aha plus

aha plus Recognition Schem es for Youth Activities Background - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

aha plus Recognition Schem es for Youth Activities Background Background How do we invite young people to becom e active citizens? Objectives Objectives aha plus is designed to strengthen young people and volunteering as an im portant

  1. aha plus Recognition Schem es for Youth Activities

  2. Background

  3. Background How do we invite young people to becom e active citizens?

  4. Objectives

  5. Objectives aha plus is designed to strengthen young people and volunteering as an im portant long term factor of life quality in our region.

  6. Stakeholder Engagement

  7. Strategy &Actions Certificate & Reflection Recognition & Nudge

  8. How does aha plus work?

  9. What is aha plus? • Recognition system for young people who actively contribute as volunteers • 12 to 24 years of age • Do voluntary work – earn points – exchange points for rewards • Volunteering Certificate and Xperience Check

  10. www.ahaplus.at

  11. aha plus

  12. Quests

  13. Rewards

  14. Xperiences

  15. Volunteering Certificate

  16. Outcome Voluntary com m itm ent is increasingly perceived in public. Young people are offered opportunities. A wide network of associations has been created.

  17. Outcome Statistic Nov. 2017 – Oct. 2019 317 17 registered associations, organisations, m unicipalities 7.0 .036 young people up to 24 years are registered 7.3 .341 voluntary activities carried out with aha plus 3.0 .047.6 .650 points collected in total

  18. Adaptability There is potential for a know - how transfer on a national and transnational/European level. This can create added value for all the actors involved.

  19. Questions & Discussion
