Net etwork work Ke Kerne nel l Ar Archi chitect tectures ures an and d Im Impl plementa ementation tion (01 0120 20442 4423) ) Ro Routing uting Chaiporn Jaikaeo Department of Computer Engineering Kasetsart University Materials taken from lecture slides by Karl and Willig
Overv Ov rvie iew Uni nicast ast rout utin ing g in in MA MANETs NETs Energy efficiency & unicast routing Multi-/broadcast routing Geographical routing 2
Un Unic icast, ast, ID ID-Cent ntric ric Ro Routing uting Given: a network/a graph Each node has a unique identifier (ID) Goal: Send a packet from one node to another The routing & forwarding problem Routing: ing: Construct a table telling how can reach a given destination Fo Forw rwardi rding: ng: Consult this table to forward a given packet to its next hop Challenges 3
Cha hallen llenges ges in in WS WSNs Ns/MANETs MANETs Nodes may move around, neighborhood relations change B C A Optimization metrics may be more complicated Not just “smallest hop count” 4
Ad ho Ad hoc c Ro Routing uting Pro rotocols tocols Because of challenges, standard routing approaches not really applicable Too big an overhead, too slow in reacting to changes Examples: Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford Simple solution: Flo loodin ing No routing table needed Packets are usually delivered to destination But: overhead is prohibitive Usually not acceptable in most cases 5
Go Gossiping siping Needs no routing table Similar to flooding Nodes forward packets with some probability Haas et al. studies gossiping behavior and found that There is a critical probability, x p < x : gossip dies out very quickly p > x : gossip reaches most nodes 6
Ro Routing uting Pro rotocol tocol Cla lassif ification ication Main question: Wh When does the routing protocol operate? Option 1: Alw lways ays tries to keep routing data up-to-date Protocol is proa oact ctive ive / tabl ble-drive driven Option 2: Route is only determined when actu tually ally ne needed Protocol operates on on demand nd Option 3: Combine these behaviors Hybr brid protocols 7
Ro Routing uting Pro rotocol tocol Cla lassif ification ication Which data is used to identify nodes? An arbitrary identifier? The pos osition on of a node? Can be used to assist in ge geogr graphi hic c routing protocols Identifiers that are not arbitrary, but carry some structure? As in traditional routing Structure akin to position, on a logical level? 8
Pro roactiv active e Pro rotocols tocols – Ex Exam ample ple Fisheye State Routing (FSR) Basic observation: When destination is far away, details about path are not relevant Look at the graph as if through a fisheye lens Regions of different accuracy of routing information LS information about closer nodes is exchanged more frequently 9
Re React active ive Pro rotocols tocols – Ex Exam ample ple Recall reactive routing protocols Initially, no information about next hop is available at all One possibility: Send packet to everyone one Hope: At some point, packet will reach destination and an answer is sent pack – use this answer for ba back ckward learni ning ng the route from destination to source Examples Ad Ad ho hoc O c On-dem emand and Distance nce Vect ctor or (AO AODV) Dynamic amic Sou ource ce Rou outing (DSR) 10
DSR DS Dynamic Source Routing protocol Use separate rout ute requ quest st/rou route te reply ly packets to discover route Data packets only sent once route has been established Discovery packets smaller than data packets Store routing information in the discovery packets 11
DS DSR R Ro Rout ute e Di Disco covery very Search for route from 1 to 5 [1] [1,7] 2 2 1 1 [1] 7 7 [1,7] 5 5 4 4 3 3 6 6 [1,4] 2 1 2 1 [1,7,2] 7 7 [1,4,6] 5 5 4 4 3 3 6 6 [5,3,7,1] [1,7,3] Node 5 uses route information recorded in RREQ to send back, via source routing , a route reply 12
AOD AODV V Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Very popular routing protocol Same basic idea as DSR for discovery procedure Nodes maintain routing tables instead of source routing 13
Al Alte ternative rnative - Ru Rumo mor r Ro Routing uting Think of an “agent” wandering through the network, looking for data/events Agent initially perform random walk Leave “traces” in the network Later agents can use these ? traces to find data 14
Overv Ov rvie iew Unicast routing in MANETs En Energy gy effic icie ienc ncy y & uni unicast st rout uting ing Multi-/broadcast routing Geographical routing 15
Energy En rgy-Efficient Efficient Un Unic icast: ast: Go Goal als Minimize energy/bit 4 A 2 Eg., A-B-E-H 3 1 Maximize 1 2 C network B 3 2 "lifetime" D 1 Time until first 2 4 2 E F 3 node failure 2 G 1 2 loss of coverage 2 4 partitioning H Example: Send data from node A to node H 16
Ba Basic ic opt ptio ions ns fo for path r path me metr trics ics Max total available battery capacity 4 A 2 Sum of batt. levels 3 without needless 1 detours 1 2 Example: A-C-F-H C B 3 Min battery cost 2 D 1 Sum of reciprocal battery levels 2 4 Example: A-D-H 2 E F 3 2 Min-Max batt. cost G 1 2 Largest reciprocal 2 4 level of all nodes in path H Minimize variance in power levels 17
Ov Overv rvie iew Unicast routing in MANETs Energy efficiency & unicast routing Mul ulti ticast/ cast/broadcast broadcast rout utin ing Geographical routing 18
Br Broadcas oadcast t & Mu & Mult lticas icast Distribute a packet to all reachable nodes ( br broadcas dcast ) or to a subgroup ( mul ulticast icast ) Basic options Source-based tree: one tree per source Minimize total cost Minimize maximum cost to each destination Shared, core-based trees Mesh Provides redundancy in data transfer 19
Go Goals als fo for So r Sourc urce-Based Based Tr Trees For each source, Steiner tree minimize total al cost st Src Dest 2 2 The Steiner tree problem 2 1 For each source, minimize max axim imum um Dest 1 cost st to each destination Shortest-path tree Obtained by overlapping Src Dest 2 the individu idual al shortest 2 paths 2 1 Dest 1 20
Broa Br oadc dcast/Multic ast/Multicast ast Cla lassification ssification Broadcast Multicast One tree Shared tree Mesh per source (core-based tree) Single Multiple Minimize Minimize core core total cost cost to each node (Steiner tree) (e.g., Dijkstra) 21
Wi Wire reless less Mu Mult lticas icast t Adv Advan antag tage Wires Locally distributing a packet to n neighbors n times the cost of a unicast packet Wireless: sending to n neighbors can incur costs = tx to a single neighbor – if receive costs are ignored = One tx, n rx – if receives are correctly tuned = send n unicasts – if multicast not supported by MAC If local multicast is cheaper, then wireles ess mul ulticast cast advantage ntage is present Can be assumed realistically 22
Ste teine iner r Tr Tree App Appro roximations imations Computing Steiner tree is NP complete A simple approximation Pick some arbitrary order of all destination nodes + source node Successively add these nodes to the tree For every next node, construct a shortest path to some other node already on the tree Performs reasonably well in practice 23
Ste teine iner r Tr Tree App Appro roximations imations Takahashi Matsuyama heuristic Similar, but let algorithm decide which is the next node to be added Start with source node, add that destination node to the tree which has shortest path Iterate, picking that destination node which has the shortest path to some node already on the tree Problem: Wireless multicast advantage not exploited! And does not really fit to the Steiner tree formulation 24
Br Broadcas oadcast t In Incr creme mental ntal Powe wer Or BIP Exploits multicast wireless advantage Goal: use as little transmission power as possible Based on Prim's MST algorithm Once a node transmits and reaches some neighbors, it becomes cheaper to reach additional neighbors 25
BI BIP – Ex Exam ample ple Round 1: Round 2: Round 3: A A A 5 4 2 3 3 3 S B B S (3) B S (1) 1 10 9 7 3 2 7 7 7 1 1 1 D D D Round 4: Round 5: C A C A C 2 3 3 S (3) B S (5) B 7 10 6 7 D D C (1) C (1) 26
Multic Mu lticast ast In Incr cremental mental Powe wer Or MIP Start with broadcast tree construction, then prune unnecessary edges out of the tree A A 3 3 S B S B 10 10 7 7 D D C C 27
Mesh-Based Me Based Mu Mult lticas icast Example – ODMRP (On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol) Sender NextHop H H Sender NextHop C A H C H D E B Sender NextHop G F H D I 28
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