alabama postsecondary

Alabama Postsecondary Alliance on Intellectual Disabilities: In - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Alabama Postsecondary Alliance on Intellectual Disabilities: In Unity and Numbers RAISING THE STANDARDS CONFERENCE JUNE 1, 2018 2 Session Outline Introduction and Overview of Post-secondary Education (PSE) program at each participating

  1. Alabama Postsecondary Alliance on Intellectual Disabilities: In Unity and Numbers RAISING THE STANDARDS CONFERENCE JUNE 1, 2018

  2. 2 Session Outline  Introduction and Overview of Post-secondary Education (PSE) program at each participating institute  Discussion of unique program elements  Overcoming challenges of PSE  Accessing transition education services APAID presentation 2018

  3. 3 Learning Objectives Together we can face any By the end of the session, challenges as deep as the participants will: ocean and as high as the 1. Distinguish between the sky. programs that comprise the APAID Sonia Gandhi 2. Appreciate and understand the purpose of APAID 3. Gain an awareness of specific critical issues in creating a PSE on a college campus and strategies to navigate them APAID presentation 2018

  4. 4 Alabama Postsecondary Alliance on Intellectual Disabilities CrossingPoints, The University of • Alabama PASSAGE USA, University of South • Alabama EAGLES Program, Auburn • University On To JSU, Jacksonville State • University The Horizons School, Birmingham • Bulldog LIFE, AAMU • APAID presentation 2018

  5. 5 Aims of APAID APAID will enhance postsecondary  Functioning as a unified voice for programs for students with ID in the State state advocacy and lobbying of Alabama. We will achieve this by:  Interfacing with agencies that  Supporting and encouraging each serve adults with disabilities in the other State  Centralizing information sharing  Leveraging resources for long-term among members, with young sustainability of PSE programs adults and their families APAID presentation 2018

  6. 6 Overview – CrossingPoints, UA Housing Eligible* Students Length and Payment Have a documented ID Tier 1(collaboration with TCS & TCSS) Tier 1  19+ years of age at program entrance; Still receiving IDEA services Students bussed to campus    Have a high school diploma, certificate 3 years (Age 18-21years) CrossingPoints UA Apartment    of completion, or equivalent No cost for Services  Tier 2 (Summer Bridge) One’s own legal guardian  Tier 2 (Summer Bridge) UA Residence halls  Function without attendant care for  9 weeks (UA Summer Full Term)  personal or health needs CrossingPoints Certificate in Occupational Studies (CCOS) Cost for Housing, Books, & Dinning  Has “functional communication skills”  UA Residence halls CrossingPoints Certificate in  Have a documented history of meeting  Occupational Studies (CCOS) behavioral and attendance expectations of past employment, 3 years  training, and/or educational programs In review (expected Fall 2018)  APAID presentation 2018 * Eligibility criteria differ by program (Tier 1, Tier 2, Certificate Program). This is the minimum eligibility criteria for Tier 2)

  7. 7 Overview – PASSAGE USA Eligible Students Housing Length and Payment Transition Initiative: Transition Initiative: time Transition Initiative : N/A • • • students with ID, their receiving Part C or Part B Certificate Program: no parents, and teachers • services through IDEA. No housing provided, birth-grade 12 cost or fee however off-campus Certificate Program : • Certificate Program: 2- student apartments • young adults 18-25 years year, 4 semester (accessible via walking or old, IQ and adaptive certificate program. USA transportation) rent behavior scores < 70, 2017-2018 to students in PASSAGE can be left unsupervised, no history of aggressive $5,522/semester USA or self-injurious behavior APAID presentation 2018

  8. 8 Overview – AU EAGLES Program Eligible Students Housing Length and Payment Have a documented ID 2-Year Basic Program (four On-campus residential    semesters, Fall and Spring) program, providing practical Age Range: 18-26  experience in independent 4-Year Advanced Program  Not older than age 24 at  living skills program entrance Additional 2 years is available as  an invitation-only option Required to take advantage  Provides an opportunity for  of on-campus housing E ducation to A ccomplish G rowth Attend Camp War Eagle  in L ife E xperiences For S uccess EAGLES are paired with WINGS Attend EAGLES Program Summer   Focus Areas: Orientation peer mentors  Increasing independence  Non-degree  Housing and Residence Life:  Improving leadership &  $4700 plus $90 for early move- advocacy skills 100% Inclusive Education  in (required) per semester Preparing for employment  Academic Tuition: Varies  Developing life skills (e.g., social,  self-determination/awareness) 2018 Cohort EAGLES Program  Fee: $15,000 per semester APAID presentation 2018

  9. 9 Overview – On To JSU Eligible Students Housing Length and Payment 18-26 year-old students Person-centered curriculum On campus housing • • • with intellectual Four Semesters: Fall 2-person suites with RA Support. • • disabilities (enrollment) and Spring during Cost $2,625.00 per semester two years Meal Plan with housing • Audit Fees $25 per hour • selection. Cost $1,595.00 per 6 hours inclusive classes per semester • semester Individual Class Fees $10- • varies APAID presentation 2018

  10. 10 Overview – The Horizons School https:/ Eligible Students Housing Length and Payment Core Curriculum – 6 trimesters Core Curriculum – 18-26 year Core Curriculum students live • • • during 2 years, $28,300 annual olds with learning and other nearby in community tuition plus living disabilities apartments with roommate Graduate / Transition – 3 and RA support • Graduate / Transition – young • trimesters during 1 year, $16,300 adults who completed the Graduate / Transition students tuition • Core Curriculum and move to live in self-selected community Contracting – fee for services, • independent living housing with site visits billed at hourly rate Contracting Services – adults Residential support is a • Dual enrollment option to earn • • who have learning disabilities, contracting option college credits at JSCC – additional tuition reside in the community and require individual support Scholarship support available • APAID presentation 2018

  11. 11 Overview – Bulldog LIFE, AAMU Eligible Students Housing Length and Payment Students ages 18-29 60-hour certificate Students live in the • • • with intellectual program administered community with their disabilities by AAMU Rehabilitation families Counseling Program Aim is to continue • education beyond high Features person- • school to increase centered planning employment model and a Systems opportunities Approach to Placement APAID presentation 2018

  12. 12 Overcoming Challenges of Post-Secondary Education for Transition  Challenges  Lessons Learned  Misperception that students with  Life Changing Opportunities intellectual disability cannot complete  Positive Outcomes PSE  New Element of Diversity on  Limited state and federal support for College Campuses tuition and living expenses  Student behavioral issues  Lack of public awareness about available programs  Limited Preparation for College APAID presentation 2018

  13. 13 Accessing PSE Programs Enabling Transition  The Student’s Role  Roles of the Family and Caseworker  Ask counselor and special education staff to help identify potential programs  Guide student to identify needs and while in high school interests  Access program websites, call  Encourage student to aim high, follow recruiters and key staff dreams  Schedule campus visits and tours  Review websites, printed information (College Prep Summit) found by the student  Present your interests and abilities  Participate in campus visits and tours  Work with parents to plan finances  Collaborate to identify resources to meet costs APAID presentation 2018

  14. 14 Let us hear from you!  Contact Information  Contact Information  On to JSU – Ms. Karen Carr, M.Ed.,  Crossing Points - Dr. Amy Williamson,  The Horizons School – Dr. Brian F. Geiger,  PASSAGE USA – Dr. Dennis Campbell,  Bulldog Life – Dr. Sharon Brown,  EAGLES Program – Dr. Courtney Dotson, APAID presentation 2018


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