5D: Assessment for Student Learning Prompt: What is standing out to you about Assessment for Student Learning? 2
Learning Targets & Success Criteria 1) UNDERSTAND how Assessment for Learning (AFL) strategies can be used to improve student achievement *Assessment for Learning (AFL): Daily formative assessment that involves students in the process and focuses on improving learning, rather than simply measuring it ❏ I can IDENTIFY 7 AFL strategies and EXPLAIN their impact on Envision Academy’s 4-year college acceptance results. 3
Learning Targets & Success Criteria 2) LEARN more about one AFL strategy and CREATE a plan to implement AFL in your classroom/school/district ❏ I can SELF-ASSESS which AFL strategy I want to start working on in my classroom/school/district and justify with evidence ❏ I can HIGHLIGHT and ANNOTATE significant quotes in an article on one AFL strategy ❏ I can CREATE a plan/timeline that includes: 4
6 Collect evidence of learning
7 AFL Strategies Where am Where am How can I going? I now? I close the gap? 1. Learning Target: Engage 3. Feedback: Collect 5. Small Group Instruction: Ss in a clear, student-friendly evidence of student learning Design lessons to focus on learning target & offer descriptive feedback one aspect of quality at a in the moment time FALL Spring 2014-15 2013-14 2013-14 2. Exemplars: Use models of 4. Self-Assess: Teach Ss to 6. Revision : Teach Ss focused proficient and emerging set goals & self-assess revision 2014-15 work FALL FALL 2014-15 2013-14 2013-14 7. Student-Ownership: Engage Ss in self-reflection, FALL tracking & sharing learning 2014-15 FALL 2014-15 7
Envision Academy 4-Year College Acceptance Results FRL Latino AA Multi White SPED Demographics 77% 46% 34% 15% 3% 10% AFL Year 2 AFL Year 1 8
Learning Targets & Success Criteria 1) UNDERSTAND how Assessment for Learning (AFL) strategies can be used to improve student achievement ❏ I can IDENTIFY 7 AFL strategies and EXPLAIN their impact on Envision Academy’s 4-year college acceptance results. 9
Self-Assess: Evaluate AFL Strategies 10
Differentiated Readings X (Facilitator) General AFL: General AFL: Learning Exemplars Motivational - Focus on the Targets The Why 3 Questions (LTs and Feedback) Feedback Small Group Small Group Instruction: Instruction: Setting up Teaching & systems/ Learning in the management Small Group 11
Learning Targets & Success Criteria 2) LEARN more about one AFL strategy and CREATE a plan to implement AFL in your classroom/school/district ❏ I can SELF-ASSESS which AFL strategy I want to start working on in my classroom/school/district and justify with evidence ❏ I can HIGHLIGHT and ANNOTATE significant quotes in an article on one AFL strategy ❏ I can CREATE a plan/timeline that includes: 12
13 Collect evidence of learning
Best Practices Modeled ● 14
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