The Corporation of the Municipality of Mississippi Mills Public Works Advisory Committee A regular meeting of the Public Works Advisory Committee was held on April 29, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. at the Municipal Office, Council Chambers. Present: Deputy Mayor Rickey Minnille Absent: Councillor Denzil Ferguson William Boal Larry O’Keefe Jeff Robertson Ken Vallier Heather Baird Harold McPhail Scott Douglas ex-officio Mayor Christa Lowry Staff: Guy Bourgon, Director of Roads and Public Works Cindy Hartwick, Recording Secretary The Director of Roads and Public Works, Guy Bourgon called the meeting to order at 5:30p.m. A. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Moved by Deputy Mayor Minnille Seconded by Councillor Ferguson THAT the agenda be approved. CARRIED B. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST: None C. DELEGATIONS/PRESENTATIONS/TOURS: None D. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None E. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF MINUTES: None F. REPORTS: None G. INFORMATION/CORRESPONDENCE: None PAGE 1 Public Works Advisory Committee – April 29, 2019 Page 1 of 3
H. OTHER/NEW BUSINESS: 1. Selection of Committee Chair Moved by Councillor Ferguson Seconded by Deputy Mayor Minnille THAT Larry O’Keefe is appointed as chair of the Public Works Advisory Committee for 2019. CARRIED 2. Pakenham Pedestrian Crossovers The Director of Roads and Public Works presented the Pakenham Pedestrian Crossovers to the Advisory Committee that was presented to Council previously. The Director of Roads and Public Works indicated he had received a petition from the Business owners in Pakenham in support of the bump outs and pedestrian crossovers. Moved by William Boal Seconded by Heather Baird THAT the Public Works Advisory Committee have more time to review the Pakenham Pedestrian Crossovers and meet again in one weeks’ time to discuss further. CARRIED 3. Paterson Street pedestrian crossover The Director of Roads and Public Works reviewed the current pedestrian crossover. ACTION: The Director will look at the stop signs at the intersection of Paterson and Tatra Street, as it was indicated by Committee members that they were hard to see. He will also look at the possibility of having ladder crosswalks painted at this intersection for improved visibility. Moved by Deputy Mayor Minnille Seconded by Councillor Ferguson THAT the Public Works Advisory Committee recommends that Council explore the option of having Community Safety Zones on Paterson Street in Almonte and County Road 29 in Pakenham; AND FURTHERMORE THAT the Committee recommends that no further action be taken with respect to the installation of additional pedestrian facilities on Paterson Street until such time as the construction at the school and of the sidewalk in front of the school is completed and pedestrian travel is monitored for the 2019-2020 school year to determine if any safety issues remain with the constructed configuration. CARRIED – MOTION PREPARED PAGE 2 Public Works Advisory Committee – April 29, 2019 Page 2 of 3
4. Alternative options for waste diversion The Committee was asked to think about some options to be discussed further at the June meeting. I. MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS: Monday, May 6, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. Municipal Office, Council Chamber. Monday, June 24, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. Ramsay Garage, Meeting Room. J. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Councillor Ferguson Seconded by Scott Douglas The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. CARRIED ___________________________________ Recording Secretary PAGE 3 Public Works Advisory Committee – April 29, 2019 Page 3 of 3
2019‐05‐16 Pa ke nha m Pe de stria n Cro sswa lks Pre pa re d b y: Vo lunte e rs o f the Pub lic Wo rks Adviso ry Co mmitte e Ma y 6, 2019 F unda me nta l Ag re e me nts T ra ffic c a lming me a sure s a re lo ng o ve rdue Co mmunity Gro ups tha t we re c o nsulte d se e pe de stria n c ro sswa lks a s a prio rity F unda me nta l Ob je c tio n Building Bump Outs in c o njunc tio n with Cro ss Wa lks 1
2019‐05‐16 Co nc e rns I de ntifie d Spe c ific to Bump Outs T ruc ks tra nspo rting g a s, a g ric ulture e q uipme nt a nd g o o ds c a nno t g ua ra nte e the y will sta y within the a llo wa b le turning ra dii T he de sig n pre se nte d re a lize s tha t la rg e fa rm e q uipme nt, g ra in ha uling B- T ra in truc ks a nd tra nspo rts will in a ll pro b a b ility drive o ve r the Bump Out; in fa c t the pro po se d de sig n ha s use d a mo unta b le c urb to ma ke it e a sie r to do so Pe de stria ns will ha ve a fa lse se nse o f se c urity while sta nding o n a Bump Out c o nside ring a truc k turning rig ht ha s limite d visib ility o n the rig ht side while the tra ile r is c utting a c ro ss the Bump Out As a g ric ultura l b usine sse s e vo lve , the ma c hine ry is g e tting la rg e r F a rme rs a nd de live ry tra nspo rts in the a re a a re pa ssing thro ug h the inte rse c tio n 12 mo nths a ye a r; the lo c a l g a s sta tio n re c e ive s fue l de live ry b y tra nspo rt tra ile r we e kly Co nc e rns re g a rding a dditio na l winte r ma inte na nc e L a na rk Co unty a nd Mississippi Mills c o uld b e o pe n to po te ntia l lia b ility issue s if infra struc ture do e s no t me e t the a ppro pria te c o de s Co nc e rns I de ntifie d Spe c ific to Bump Outs Curb E xte nsio n Guide line s fro m the City o f T o ro nto ; dra ws into q ue stio n the le g itima c y o f b uilding b ump o uts with mo unta b le c urb s 2
2019‐05‐16 Co nc e rns I de ntifie d Spe c ific to Bump Outs Bump Out de sig n wa s b a se d o n Ministry o f T ra nspo rt Pe de stria n Cro ssing s F a c ilitie s Bo o k 15 g uide line s pa g e 41 c le a rly sta te s tha t c urb e xte nsio ns o r Bump Outs sho uld no t b e use d whe re the re is c o nc e rn fo r la rg e ve hic le s driving o ve r the pe de stria n sta g ing a re a ; the pro po se d de sig n is a dire c t c o ntra ve ntio n to Bo o k 15 de sig n sta nda rd 3
2019‐05‐16 Othe r Optio ns Co nside re d - no t Ado pte d Pe de stria n sto p lig ht simila r to Otta wa Stre e t F ully sig na lize d inte rse c tio n All wa y sto p 4
2019‐05‐16 Optio ns to Co nside r fo r T ra ffic Ca lming Cre a te sa fe ty zo ne b y Pa ke nha m E S E xte nd sa fe ty zo ne thro ug h villa g e I nsta ll a uto ma tic spe e d re a ding sig ns 5
2019‐05‐16 Ra da r Spe e d Sig ns PWAC Pro po se d Optio ns I nsta ll full width Cro ss Wa lks I mple me nt Onta rio T ra ffic Ma nua l T ype B PXO; Bo o k 15 Cre a te a Sa fe ty Zo ne o n Co unty Ro a d 29 thro ug h the Villa g e o f Pa ke nha m I nsta ll ra da r spe e d indic a to rs o n Co unty Ro a d 29 6
2019‐05‐16 PWAC Pro po se d Cro ss Wa lk Optio n PWAC Re c o mme nde d Optio n 7
2019‐05‐16 E xisting Cro ss Wa lk o n Ba y Hill Be ne fits o f PWAC Re c o mme nda tio ns De sig n will b e in a c c o rda nc e with re q uire d sta nda rds a nd spe c ific a tio ns Pe de stria n sa fe ty will b e ma ximize d T he inte rse c tio ns will func tio n fo r a ll ve hic le s a nd pe de stria ns Ca lming me a sure s will re duc e spe e ding thro ug h the Villa g e Co st sa ving s will b e re a lize d 8
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