amcham vietnam boos ng employee engagement transforming

AMCHAM VIETNAM Employee Engagement Transforming to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AMCHAM VIETNAM Employee Engagement Transforming to Business Growth Alison Wong | Asia Regional Based September 2018 WHO AM I? Alison Wong Developing Talents Innovation mindPower TM CerAfied mindPower TM InnovaAon Coach

  1. AMCHAM VIETNAM Employee Engagement – Transforming to Business Growth Alison Wong | Asia Regional Based September 2018

  2. WHO AM I? Alison Wong Developing Talent’s Innovation mindPower TM • CerAfied mindPower TM InnovaAon Coach • Global Head of HR & Training Now - • People management exposure across 18 2010 countries • Corporate & client experience in 8 industries 2010 - • Regional/ Global HR business partner 2000 • CerAfied Leadership Facilitator • Moved from HK base to Greater China Mid 90s • Developed HR consultant skills • Started as HR in regional hotel projects • Graduated from Hotel Management School, master Beginning degree in Training & HR Management 90s TALENT-Will 2

  3. ENGAGEMENT FOR SUCCESS – MY BELIEVE Employee engagement does NOT mean - • Happy at work, saAsfied with their job and their pay but… • Doesn’t mean they are working producAvely • Employee engagement is building emo.onal commitment • This emoAonal commitment makes employee engaged and care about • their work and their company TALENT-Will 3

  4. ENGAGEMENT FOR SUCCESS – EXPERTS’ VIEWS “A good leader values employee happiness. A great leader values the employee engagement that results from the happiness. That is what employee engagement is, a:er all – the degree to which an employee’s feelings about their job (and boss) influences their willingness to learn and perform at work.” by Engagement Expert, Andre Lavoie The Service – Profit Chain establishes relaAonships between profitability, customer loyalty, and employee saAsfacAon, loyalty, and producAvity by Harvard Researchers • Customer • Employee SaAsfacAon SaAsfacAon • Leadership Enhanced Enhanced • Customer • DiscreAonary • Internal High Quality Business People Loyalty Effort Service Quality Leadership • Revenue Impact • Intent to Stay Outcomes • Employee Growth • ProducAvity SaAsfacAon • Profitability • External Value TALENT-Will 4

  5. ENGAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Employee Engagement - It’s the Little Things That Matter The Most BUT… No one size fits all (employees) TALENT-Will 5

  6. UNIQUE BUSINESS GROWTH SOLUTION Developed by Individual Customer CEOmP and Team mindPower™ Business Growth InnovaAon mindDer™ System TALENT-Will 6

  7. BIG DATA & mindData TM Big Data HOW WHAT • Life style • Purchase • Online padern behavior • Demographic WHY Self image & hidden purchase moAves mindData™ TALENT-Will 7

  8. 5-EDGE BUSINESS GROWTH mindDer TM SYSTEM Integra.on of Human Drive & Data Science 1 3 3-min mindDer™ game Applica.on training & e- learning Diversity Excellence mindDer™ mindDer™ 2 4 6 6 mindDer™ Distinct Intellect mindDer™ mindDer™ mindDer™ Customer mindData™ Live Customer Profiling & Insight Staff Performance Tracking Relationship Functional mindDer™ mindDer™ 5 Tracking Ongoing Business Growth & mindDer™ Data Analy.cs TALENT-Will 8

  9. MATER EMPLOYEE HIDDEN PREFERENCE via minDer TM Value on new exposure & idea Value on excepAonal result Think creaAvely Think high standard Value on professionalism Value on uniqueness Excellence Diversity Think deep Think individual needs mindDer™ mindDer™ mindDer™ 6 mindDer™ Distinct Intellect mindDer™ Relationship Functional mindDer™ mindDer™ Value on pracAcal result Value on care & support Think end result Think people & other needs TALENT-Will 9

  10. APPLYING minDer TM TO BUILD ENGAGEMENT QuesIon: What would you do in boosIng employee engagement based on their minDer TM preference? Value on new exposure & idea Value on excepAonal result Think creaAvely Think high standard Value on professionalism Diversity Excellence Value on uniqueness mindDer™ mindDer™ Think deep Think individual needs mindDer™ 6 mindDer™ Distinct Intellect mindDer™ Relationship Functional mindDer™ mindDer™ Value on pracAcal result Value on care & support Think end result Think people & other needs TALENT-Will 10

  11. WHAT LEADERS NEED TO WORK ON – CASE STUDY Consistently speak Have an intense desire Exert extra effort and posiAvely about the to be a member of the engage in behaviors organizaAon to co- organizaAon that contribute to workers, potenAal business success employees and customers Employee Engagement - It’s the Little Things That Matter The Most Case 1 – Case from Hong Kong • An associate resigned, she is a solid performer and contributor and very determined to leave • Ager 4 weeks, she came back to the immediate manager and disclosed she had got cancer… • What do leaders need to do? TALENT-Will 11

  12. WHAT LEADERS NEED TO WORK ON – CASE STUDY Consistently speak Have an intense desire Exert extra effort and posiAvely about the to be a member of the engage in behaviors organizaAon to co- organizaAon that contribute to workers, potenAal business success employees and customers Employee Engagement - It’s the Little Things That Matter The Most Case 3 – Case from China • An insurance company has found unreasonable increase of employee medical claim raAo for last 2 quarters • The MarkeAng team has suggested a campaign extending to associates... • What is it about? TALENT-Will 12

  13. Alison Wong Office Phone +852 2743 6033 Cell Phone +852 9469 1340 (Hong Kong) +84 90 3659759 (Vietnam) Email TALENT-Will Company B15 TST Plaza Chevaliere House 45-51 Chatham Road South Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon Hong Kong TALENT-Will 13


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