ai driven energy cloud global energy sector is in the

AI DRIVEN ENERGY CLOUD Global energy sector is in the midst of a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AI DRIVEN ENERGY CLOUD Global energy sector is in the midst of a major transformation High penetration of renewables and dropping prices of batteries are disrupting trillion dollars energy infrastructure, by moving from centralized power plants


  2. Global energy sector is in the midst of a major transformation High penetration of renewables and dropping prices of batteries are disrupting trillion dollars energy infrastructure, by moving from centralized power plants towards distributed energy resources

  3. Future is a clean, intelligent and distributed energy ecosystem Energy disruption is mainly driven by a dropping prices of renewables and digitalization of the ecosystem RENEWABLES ENERGY STORAGE DIGITAL IoT SMARTGRID Millions of sensors and various IoT 25% of world’s total energy devices are installed every year by renewables by 2020* Microgrids are the future of decentralized energy infrastructure Grid-connected battery storage will grow to $14 billion by 2021* * 2018 Global Status Report (GSR) by REN21 * 2018 Energy Storage Outlook by MARKETS INSIDER

  4. Challenges to overcome towards smart and reliable grid Reliability Return of Investment - Intermittency challenges - Inefficient utilization - Resiliency issues - Long payback periods - Manpower interaction - Run to fail methods - Lack of control actions - Distributed Resources Management Forecasting

  5. RESYNC virtual power plant for efficient smart grids Manage all assets on the same platform Generation Assets Peer2Peer trading Smart Microgrid Smart buildings EVs and mobility IoT & smart meters

  6. RESYNC’s AI based software optimization and real time control MONITOR ANALYSE AND PREDICT Aggregation of real time performance data Creating value for this data, we designed deep from Building loads, renewable energy assets learning algorithms to adjust algorithms based VISUALISE and electricity tariffs on the generation and consumption patters Interactive dashboard with real time performance data and individual energy asset visualization. Customized APIs are provided MANAGE based on the request. CONTROL AND OPTIMIZE All aggregated data is stored in highly Take real time control actions on energy secured database, where we perform data sources and controllable loads using our segregation and data analytics unique algorithms

  7. Product overview and features

  8. RESYNC’s business model easy to scale $10 Billions SaaS 1 time Upfront Monthly Subscription Market size cost per installation per MWp in APAC region • B-to-B model targeting solar installers • Upfront cost + SaaS subscription CUSTOMER • Each customer has multiple sites

  9. We have the best team to deliver this solution Emir Nurov Jaydip Prajapati Neo Jia Jun Dr. Jayantika Soni CEO and co-founder CTO and co-founder Snr. Firmware Developer Data Scientist World Bank Joe Akkira Mohit Bhalshod Teck Moh Phey Matteo Chiampo Group Full Stack Developer Electronics intern On-board Advisor On-board Advisor

  10. For more information please contact: Thank You email: tel: +65 8284 8214 visit:

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