
Agents Computer Architecture NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta Group - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Evolving Hybrid Time-Shuffled Behavior of Agents Computer Architecture NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta Group Patrick Ediger and Rolf Hoffmann Image Source: (Claudia Lohmann) NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer

  1. Evolving Hybrid Time-Shuffled Behavior of Agents Computer Architecture NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta Group Patrick Ediger and Rolf Hoffmann Image Source: (Claudia Lohmann) NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 1

  2. Motivation Develop efficient GA-based methods that allow to find the optimal local behavior of moving agents .  Hybrid behavior : mixture of different behaviors (strategies)  Is mixing effective?  In which way can we mix it?  Applications with agents  Simulation of “real” worlds  Artificial worlds  Distributed algorithms  Routing ... NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 2

  3. Problem Statement: All-to-All Communication  Given is a 2D-Cellular Automaton (CA) with moving agents.  Initially, the information is distributed mutually exclusive.  All agents shall exchange all their information.  Information is exchanged and propagated when agents meet with a cell in between them. 3 0 1 2 1000 0100 0001 0010 initial information: NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 3

  4. Problem Statement: All-to-All Communication  Given is a 2D-Cellular Automaton (CA) with moving agents.  Initially, the information is distributed mutually C exclusive.  All agents shall exchange all their information.  Information is exchanged and propagated when agents meet with a cell in between them. 3 0 1 2 1000 0100 0001 0010 initial information: 1100 1100 0001 0010 NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 4

  5. Problem Statement: All-to-All Communication  Given is a 2D-Cellular Automaton (CA) with moving agents.  Initially, the information is distributed mutually exclusive.  All agents shall exchange all their information.  Information is exchanged and propagated when agents meet with a cell in between them. 3 0 1 2 1000 0100 0001 0010 initial information: 1100 1100 0001 0010 NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 5

  6. Problem Statement: All-to-All Communication  Given is a 2D-Cellular Automaton (CA) with moving agents.  Initially, the information is distributed mutually exclusive. C  All agents shall exchange all their information.  Information is exchanged and propagated when agents meet with a cell in between them. 3 0 1 2 1000 0100 0001 0010 initial information: 1100 1100 0001 0010 1100 1100 0011 0011 NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 6

  7. Problem Statement: All-to-All Communication  Given is a 2D-Cellular Automaton (CA) with moving agents.  Initially, the information is distributed mutually exclusive.  All agents shall exchange all their information. C  Information is exchanged and propagated when agents meet with a cell in between them. 3 0 1 2 1000 0100 0001 0010 initial information: 1100 1100 0001 0010 1100 1100 0011 0011 1100 1111 0011 1111 NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 7

  8. Problem Statement: All-to-All Communication  Given is a 2D-Cellular Automaton (CA) with moving agents.  Initially, the information is distributed mutually exclusive.  All agents shall exchange all their information.  Information is exchanged and propagated when agents meet with a cell in between them. 3 0 1 2 1000 0100 0001 0010 initial information: 1100 1100 0001 0010 1100 1100 0011 0011 1100 1111 0011 1111 NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 8

  9. Problem Statement: All-to-All Communication  Given is a 2D-Cellular Automaton (CA) with moving agents.  Initially, the information is distributed mutually C exclusive.  All agents shall exchange all their information.  Information is exchanged and propagated when agents meet with a cell in between them. 3 0 1 2 1000 0100 0001 0010 initial information: 1100 1100 0001 0010 1100 1100 0011 0011 1100 1111 0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 9

  10. Problem Statement: All-to-All Communication  Given is a 2D-Cellular Automaton (CA) with moving agents.  Initially, the information is distributed mutually exclusive.  All agents shall exchange all their information.  Information is exchanged and propagated when agents meet with a cell in between them. 3 0 1 2 1000 0100 0001 0010 initial information: 1100 1100 0001 0010 1100 1100 0011 0011 1100 1111 0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 10

  11. Cellular Automata Model: Modeling Moving Agents  Agents are directed: N, E, S, W front cell F reads and copies the agent C F current cell C deletes the agent from itself NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 11

  12. Cellular Automata Model: Extended Neighborhood  Conflict resolution requires an extended neighborhood (Manhattan Distance 2) C F C F Deleting by current cell C and copying by the front cell F must be consistent and thus based on the same information . NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 12

  13. Cellular Automata Model: Modeling Agent Behavior (I)  Agents react on inputs from the neighbor cells.  Agents are controlled by finite state machines (FSM) with limited complexity.  The output of the FSM activates an action, that is checked for conformity.  Turn R ight/ L eft (+ m ove ahead if possible): R , L , Rm , Lm Control Inputs from Check for automaton neighbor cells conformity action (FSM) NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 13

  14. Cellular Automata Model: Modeling Agent Behavior (II)  Decision between the actions Lm , Rm , L and R is defined by a finite state machine (e.g., 6-states). L Rm Lm 5 4 3 x=0 (blocked) R state graph L x=1 (free) L Rm L R Lm R Rm 2 0 1 Lm state table , defining the behavior (algorithm) of an agent, used as genome input x 0 1 state s 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 nextstate, output 1,1 5,0 3,0 4,1 5,1 3,0 1,0 2,1 3,1 4,0 5,1 0,0 s',y action R L R L R L Lm Rm Rm Lm Rm Lm action index used in GA 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 i NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 14

  15. Goal of this particular investigation Develop efficient GA-based methods that allow to find the optimal local behavior of moving agents .  NIDISC 2009  non-hybrid behavior vs. hybrid behavior  hybrid behavior by separately evolving FSMs for subtasks and joining FSMs by time-shuffling  NIDISC 2010  Can hybrid behavior be evolved directly (not separately)?  Is directly evolving more efficient than separately evolving? NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 15

  16. The Time-Shuffling Technique  Time-shuffling exploits the individual abilities of two different algorithms (strategies) by alternating them in time .  FSMs A and B are FSM A used alternately, y A changing every T CA- generations. y  Note that AB ≠ BA enable input x  T can be different for FSM B A and B (T A and T B ) t mod T y B  here: FSM with 6 t mod T states, T varied from 1-600 NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 16

  17. The Problem Set of Initial Configurations  A given set of initial configurations of the environments.  20 environments with 33x33 cells  k = 16 agents placed randomly in the grid with a random direction  Subset A : 10 environments with … A border 0 9  Subset B : 10 environments with … B wrap-around 10 19 NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 17

  18. Types of Evolved Algorithms  From NIDISC 2009:  Z : non-hybrid (one FSM), evolved on entire set (A and B)  XY T : hybrid (two FSMs, one shuffle period), evolved separately (X on subset A, Y on subset B)  New:  UV T : hybrid ( two FSMs , one shuffle period ), evolved directly on entire set (A and B)  U T V T : hybrid ( two FSMs , two shuffle periods ), evolved directly on entire set (A and B) NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 18

  19. Fitness Function  Each FSM is assigned to a certain fitness value F F = 10 5 (16 – a i ) + 10 4 (1 – c) + g  a i : no. of completely informed agents (with bit vector 11…1)  c = 1, if any information was exchanged, else c = 0  g: the number of CA-generations needed to fulfill the task completely (all agents are informed)  Lower values for F indicate a better fitness.  F = s , if the task was solved for the simulated environment. NIDISC 2010, April 19, Atlanta | Computer Architecture Group, Dept. of Computer Science | 19


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