Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Alabama Trustee Implementation Group Draft Restoration Plan I and Environmental Impact Statement: Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities Public Meeting January 17 & 18, 2017
• Welcome and introduction • Overview of NRDA restoration process • Overview of Draft Restoration Plan I and Environmental Impact Statement • Your comments
• Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources • Geological Survey of Alabama • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration • Department of the Interior • Environmental Protection Agency • U.S. Department of Agriculture
NRDA Restoration Process
To make the environment and public whole for injuries to natural resources and services resulting from an incident involving a discharge or substantial threat of discharge of oil. (15 CFR § 990.10)
zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Settlement: Additional $7.8 B in Phases I – V Early Restoration Natural Resource plans approved Damages Oil Spill Mar Apr 2016 2011 Feb Apr Apr Apr 2016 2012 2016 2010 Framework Record of Decision Agreement w/ BP issued approving $1 B for Early PDARP/PEIS Restoration
• Programmatic Damage Assessment & Restoration Plan / Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement • Addresses the ecosystem as an interconnected whole • Identifies how and where funds will be invested to address the injuries from this spill • What types of restoration are most needed • Priority geographical areas for restoration • Identifies how the Trustees will work together in the future to identify and propose specific projects
~ ~ ~ I ~ ~Oysters a I t~ ~ We tla nds, Coastal, Restore and Nearshore H abitats I w and Conserve I labitat Projects on Habitat Federally Managed Lands I 1 • I Nutrient Reduction Restore I Water Quality Water Qua l ity I &- I Fi sh ;md Water "Y Column l nverlebrales l:l!J Provide for Monit or ing, Slurg1mn Adaptive Management Replen ish and I l~'< submerged Aquatic and Prolecl Administrative Vegetation Lv i ng Oversight -------, Coastal to Support and Marine Restorat i on Resources Im ol ementation 1 1+ 1 Sea T urtles l.!r l Mar i ne Mammals Bi rds Provide and c;;J M esophol ic and Deep 1:.n t 1ance Recreationa l Benthic Communit i es Opportunities 1....MJ I Provide and Enhance 1 RecrH<ilional Opporlun i lies
zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Trustee Trustee Implementation Individual Council Groups Trustee zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Agencies Texas Louisiana Mississippi Alabama Region- Open Florida Unknown wide Ocean Trustees Trustees for Trustees for Trustee for Trustees for Conditions Texas Louisiana Mississippi for Florida Federal All Trustees and Alabama Trustees Adaptive Federal Federal Federal Federal Mgm’t Trustees Trustees Trustees Federal Trustees All Trustees Trustees
$30 mi ll ion $96 million e Restore and Conserve Habitat e Restore Water Quali ty e Replenish and Protect Li ving Coastal and Marine Resources e Monitoring, Adaptive Management, Adm inistrative Oversi ght $54 million
Draft Restoration Plan I and Environmental Impact Statement: Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities
• Focuses on the Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities Restoration Type • Responsive to court order in GRN v. Jewell , Case 1:15-cv- 00191-CB-C (S.D. Ala.) • Describes robust screening process to determine the reasonable range of alternatives • Evaluates the alternatives under both OPA and NEPA • Proposes six preferred alternatives
zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Public Final plan Draft plan Meetings Review of released released Comment comments and Settlement with period for drafting of final draft plan plan BP approved Aug July 2016 2016 Dec April Jan Spring 2016 2016 2017 2017 Project suggestions invited & accepted from public Notice of Intent to conduct restoration planning, prepare an environmental impact statement and request project ideas
Step 1 – Initial OPA Eligibility Screen: 588 48 projects Step 2 – Removal of Duplicate Projects: 48 33 projects Step 3 – Removal of Previously Funded Projects: 33 25 projects Step 4 – Consistency with Goals and Objectives of Trustees: 25 8 projects zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA RESULT: 8 proposed projects* *8 projects were evaluated as 9 “alternatives” due to one project presenting two land acquisition options.
Alabama Proposed 0 This map r cpcscn ts Fort Mo rgan Access Sites 0 FOil Morgan Pier Replacement proposed project sites Project Sites 0 Gulf Highlands • Bayfront Parl< e Oaup l11 n Island Access: Mid-Island Parks (A, B 0 & C) Gulf State Par1< Lodge Coordina te System· • Oa upll1 n Is la nd Access: Mid-Island Pa rks (B & C) • Lagu na Cove/l ittle l a go on Oc t ober 19, 20 18 - - No rth hne n ca E q.iidi stant C oo ic 0 Dauplm Island Eco Tounsm O.tum: North Americon 1 983 1-~ N 2 4 0 6 A 1-- ----------1 M oles This map shows the proposed project sites for the alternatives evaluated in the draft plan. An additional alternative called the “no action” alternative was also evaluated.
• Gulf State Park Lodge and Associated Public Access Amenities Project – $56,300,000 • Fort Morgan Pier Rehabilitation – $3,075,000 • Laguna Cove Little Lagoon Natural Resource Protection – $4,400,000 • Bayfront Park Restoration and Improvement – $1,000,000 • Dauphin Island Eco-Tourism and Environment Education Area – $4,000,000 • Mid-Island Parks and Public Beach Improvements (Parcels B&C) – $1,900,000 Total Funding Proposed: $70,675,000
Pi~ C)>0r~!r(lf:' ~ul 0 Bstt:>nt rark Restoretion and Imp rovement • Alabama Proposed I his map repesents Dauph r lsl2rc [c~-oulSli'\ ;JOd Cnvlrorrnerr :dJ · ::arlcn Araa proxised projecl sites. Project Sites 0 FC •il Mor~:i-. · Reht:ttJil tttlio11 !:i\•::u:nr 0 - - 0 f State Park l odge ar: Associa:e::! PublicAccass.IJn&nilies =' roj&et N.1\[: 1 S83 Slo:i,~kl.rc 11 .blKnK 'v'.'c:st FIPS · . • A f"AAtum: tJ::· rh A.nftl'ir..=.n 1AA."'! 2 4 6 • Januar:; 1)5, 2· J'17 Miles Mic·lsl a1<1 rarks an::! Publ ic C!eac1 IT~'"O'Yen-ents
Preferred Project Alternatives: Projects Proposed for Implementation
Gulf State Park Lodge and Associated Public Access Amenities Project
Support continued rebuilding of Location: • lodge at Gulf State Park Baldwin County, Alabama Create host of public access • amenities, including an Responsibility for interpretive lobby, public Operations and education programs, public restrooms and post-beach Maintenance: showers, public beach access from Alabama Department of the lodge area, tram system for Conservation and Natural access to the entire Gulf State Park, pedestrian path from the pier to Resources the lodge, bicycle share stations/program, and public Estimated Cost: viewing areas from meeting space adjacent to the lodge $56,300,000
Th is map represent$ th e Gulf State Park Lodge and 1. Lobby proposed project site lor G ulf Associated Public Access State Park Lo dge and 2. Restaurant Assoc i :tted Pub l ic Ac r..e!.S Amenities Site 3. Amenities Pro ject Guest Rooms 4. Meeting Space Coord in ate System: N No rth America Equidistant Conic A 5. Dune Rest orat ion Oatu m: North American 1983 0 0.05 0.1 6. Restored We tland January 10, 2017 Miles
Fort Morgan Pier Rehabilitation Project
Location: • Pier closed since 2014 Baldwin County, Alabama (Ft. Morgan State Historic • Rehabilitate pier on Site) existing foundations to return to recreational use Responsibility for Operations and • Enhance public access Maintenance: through educational Alabama Historical signage Commission Estimated Cost: $3,075,000
oro~osed This map rex esents the pro j ect "Site fnr Fort Mor.An Pier Replaciment Coorcinate System: North America Equidistarit Conic i! Aturr· 1 -Jnrlh AmP-r i c:tm 191l2 0 0. 0175
Laguna Cove Little Lagoon Natural Resources Protection Project
• Acquire two pieces of Location: currently undeveloped land Baldwin County, Alabama that have been previously approved for a major Responsibility for residential and commercial Operations and development and create Maintenance: recreational infrastructure City of Gulf Shores • Recreational infrastructure Estimated Cost: would include a kayak $4,400,000 launch, boardwalk, fishing pier, and public parking
~ This map represents the Laguna Covel proposed project site Little Lagoon for Laguna Cove/ Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Little Lagoon Coordinate Sys tem: North America Equidistant Conic Datum: North Ame rican 1983 O.Q75 0
Bayfront Park Restoration and Improvement Project
• E&D to evaluate construction of Location: a living shoreline and/or sandy Dauphin Island Parkway, beach within park Mobile County, Alabama • Plan for additional signage, interpretive materials, and Project is for engineering other recreational amenities and design (E&D) only would also be developed Estimated Cost: • Implementation (construction and monitoring) would be $1,000,000 evaluated fully in a future restoration plan and NEPA document
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