The Initial Bubble Size Required to Aerate Water, to Achieve 95% Transfer of Available Oxygen. Bubble Initially Contains Air 70
The BOD Curve. (a) Normal Curve for Oxidation of Organic Matter (b) The Influence of Nitrification 73
Translation of Clean to Dirty Water Oxygen Transfer Rates * T 20 ( C C ) ( ) 20 L OTR ( SOTR )( ) f * C 20 K ( field ) La Where K ( cleanwater ) La C * ( field ) C * ( clean water ) * C s T * C s 20 P d P w e v b 20 P d P s w e v 20 and K T 20 La ( T ) K La ( 20 ) 74
APPLICATION TO PROCESS CONDITIONS • dC L OTR V f dt Pr ocess * K . a C C V L f f L * K . a ( C C ) OTR L f f L f * SOTR K . a . C L 20 20 OTE f SOTE T 20 * ( C C ) 20 L * C 20 75
NOMENCLATURE OTR f Oxygen transfer rate under process (field) conditions [kg / h] SOTR Standard Oxygen Transfer rate at 20 O C, 1 atm and 100% relative humidity [kg/h] Wastewater Correction factor for oxygen transfer coefficient [-] Wastewater correction factor for oxygen saturation [-] Temperature correction factor for oxygen saturation [-] Pressure correction factor for oxygen saturation [-] Temperature correction factor for oxygen transfer coefficient [-] C L Bulk liquid phase oxygen concentration [mg / L] * C Clean water oxygen saturation at diffuser depth submergence and 20 O C [mg/L] 20 76
C * Dissolved oxygen saturation concentration [mg/L] C * Surface saturation concentration at temperature T [mg/L] ST * Surface saturation concentration at temperature 20 o C [9.09 mg / L] C S 20 Absolute temperature [ O K] T Oxygen transfer coefficient [h -1 ] K La Oxygen transfer coefficient at temperature T [h -1 ] K LaT Oxygen transfer coefficient at temperature 20 O C [h -1 ] K La20 P b Barometric Pressure [k Pa] Vapor pressure at temperature 20 O C [k Pa] P V20 P S Standard barometric pressure [101.325 k Pa] d e Effective saturation depth at infinite time [m] w Specific weight of water [N/m 3 ] 77
RHEOLOGICAL QUALITIES OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE FROM MCASP • The parameter viscosity is unsuitable for comprehensively describing the flow qualities of activated sludge • The representative viscosity at a shear rate of 23 s -1 is approximately 10 times greater than the representative viscosity at a shear rate of 1,200 s -1 • The activated sludge from MCASP plants show a pseudo plastic behavior 80
OXYGEN INPUT H ΔM π . d 2 . k (C C ) . s O B L L U 2 B . . ΔM M N . B O O 2 2 . 6 . V . k .H L G (C C ) S L d . U B B . d C ρ 1 M . M . L w d C O w 2 t d C K . K . dt K.dt L (C C B L, W ) s L d C C K . t L (C C ) C S L O C ln C C K. t L , L S C O L 90
OXYGEN INPUT (Contd.) for C O Oxygen free tank L , O kt C C [ 1 e ] L S Where : 6 . k ~ L K Bubble size B d . U B B . H V ~ G K Mean velocity of air supply into L , W V w the overall area of water tank 91
OXYGEN MASS TRANSFER EFFICIENCY . M • k O O η g 2 2 O E kWh 2 • V w K . K . (C C ) s , B L W E L • C η s ( ) . K max O B . g 2 w • U B f (one bubble follows the other without any distance) max d B • 1/3 O d 3.236 D (for water at 20 C) B N • Aeration systems using fine bubbles should be considered advantageous (for water). • Systems for the aeration of wastewater must be considered insufficient if they cannot produce a minimum oxygen input per unit time required for wastewater biology, regardless of their respective transfer efficiency. • 92 CONCLUSION The aeration systems used today have a considerable potential for further development from the point of view of increase in the oxygen input in relation to the energy required.
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