ERT in psychotherapy and clinical training u Religion & spirituality is culturally relevant for many in the U.S. (Pew Research Center, 2015). u Many people turn to religion or spirituality in times of stress/distress, and it often helps (Pargament, et al. 2005; Pargament, Exline, & Jones, 2013). u Many expressions of spirituality are associated with mental health benefits, and other expressions are associated with mental health problems ( Koenig, King, and Carson, 2012) u Spirituality and religion often get relatively little attention, along with age and disability, in diversity/clinical training ( Vogel, McMinn, Peterson, & Gathercoal, 2013) Danielsen Inst it ut e at Bost on Universit y 5
SERT Groups S ERT Groups are small groups designed to cultivate competence with spirituality in psychotherapy. S ERT Groups utilize relationships and interaction around S ERT topics to promote professional growth and learning. Danielsen Inst it ut e at Bost on Universit y 6
Basic Structure & Composition of SERT Groups u S mall groups u Weekly meetings u Non-evaluative u Composition: Mixed leadership, diverse, ensure allies Danielsen Inst it ut e at Bost on Universit y 7
S ERT Group Topics u The group discussed police shootings and related protests. Members shared personal reactions and perspectives from their S ERT frame/ communities, and discussed how they were engaging social j ustice in clinical practice. u After hearing about a client with a painful history who tends to see the world as cold, cruel, and threatening, the group discussed their own experiences and perspectives on bearing and recovering from great suffering.
S ERT Group Topics u A member from a conservative religious tradition talked about their clinical work with a gay married couple, which opened up a dialogue about values and religious beliefs in relation to professional identity, ethical practice, and engaging diverse clients in ways that promote the clients' healing and growth u A person shared some perspectives and practices related to forgiveness from their religious tradition, and the group discussed forgiveness from various personal and clinical perspectives, including ways forgiveness might (or might not) be helpful, and how a therapist might facilitate forgiveness. This led to a follow-up session exploring similarities and differences on interpersonal forgiveness across maj or religious traditions.
Training goals, methods, & desired impacts for S ERT Groups Training Method/design of SERT Group Desired clinical Goal/Competence impact/outcome Cult ivat e Engaging difficult , complex Client engages more as facilit at ing t opics; observing ot hers; t herapist appears more at t it udes & learning from int eract ions. open, humble, respect ful, capacit ies different iat ed. Increase Encount ering difference; Client engages more as knowledge & new informat ion and t herapist shows great er perspect ive on resources; discussion and awareness, comfort wit h S ERT reflect ion domain. Danielsen Inst it ut e at Bost on Universit y 10
Training goals, methods, & desired impacts for S ERT Groups (p. 2) Goal/competenc Method/design of SERT Desired clinical outcomes e Group Develop bet t er Pract icing t he conversat ion; Client benefit s from a S ERT learning from examples and broader repert oire, more int ervent ions st ories; reflect ing t oget her. nuanced skills, st ances, and int ervent ions. Increase Discussion of dilemmas; Client feels bet t er support and st ret ched by differences accompanied as t herapist is account abilit y and feedback; encouraged more grounded, present , by being heard and reflect ive. recognized. Danielsen Inst it ut e at Bost on Universit y 11
Principles for facilitators in SERT Group u Cont ain problems but ot herwise facilit at e group decision-making u Go first in being vulnerable and sharing personal (not privat e) mat erial. u Act ively name diversit y and power, and engage differences/ t ensions. u S elf-manage, e.g., engage, avoid t aking up t oo much space, avoid being react ive or crit ical, init iat e repair, re-cent er if flooded, assist each ot her. u Help t he group refocus if t he conversat ion drift s or lags. u Wat ch for inj uries or marginalizat ion, and support wit hout sanit izing. u S peak t o imbalances and omissions. Danielsen Inst it ut e at Bost on Universit y 12
Resources on S ERT Groups Conceptual paper and overview u David Rupert, S arah H. Moon & S teven J. S andage (2018): Clinical training groups for spirituality and religion in psychotherapy, Journal of S pirit ualit y in Ment al Healt h , DOI: 10.1080/ 19349637.2018.1465879 To link to this article: https:/ / 10.1080/ 19349637.2018.1465879 SERT videos https:/ / playlist? list=PLvyDUx3aRXqS lS iK_ BaMQ0c2kU9eDGsGi The Pluralism Project Danielsen Inst it ut e at Bost on Universit y 13
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