already discussed

already discussed, is a powerful, wonderful, ridiculous thing, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Love, as we have already discussed, is a powerful, wonderful, ridiculous thing, capable of moving mountains. And spools of thread. Investing in the development of resilience: Helping youth not feel broken. Je Jerry Bla lackburn,

  1. “ Love, as we have already discussed, is a powerful, wonderful, ridiculous thing, capable of moving mountains. And spools of thread.”

  2. Investing in the development of resilience: Helping youth not feel broken. Je Jerry Bla lackburn, M.E .Ed., , CDP Program Manager -Substance Abuse & Prevention Services- Friends of Youth Faculty Member Bellevue College – Chemical Dependency Counselor Education Program

  3. ACES- Progressive Impact

  4. Potential Unintended Byproducts  Systems that sequester Lost  “special needs”  Strict confidentiality  Systems that create/perpetuate a ranking/tracking Broken  Culture that perpetuates false narratives  Alternative placements  Pathologize  Institutionalized structures/practices “Normal”  “a different kind of perfect”

  5. 2016 Healthy Youth Survey Data  69% of 6 TH grade students know how to handle disagreements, solve problems, consider effects of decisions, and be empathetic  37% of 12 th grade students report experiencing depressive feelings in the past year  20% of 12 grade students report having seriously considered suicide in the past year  74% of 12 th grade students report having an adult in their neighborhood or community they can talk to about something important

  6. 2016 Healthy Youth Survey Data  43% can answer completely true. “I look forward to the future”  23% can answer completely true. “I feel good about myself”  15% of students report an 8, 9 or 10 regarding the statement “I feel alone in my life”  528 students out of 3524! 176 reported a 10!

  7. Ingredients of Resilience (7Cs) Founded in: Unconditional love, healthy expectations and caring individuals as models. Kenneth Ginsburg, MD MS, Ed, FAAP Content adapted

  8. Competence  Strength based approaches  Critical thinking skills  Avoid comparisons with the majority/others  People, places and things???

  9. Confidence  Recognition of effort not accomplishment  Recognition of qualities engaged not outcomes  Opportunities to engage value development

  10. Connection  Supporting close ties  Feeling can be expressed openly  Recognizing healthy conflict resolution  Community-based support

  11. Character  Support value/spiritual development and forgiveness  Bad vs. __________  Opportunities to care for others  Demonstrate the importance of community  Encouraging empathy and mutual success  Encourage acceptance, inclusion for all  What is right vs what is easy

  12. Contribution Being of service to others Opportunities to make a difference

  13. Coping  Supporting/modeling healthy strategies for managing LOLT  Encourage a growth mindset

  14. Control  Believe in their ability to succeed  Show them their power  Maintain high expectations  Let them know you care.

  15. Resilience The achievement of a positive outcome in the face of adversity. Bending rather than breaking! Hope!

  16. Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow. ― Mary Anne Radmacher

  17. Thank you! Friends of Youth Bellevue College Alcohol/Drug Counseling Program Program-198887840134782/ Counselor Camp 2018


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