ag reef program water quality grants what are the grants

AG Reef Program Water Quality Grants What are the Grants For? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AG Reef Program Water Quality Grants What are the Grants For? Financial assistance to growers to implement best management practices that reduce nutrient reduce pesticide delivery to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Sliding Scale for

  1. AG Reef Program Water Quality Grants

  2. What are the Grants For? Financial assistance to growers to implement best management practices that • reduce nutrient • reduce pesticide delivery to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon.

  3. Sliding Scale for Sugarcane Funding • All Reef Water Quality Grants within the Burdekin Sugarcane program are capped at $24,000 • Available funding rates are recorded on the following sliding scale based on water quality and private benefit outcomes and will be funded at applicable rate up to the cap amount • Reef Water Quality Grants will fund applicable B Class practices (Best management practice for water quality) from the ABCD Framework for Sugarcane Growers – Burdekin Region 2013 • A Class practices (Cutting Edge/Innovation) will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. The table below identifies the funding rates available (Grant $: Farmer contribution) based on expected water quality outcomes and private benefit of practices within the B class practice category of the ABCD Framework for Sugarcane Growers – Burdekin Region 2013.

  4. Management practice changes that fit within the yellow area will be supported by water quality improvement grants. Management practice changes within the blue area will be supported through extension and training. WATER QUALITY H/L H/M H/H 50:50 45:55 0:100 M/L M/M M/H 40:60 30:70 0:100 L/L L/M L/H 0:100 0:100 0:100 PRIVATE BENEFIT

  5. When identifying management practices that will be eligible for Reef Water Quality Grant funding, the following table is to be used in conjunction with the ABCD Framework for Sugarcane Growers – Burdekin Region 2013 . Refer to full ABCD Framework for detail on B Class Practice categories Grant $:farmer WQ contribution $ Private Benefit 50:50 1.1 Nutrient rates H L 0:100 L H 1.2 Planning 40:60 M L 1.3 Timing 40:60 M L 1.4 Placement 0:100 1.5 Calibration L H 40:60 2.1 Use of residuals M L 40:60 2.2 Chemical rates/application M L 40:60 2.3 Timing M L 0:100 M H 2.4 Calibration 0:100 L H 2.5 Planning 0:100 L H 3.1 Row spacing & guidance 0:100 3.2 Plant cane establishment L M 0:100 3.3 Ratoons L M 0:100 3.4 Fallow L M 0:100 3.5 Ameliorants L H 0:100 L L 3.6 Trash utilisation 0:100 L L 3.7 Headlands 50:50 H L 4.1 Matching water use to crop requirement 0:100 L H 4.2 Scheduling 0:100 4.3 Furrow shape & length L H 45:55 4.4 Runoff management H M 0:100 4.5 Timing L H 0:100 M H 4.6 Irrigation application efficiencies (%)* 0:100 M H All farm records 0:100 L H Those things that are not fundable are supported by extension

  6. How to Do a Quality Application? • By understanding which practice changes represent best practice, and ensuring your application fits the practice change is the best way to ensure success. • Of course innovative practice changes (perhaps better than best current practice) may also be eligible).

  7. Reef Rescue Success- Load Reductions 2009-2013 DIN 260.7 tonnes per year PSII Herbicides 275.6 kg per year


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